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Английский язык ВПР + ОГЭ 2022. Аудирование

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Martin. That’s a great idea! Let’s go to the _________________ center then, before it closes.

Claire. What time is it now?

Martin. It’s a quarter to 9.

Claire. Ok!


Claire. What ________ is it today, Martin?

Martin. It is the first of ___________.

Claire. Are you sure?

Martin. Absolutely. __________ was the last day of spring.

Claire. Then it is aunt Dorothy’s ___________ tomorrow! I’ve completely

forgotten! She ________ born on the 2

of June.

Martin. Don’t worry, Claire! We still have ____________ to buy her a present today. Are we invited to her birthday _______________?

Claire. Of course we are! And this _______________ her birthday is on Sunday, she will have lots of ______________.

Martin. So what does she ___________? Let’s buy her some _________. Or some other __________, maybe ______________?

Claire. Tulips are great. She ____________ roses or ___________.

Martin. What about a ___________ or a bag?

Claire. No, she has a lot of those. Oh! I’ve got it! Her ___________ in the

____________ broke last week. She needs a new one. She loves _____________ and spends a lot of time in the kitchen.

Martin. That’s a great idea! Let’s go to the _________________ center then,

before it closes.

Claire. What time is it now?

Martin. It’s a quarter to 9.

Claire. Ok!


Mother. Wake up Tommy! ________________ to go to _______________!

Tommy. Mummy! ___________________ is the first day of ________________!

Mother. Oh! I’ve completely forgotten! __________________. Go back to _________________ then.

Tommy. Actually, I think I will get up now. The _______________________ looks so nice! I will call Jack and see if he would ____________________ to go to the ________________ with me.

Mother. Jack may still be asleep.

Tommy. Jack is an early ____________________, Mum! He walks his ________________ at 6 in the ______________________ every day!

Mother. All right, then. Why don’t you take your _____________________ or roller _______________________ to the park?.

Tommy. I’d rather take a _______________________. When will we have _____________________ today, Mum? One o’clock?

Mother. No, at half _________________ one. I need to go the _____________________ at 12:30.

Tommy. Does your ___________________ still hurt, Mum? Or is it your ___________________?

Mother. No, I feel fine. I just need a pair of new _________________________.

Tommy. Ok. Oh, Mum? May I have some ___________________ for _______________________? It costs 2 _________________________.

Mother. Here’s a ______________-dollar bill, Tommy, get one for Jack as well.

Tommy. Thanks! I’ll bring the change ________________________!


Mother. Wake up Tommy! ________________ to go to _______________!

Tommy. Mummy! ___________________ is the first day of ________________!

Mother. Oh! I’ve completely forgotten! __________________. Go back to _________________ then.

Tommy. Actually, I think I will get up now. The _______________________ looks so nice! I will call Jack and see if he would ____________________ to go to the ________________ with me.

Mother. Jack may still be asleep.

Tommy. Jack is an early ____________________, Mum! He walks his ________________ at 6 in the ______________________ every day!

Mother. All right, then. Why don’t you take your _____________________ or roller _______________________ to the park?.

Tommy. I’d rather take a _______________________. When will we have _____________________ today, Mum? One o’clock?

Mother. No, at half _________________ one. I need to go the _____________________ at 12:30.

Tommy. Does your ___________________ still hurt, Mum? Or is it your ___________________?
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