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Handbook of Industrial Inkjet Printing. A Full System Approach

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Unique in its integration of individual topics to achieve a full-system approach, this book addresses all the aspects essential for industrial inkjet printing. After an introduction listing the industrial printing techniques available, the text goes on to discuss individual topics, such as ink, printheads and substrates, followed by metrology techniques that are required for reliable systems. Three iteration cycles are then described, including the adaptation of the ink to the printhead, the optimization of the ink to the substrate and the integration of machine manufacturing, monitoring, and data handling, among others. Finally, the book summarizes a number of case studies and success stories from selected areas, including graphics, printed electronics, and 3D printing as well a list of ink suppliers, printhead manufacturers and integrators. Practical hints are included throughout for a direct hands-on experience. Invaluable for industrial users and academics, whether ink developers or mechanical engineers, and working in areas ranging from metrology to intellectual property.
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