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If the Stiletto Fits...

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Kristin shook her head in disgust. “Men are whacked.”

“It’s no wonder we’re not all married and knocked up on a regular basis,” Gwen said dryly.

Lily raised her eyebrows, the picture of a blown-up Gwen zipping laughingly before her eyes. “You pregnant? Ha!”

“Maybe someday,” Gwen said.

“You’re not very maternal, girl,” Kristin pointed out.

“You kill plants,” Lily said.

“And pets,” Kristin added.

“One fish.” Eyes narrowed, Gwen raised her finger. “One lousy, stupid beta fish, and you guys think I’m a killer.”

“Well, you can’t deny your place is a grave for any kind of fern, ivy or ficus tree,” Lily said.

“I can’t help it if people keep giving them to me.” She pointed at Lily. “In fact, you gave me the last green thing.”

“Along with fertilizer and very specific instructions. I still don’t know how you managed to kill it in less than a week.”

“I would have thrown myself off the balcony the first day,” Kristin said without meeting Gwen’s gaze. “Less suffering that way.”

Gwen crossed her arms over her chest. “Since when did this become a ‘let’s pick on Gwen’ party?” She snapped her fingers. “Let’s get back on topic, people.”

Lily pushed out her lip. “I don’t want to talk about Brian anymore.”

“I agree,” Kristin said. “What a jerk.”

“Then we move on to James.” Gwen met Lily’s gaze. “How much time have you got?”

“Three months.”

“Three months! What happened to giving two weeks’ notice?”

“James plans ahead,” Lily said. And she didn’t. Yet another reason she absolutely couldn’t let him go. She really wished she could set aside the clawing fear that she was going to fall flat on her face if James left, but the dread in the pit of her stomach just wouldn’t subside.

“Okay, so we’ve got some time to convince him to stay,” Kristin said.

Gwen kicked off her shoes and tucked her feet beneath her. “Just sleep with him.”

Kristin toasted Gwen with her half-empty wine-glass. “Sounds like a plan. He’s dreamy.”

Lily stared down at her friend. “Dreamy? James?”

Kristin batted her lashes. “He’s got great eyes.”

“And a great ass,” Gwen added.

Had she been asleep for the last nine months? “Since when are you two checking out my assistant?”

Gwen smiled. “Since the moment he got here.”

Lily fluffed up the pillow behind her head. “I’m not sleeping with him.” Not that James was completely un-sleep-with material. She just didn’t think a) he’d go for it, or b) that he’d be fooled for a second by her sudden amorousness. “I could throw a fit.”

Kristin giggled. “I bet you already did that.”

“I might have raised my voice,” Lily said indignantly, even as Gwen snorted with laughter. “But Connecticut, Kris! Why would anyone want to live in Connecticut?”

“It’s peaceful and elegant. Lots of nice estates and quaint towns.”

“I guess they have some great restaurants,” Gwen said. “You can get a kick-butt chowder—”

“You two are not helping.”

“What have you got against a whole state?” Gwen asked, reaching over to pull the wine from the ice bucket.

“They…they have…cows.”

Gwen rolled her eyes.

“How about I come up with a list of cons for why he shouldn’t leave? James is into lists.”

Kristin pursed her lips. “Hmm. Like what?” She patted Lily’s leg. “Other than the obvious fact that he’s losing you.”

“The pulse and excitement of the city, for one,” Lily said.

“But you said he wants peace and quiet,” Gwen reminded her.

“We have peace in the city,” Lily said. “What the hell do you think Central Park’s for?”

“And the Met,” Kristin added. “Culture, refinement, tourists whispering and pointing at the Van Goghs.” She paused. “Okay, maybe not.”

Lily glared at her friends. “Hel-lo! The theater, the clubs, the restaurants, the shopping, Bloomingdale’s, Tiffany, Henri Bendel—”

“I sincerely doubt James will mourn the loss of Henri Bendel,” Gwen said.

“Cosmetics and accessories are probably not his thing,” Kristin agreed.

But Lily grinned. “I’ve got it. The Yankees.”

Gwen shivered. “Oooh, Derek Jeter.”

“James is a huge Yankee fan,” Lily continued. “I bought him season tickets for his birthday. The games are practically the only time he takes off, and if he can’t go, he follows them on the radio or Internet. Yankee Stadium is quite a commute from Connecticut.”

Kristin gestured with her glass. “Oh, that’s good. Love these, by the way.” She picked up the silver sandal Lily had kicked off earlier.

Tears burned in Lily’s throat. “I’ll never design another pair once he leaves.”
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