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Critical Reflections on Nuclear and Renewable Energy. Environmental Protection and Safety in the Wake of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

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The Fukushima nuclear incident made people ponder and question nuclear safety again, resulting in decisions by certain countries to phase out nuclear power completely. Is this the right decision? Are there better ways to deal with this important issue of the 21th century? The book analyses the pros and cons of a spectrum of energies, ranging from petroleum, coal, gas to water, solar and wind energies as well as nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear incident in 2011. It maintains that we should look at nuclear energy from a rational point of view instead of being influenced by emotions or politicians’ arguments. The book also examines policies that concern science and technology, energy resources, environmental protection and occupational safety, emphasizing the need to deepen the general populace’s understanding of the concept of reliability.
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