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Mistletoe Reunion Threat

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He slowed as they approached the house and he memorized the layout as he passed it. The garage door was closed. All the window blinds were down. The house seemed dark, but Garrett noticed a faint light in the kitchen window. It wasn’t unusual even this close to midnight, but it caught his attention. He scanned the area looking for suspicious cars or activity that might indicate that whoever was after Ashlynn had either followed them there or was waiting for them.

“That’s his house,” Ashlynn stated, pointing. “You just passed Stephen’s house.”

He sped up and turned, circling the block. “I know. I’m checking out the area first.”

“Oh.” She glanced out the windshield and tried to see something. “Do you see anything?”

“No. Everything looks clear.” He wished they had stopped by his house first so he could grab his gun bag. The only weapon he had on him was the pistol he always carried. He didn’t like to walk into any situation unprepared. Ashlynn didn’t believe her ex could be involved, but Garrett had seen too many relationships go bad to take anything for granted. “I see a light coming from the side window. Looks like he might be up.” But was he awake because he was hiding his son in the house or because he was concerned about the shooting gone wrong at his former home?

Garrett parked several houses down and got out. He placed his arm on her elbow as they approached the house. She headed for the front door, but he stopped her.

“We’re not going in that way.”

“Why not?”

“Ashlynn, we have to make sure he isn’t in on this. I want to know what’s going on inside that house before we enter. If he’s involved, he might have Jacob inside.”

He moved quietly around the side until they reached the back. He glanced in through a window. The kitchen was dark except for a light above the sink, but Stephen Morris sat at the table poring over his laptop. Garrett pushed Ashlynn behind him then found a stick and used it to scratch against the back door. He watched Stephen react to the sound. Stephen stood and glanced out the window but Garrett pushed Ashlynn down so they wouldn’t be seen. He heard the locks on the door unlatch and knew Stephen was coming out to investigate. Garrett readied his weapon and when the door opened, he leaped forward and pushed Stephen back into the house, his gun raised and aimed at the man’s head. Stephen stumbled backward, his hands up in a surrendering manner until he saw Ashlynn enter behind Garrett.

She rushed past him and ran toward the bedrooms, calling her son’s name. She reappeared several moments later, disappointment coloring her face. “He’s not here.”

Stephen’s eyes rounded in surprise as he stared at her, then anger set in. “Of course he’s not here. I wish he was. The police have already been here and filled me in on what’s happened.” His eyes bored into hers. “I knew working that job in the DA’s office would bring nothing but trouble. It’s already destroyed our marriage. Now it’s taken our son.”

“Did you have anything to do with that, Stephen?”

He sighed. “No, Ashlynn, of course not. How could you think I could be involved?”

Garrett motioned for Stephen to sit down at the table and he put away the gun. He pulled the laptop to him and examined the screen. Stephen Morris appeared to be looking up only investment statistics. It seemed an odd thing to focus on when your child was missing, but other than that it didn’t strike him as a suspicious activity. Perhaps he was merely trying to keep his mind off his missing child.

It was looking more and more possible that he wasn’t involved, and Garrett was glad. He would hate to believe Ashlynn had been betrayed again by someone she thought cared for her.

But then who had Jacob, and why?

Ashlynn sat down and her shoulders slumped, defeated. He knew she hadn’t really thought her ex was involved, but it must be hitting her hard that Jacob wasn’t here. At least if he’d been with his father, she would know he wasn’t in any danger. She no longer had that assurance. The lack of a ransom request after all these hours didn’t bode well for Jacob’s safe homecoming. Kidnappers who didn’t want a ransom generally had no intention of returning the child. That meant finding him soon became much more urgent for his safety.

Garrett faced Stephen Morris and got down to business. “Someone is targeting your ex-wife and son, Stephen. Family can be a powerful weapon to use against a person. What are you into?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m not into anything.” Stephen grew a little more confident and gave Garrett a harsh look. “Who are you, anyway?”

“I’m an old friend of your wife’s and I’m the one who is going to find out what’s going on here.”

Stephen looked at Ashlynn. “You have to believe me. I have no idea why someone would be doing this to us. It must have something to do with one of your cases.”

She closed her eyes against his accusation. Garrett knew she was already worrying that her job could have made her son a target. She didn’t need Stephen reminding her. A tear slipped from her eye. She wiped it away before rushing to the bathroom.

Garrett gave him a long, hard stare, not liking the accusation he’d hurled at Ashlynn. “The police are sifting through her files and following up on that. We’re looking into different angles.”

“I’m telling you I had nothing to do with this. I want to find Jacob and bring him home.”

“Ashlynn told me you’re suing for custody. If you thought you might lose, that’s a good motive to have her killed.”

Stephen shook his head. “I’ve already decided to drop that suit. I called my attorney this afternoon. I hoped Ashlynn and I could work this out between ourselves.”

“That’s convenient. You drop the custody suit and suddenly Jacob goes missing.”

