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Miami After Hours

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Mrs. Wilson showed them the main level of the home, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The Mediterranean home with its whitewashed walls and red tile roof felt open and spacious. Then again, Angela should have known that Daniel represented only exclusive listings.

Eventually, Mrs. Wilson left them to their own devices and Daniel and Angela were able to walk the grounds at their leisure. Their first stop was the private dock.

“What are your thoughts on marketing strategy?” Angela inquired. She could already see the wheels in his mind turning.

Daniel rubbed his square chin. “I’ll bring in Elyse to handle staging. Then we’ll have to get some new photos of the property showcasing this.” He opened his arms, motioning to the stunning water view.

“And the opening?”

“Has to be big,” Daniel said. “It has to make a splash. Out here on the terrace with nothing but the best food and drink. Then I’m thinking maybe even some kind of entertainment, like a well-known artist.”

Angela’s eyes grew wide. “Really? You have that kind of pull?”

“The name Prescott George does.”

“A private concert will certainly get attention.”

Daniel pointed to her. “That’s exactly what we need.”

Later, after they’d said goodbye to Mrs. Wilson—since her husband never materialized—Daniel threw her a curveball.

“Would you be interested in attending a Heat game with me on Friday? I have floor seats to the playoff game against the Charlotte Hornets,” Daniel said. “I’m taking a buyer I’ve been trying to woo.”

“That must have cost you a mint,” Angela murmured. And the minute she said it, she wished she could take it back. It wasn’t her place to comment on Daniel’s finances or how he chose to run his business.

Instead of saying anything to her, he laughed. “Yeah, it did.” Then he told her about the client, Alejandro Rivera. “I’ve been trying to get his business for some time. He owns homes in Chicago, New York, Dallas and LA. Basically every major metropolitan area. Every time he’s in town, I always try to meet up with him for drinks, dinner, tennis, whatever opportunity I can find to get myself in the door. Yet his business has escaped me.”

“He’s playing hard to get.”

“Yes, which is why Friday night is very important. I’m hoping to finally convince him to sign with Cobb.”

“And you’re hoping a little eye candy will help seal the deal?” Angela mused aloud. She wasn’t unaware of her appearance. Men found her attractive. Desired her, even. She’d seen it. Felt it. Except Daniel was doing his best to dismiss his attraction. If he found it so easy to play cool and unaffected, so could she. At least that’s what she told herself.

“You’re a fantastic agent,” Daniel commented, looking sideways at her.

“But it can’t hurt to have a pair of legs with you.”

Her words caused Daniel’s eyes to momentarily stray from the road and travel from her feet, up her legs and her thighs. From his half smile she could tell he liked everything he saw. His heated perusal caused Angela’s pulse to throb, and her breasts thrust forward in the satin bra she wore, making her nipples scream to be touched. Did Daniel even know how hot he was making her with just one glance? Had he noticed her nipples pucker at his gaze?

“No, it can’t, and you have one mighty fine pair,” he finally murmured.

* * *

He shouldn’t have said that. But how could he not? Angela had a killer pair of smooth, sexy legs that went on for miles, and he was not as oblivious to her as he was letting on. He wanted her. His gaze had caught the tiny peaks of her nipples against her blouse, and he wished like hell that he could tongue them. His policy of not cavorting with his employees prevented him from acting on his desire.

“Why, thank you, Daniel,” Angela replied with a grin. “I didn’t think you’d noticed.”

“Oh, I noticed,” he answered honestly just as he pulled his vehicle into the parking spot inside their office building. He’d noticed everything about her, from the curve of her hips to how long her legs were. He kept the engine idling, but shifted in his seat to face her. Her lips were parted. For what? His kiss?

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” Angela said, opening her door. “Oh, and Friday. Where shall I meet you? At the arena?”

“No. I’ve arranged for a limo service for the evening, so I’ll pick you up at your place,” Daniel stated, opening the driver’s-side door.

“Th-that’s really not necessary. I can meet you there.”

He raised his eyes to hers. “It’s no trouble. I’ll pick you up at six. We’ll have dinner at the arena before the game.”

“All right.” Before he could get out another word, she was exiting the passenger seat.

Daniel was happy for it. He’d had a hard time focusing on driving thanks to the view of her legs in that skirt. Just thinking of how the material stretched over her tight bottom had caused his erection to spring forward in his trousers. But it wasn’t all one-sided. Angela did flirt with him. He suspected the attraction simmering between them was about to bubble over.

* * *

Angela stared at her backside in the cheval mirror in her bedroom on Friday night. She knew it was a bold move, but she loved how the red leather skinny jeans made her bum look. And would Daniel love it, as well? Though she would never admit if questioned, she had dressed with him in mind tonight. She’d opted for sexy without trying too hard by covering the leather jeans with a white silk button-down shirt and black pointy-toed heels. She jazzed up her outfit with dangling gold chains around her neck, gold hoops adorning her ears and chunky bangles around her wrists.

Overall, she was pleased with the results. Daniel would be able to see she had curves, but they weren’t all on display. She was just swiping some lip gloss on when her cell phone rang.

It was her mother.

Angela sighed. She wasn’t in the mood for a parental chat right now, but she answered brightly anyway. “Hi, Mama. I was just running out.”

“Surely you have time for your mother.”

Guilt. Why did her mother always have that effect on her? She hadn’t lived at home since she was nineteen and had struck out to travel abroad in Europe. So why did she always feel she was letting her mother down?

“Of course, Mama. We can talk while I finish getting ready.” Angela tucked the phone in the crook of her ear and began applying a thick coat of mascara to her eyelashes.

“Where are you headed to at this hour? I would think you’d be winding down after a long week.”

“Not tonight. I’m going to a Miami Heat game for work.”

Her mother chuckled. “Sounds less like work and more like play.”

Angela disliked the disapproving tone in her mother’s voice, but she wasn’t surprised by it. The Trainors thought that Angela’s career as a real estate agent wasn’t a real job. How could she be successful by showing homes all day?

“It’s a little bit of both. My boss and I are taking a prospective client out for dinner and a game. He’s hoping to wine and dine him so he’ll sign with our firm.”

“I’m sure that’s how the game is played in big business. One hand greases another,” her mother replied.

Her mother just couldn’t resist a put-down.

“Did you want something, Mama?”

“Your sister is going to be coming home in a week for the summer while she’s working on her PhD. I thought it would be a great idea if we planned a welcome-home dinner.”

“Denise hasn’t been gone that long.” Five months, if Angela recalled.

“I know, but we haven’t seen her all year. And it’s not like we see you much now since you started this new position.”
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