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How to Form a Library, 2nd ed

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Professor Skeat commenced the publication of his indispensable "Etymological Dictionary of the English Language" (Clarendon Press) in 1879, and in 1884 he produced a second edition. In 1882 Professor Skeat published "A Concise Etymological Dictionary," which is something more than an abridgment, and a book which should find a place in all libraries of reference.

A Glossarial Index to the Printed English Literature of the Thirteenth Century. By H. Coleridge. London, 1859. 8vo. This was one of the earliest publications which grew out of the preparations for the great Philological Society's Dictionary. Stratmann's Dictionary of the Old English Language (third edition, Krefeld, 1878) is an indispensable work. A new edition, prepared by Mr. H. Bradley, is about to be issued by the Clarendon Press.

Of single volume Dictionaries, Mr. Hyde Clarke's "New and Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language as spoken and written" in Weale's Educational Series (price 3s. 6d.) is one of the most valuable. I have time after time found words there which I have searched for in vain in more important looking Dictionaries. Mr. Clarke claims that he was the first to raise the number of words registered in an English Dictionary to 100,000.

The Rev. James Stormonth's "Dictionary of the English Language, Pronouncing, Etymological, and Explanatory," is a work of great value. It is so well arranged and printed that it becomes a pleasure to consult it.

Those who are interested in Dialects will require all the special Dictionaries which have been published, and these may be found in the Bibliography now being compiled by the English Dialect Society, but those who do not make this a special study will be contented with "A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Fourteenth Century, by J.O. Halliwell" (fifth edition, London, 1865, 2 vols. 8vo.), which is well-nigh indispensable to all. Nares's Glossary (1822-46, new edition, by J.O. Halliwell and T. Wright, 2 vols. 8vo. 1859) is also required by those who make a study of Old English Literature.

The following is a short indication of some of the most useful working Dictionaries:


Greek.—Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, both in 4to. and in abridged form in square 12mo.

Latin.—The Clarendon Press publish a Latin Dictionary founded on Andrews's edition of Freund, and edited by C.T. Lewis and C. Short, which is of great value. Smith's Dictionary, both the large edition and the smaller one, and that of Riddle are good.

French.—The Dictionaries of Fleming and Tibbins, and Spiers, keep up their character, but for idioms the International French and English Dictionary of Hamilton and Legros is the best. For smaller Dictionaries Cassell's is both cheap and good. Bellows's Pocket Dictionary has obtained considerable fame, but those who use it need a good eyesight on account of the smallness of the type. It is, however, beautifully printed. The Standard French Dictionaries of that language alone are the noble work of Littré and the excellent Dictionary of Poitevin (2 vols. 4to.). For early French Godefroy's elaborate work, which is now in progress, must be consulted.

German.—Fluegel's German and English Dictionary still holds its own, but Koehler's Dictionary is also excellent. Hilpert's and Lucas's Dictionaries, both good ones, are now out of print. Of Standard German Dictionaries Grimm's great work is still in progress. Sanders's Dictionary is also of great value.

Danish and Norwegian.—The Dictionary by Ferrall, Repp, Rosing and Larsen is good.

Dutch.—Calisch (2 vols. 8vo. 1875).

Hebrew.—Fuerst, Gesenius.


Italian.—Baretti's Dictionary still keeps up its character, but Millhouse's work is also good.



Sanscrit.—Monier Williams. Boehtlingk and Roth.


Spanish.—Neumann and Baretti, and also Velasquez.


Drama.—Biographia Dramatica; or a Companion to the Playhouse … originally compiled in the year 1764 by David Erskine Baker, continued thence to 1782 by Isaac Reed, and brought down to the end of November, 1811 … by Stephen Jones. London, 1812. 3 vols. 8vo.

–– A Dictionary of Old English Plays existing either in print or in manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century; by James O. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. London, 1860. 8vo.

Drugs.—Pharmacographia: a History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britain and British India. By Friedrich A. Flückiger, Ph.D., and Daniel Hanbury, F.R.S. Second edition. London, 1879. 8vo.

Ecclesiology.—Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. Edited by the Rev. J.H. Blunt, M.A. Second edition. London, 1872. Imp. 8vo.

–– Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. By William Smith, LL.D., and Professor S. Cheatham. London, 1876-80. 2 vols. royal 8vo.

–– Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. Edited by the Rev. John Henry Blunt, M.A. London, 1874. Imp. 8vo.

–– Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, compiled from Ancient Authorities and Examples. By A. Welby Pugin, Architect.... Enlarged and revised by the Rev. Bernard Smith, M.A. Third edition. London, 1868. 4to.

–– A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms. Compiled and arranged by the Rev. Frederick George Lee, D.C.L. London, 1877. Sq. 8vo.

–– See Ritual (#ritual).

Encyclopædias.—The Encyclopædia Britannica, or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature. Ninth edition. Edinburgh, 1875. 4to. Now in course of publication.

–– Encyclopædia Metropolitana, or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge.... London, 1815-41. 26 vols. 4to.

–– Chambers's Encyclopædia. 10 vols. royal 8vo.

–– Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. By W.T. Brande. 1842. New edition, edited by the Rev. J.W. Cox. London, 1866-67. 3 vols. 8vo.

Encyclopædias.—Rees's Cyclopædia (39 vols., plates 6 vols. 1820, 4to.) can be bought excessively cheap, and is well worth a place in a library where room can be found for it, as many of its articles have never been superseded.

–– Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIX

Siècle Français, Historique, Géographique, Mythologique, Bibliographique, Littéraire, Artistique, Scientifique, etc.... Par Pierre Larousse. Paris, 1866-76. 15 vols. 4to. Supplément, tome 16, 1878.

–– Dictionnaire Universel des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts … redigé avec la collaboration d'Auteurs spéciaux par M.N. Bouillet … douzième édition. Paris, 1877. 8vo.

Geography.—A General Dictionary of Geography, descriptive, physical, statistical, historical, forming a complete Gazetteer of the World. By A. Keith Johnston. New edition. London, 1877. 8vo.

–– The Library Cyclopædia of Geography, descriptive, physical, political and historical, forming a New Gazetteer of the World. By James Bryce, M.A. and Keith Johnston. London, 1880. Royal 8vo.

–– Index Geographicus, being a List alphabetically arranged of the principal places on the Globe, with the countries and sub-divisions of the countries in which they are situated and their latitudes and longitudes. Compiled specially with reference to Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas, but applicable to all modern atlases and maps, Edinburgh, 1864. Roy. 8vo.

Geography.—Etymologisch-Geographisches Lexikon. Separat-Ausgabe des lexikalischen Theils der Nomina Geographica von Dr. J.J. Egli. Leipzig, 1880. Royal 8vo.

–– Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, by various writers, edited by Dr. W. Smith. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo.

(Scotland.)—Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland. A Survey of Scottish Topography, statistical, biographical and historical. Edited by Francis H. Groome. Edinburgh, 1884. Vol. 1, roy. 8vo.

(France.)—Santini. Dictionnaire Général … des Communes de France et des Colonies. Paris. 8vo.

–– Dictionnaire des Postes de la République Française. 6

édition. Rennes, 1881. Roy. 8vo.

(Italy.)—Il Libro dé Comuni del Regno d'Italia. Compilato sopra elementi officiali da Achille Moltedo. Napoli, 1873. Roy. 8vo.

(United States.)—The National Gazetteer, a Geographical Dictionary of the United States.... By L. de Colange, LL.D. London, 1884. Roy. 8vo.
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