“I’ve already told you I had nothing to do with that. I would never hurt Jacob. I’ve helped raise him these past three years. I love him like he’s my own child.” He fidgeted uncomfortably in his chair but his words had a feel of truth to them.

But one point struck Garrett as odd. “When you say you love him like he’s your own child, are you implying that Jacob isn’t your biological son?”

Stephen nodded. “Jacob was already born when Ashlynn and I got married, but that doesn’t mean he’s not my son. He is.”

Garrett looked toward the closed door where she’d disappeared as a rush of thoughts flooded him. If it was true that Ashlynn’s ex wasn’t the father of her child...who was?

* * *

Ashlynn went to the bedroom Stephen had fixed up for Jacob. The boy loved being here and Stephen was a good father. She picked up one of the stuffed animals on the bed and hugged it to herself. Where was Jacob right now? She couldn’t help wondering if he was safe. Was he crying for her? Shame and guilt filled her. She should have been there for him.

That’s why her marriage had broken down, too. Stephen had told her she spent too much time worrying about work and not about him. He’d called her obsessed and maybe he was right.

She’d always hated the injustice of the world, mostly because in her childhood she’d been a victim of life. She’d made a vow to herself that she would provide a better life for her child, and while she hadn’t gotten off to a good start—his own father hadn’t wanted him—she had mostly succeeded.

Jacob would never have to worry about the lights being turned off for lack of payment or going hungry because his father spent all their grocery money on booze. Yes, Stephen had been a good husband and father. He’d provided for them well, and still did. Yet she hadn’t been able to keep it all together for him and he’d obviously sensed it and felt alienated. She’d never loved Stephen the way he’d wanted her to, and she knew the reason was standing in his kitchen right now.

The connection she’d shared with Garrett could never be topped. She’d done a disservice to Stephen by marrying him when she couldn’t forget Garrett, but she’d done what she’d thought was best for her baby at the time. She’d given him the father who wanted him and could provide a good life for him. And she had loved Stephen and been hurt when he’d left her, although that pain had been nothing like she’d felt when Garrett walked away.

Indignation bristled through her at that reminder. She would never allow him to hurt Jacob. She may need him, even be grateful to him, for helping her find Jacob, but once her son was home safely, Garrett Lewis could not be a part of their lives.

* * *

Garrett scanned the living room, looking at photos that were all around. A large Christmas tree that looked flawlessly decorated stood in the corner. Not an ornament was out of place. It looked too picture-perfect for a house with a four-year-old and he doubted Stephen Morris had done the job himself. His gaze landed on the mantel and pictures depicting happier times with Stephen, Ashlynn and Jacob—a trip to Niagara Falls, a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower, Jacob’s second birthday party, complete with cake and candles and Billie the Bear, a franchise he recognized as a local favorite for kids.

He turned away from the photos. They were painful to look at. That should have been him with Ashlynn and only his foolishness had prevented it. Letting her go had been one of his greatest mistakes, but at the same time he knew it had been for the best. He hadn’t been seriously injured in the ambush that took the lives of many of his friends, but it had shattered his life in ways he was still discovering.

Only Colton had escaped physically unscathed, although Garrett knew he’d carried emotional wounds deep inside him until he’d met Laura Jackson recently and found a reason to believe in life again. Garrett missed the times he and Colton had spent working together after leaving the rangers, just the two of them on privately funded search-and-rescue missions. After Colton had hung up his gear and retired to ranch life, the solitude had quickly turned to loneliness for Garrett.

That was when his friend and former Ranger buddy Josh Adams had heard about the opening at the local police agency and all his ranger friends had encouraged him to take the job. Garrett was glad he’d finally relented. He enjoyed the camaraderie with others and enjoyed putting his skills in action in a way that didn’t always have to put his life in danger. Only a few days ago, he’d convinced himself he was content with his life now, but seeing Ashlynn, hearing her voice and having her need him, had sent him once again into a tailspin. And having evidence of her perfect life before him in high-quality photos didn’t make it any easier. Ashlynn might now be single, but he’d done too much to ever be worthy of a woman like her.

“Are you him?” Stephen asked from the doorway, causing Garrett to startle. “Are you the one who broke her heart?”

Heat rose in his face as he realized Stephen Morris had just managed to sneak up on him, all because he’d had Ashlynn on his mind.

“She never got over it,” Stephen continued. “I tried to make it work between us. I thought she would learn to love me the way I loved her, but that never happened. I just wish she could have—”

Suddenly, a shot rang out. Garrett ducked, reaching for his gun as he watched the bullet burst through the glass in the window and slam into Stephen’s chest. The force of it knocked Stephen from his feet, tossing him backward. He landed on the edge of the sofa then slid to the floor, the life draining from him in a matter of moments.

THREE (#uf4f157b4-1402-52ed-aaf8-9b119966b501)

Ashlynn ran into the room at the sound of the shot. She saw Stephen on the floor and called out his name, trying to reach him. Garrett grabbed her around the waist and threw her to the floor. Whoever had made that shot was still out there and Garrett was certain he or Ashlynn would be his next target.
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