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Enjoy, Comprehend, Love. Entering the Spaces of Conscious Love

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Now, having admired the work of the magic wand of delight, we can, together with Alexander Pushkin, admit that, falling in love, we are glad to be deceived, despite the “illness of love in my soul.” It has long been noticed that in life, as in most literary works, the incomprehensible romantic epic of lovers unfolds in a bizarre combination of euphoria of delight and feelings of love illness.

If you do not rush headlong into one extreme or another and do not rush between them, then you can go in two ways: try to find something special, really sprouting from these poles of the crystal sphere of love, or recognize all this as an illusion, deception, a game with a hidden purpose.

The illusions of love were both justified and dispelled by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer: “The pleasure that the other sex gives us, no matter how objective it may seem, is in fact nothing more than a disguised instinct, that is, the spirit of a genus striving to preserve its type.” However, such a conclusion, shared by many gloomy soul types, does not cause any delight, and the fate of love is seen such that it is better for her to die without being born.

It is not surprising that, first of all, poets are ready to indignantly object to this. Recognizing the first part of Schopenhauer’s deduction about the game of nature with a hidden purpose, they delight in this captivating bittersweet illusion and reject its down-to-earth mechanistic part, seeking to discover their secret of all-consuming deception. Then, if we want to see the true reverse side of lovers under the moon, we have to look for other landmarks. It is tempting to exclaim after Vladimir Nabokov: “Oh, love. For your secret I am going back up the stairs of years” and try to get to where “I was only a small comma on the first page of my creation.”

At the same time, I would like to hope that this jump back will only be a swing for a forward throw. Movement in this direction on the big love map is indicated by a series of warning signs about slippery roads and dead ends. One of them is located just behind the sign: “Entry Into the Territory of the Libido of the Great and Terrible Sigmund Freud.” Having wandered here among the embryos of sexual activity in early childhood, insane fixations of libido on various, sometimes bizarre objects, one can leave with the disappointing impression that “love is fundamentally as animalistic as it has been from time immemorial. Love inclinations are difficult to educate, their education gives too much, sometimes too little.”

However, not everything is so hopelessly unambiguous. In the Freudian construction of the psyche, Self-libido and Object-libido are distinguished. Self-libido stems from childhood delusions of omnipotence and narcissism and develops under the influence of significant others into the Self-ideal. According to Freud, falling in love consists in the outpouring of the Self-libido on the Object, and “the sexual ideal can enter with the Self-ideal in an interesting relationship of mutual assistance.” This is already far more interesting. So, let’s leave the Freudian zone, pondering how in our minds the sexual ideal interacts with the Self-ideal, while we are in love with a specific person in the flesh.

It is no secret that the theories of Schopenhauer and Freud, like other philosophical constructions about love, are a reflection of the individual preferences and psychological inclinations of their authors. Recklessly following their logic, we involuntarily fall into the trap of a predetermined, already chewed-up perception. How should one move towards comprehending love, which, undoubtedly, is a complex, multifaceted, and at the same time energetically intense and emotionally charged phenomenon? Let’s try to start by advertently listening to the very feelings and experiences of love, and rely on the poets in this, and then try to carefully discern the core that is the source of the diverse palette of the feeling of love.

The types and paths of love according to Sigmund Freud

Metamorphosis of the Self

Falling in love with another person means going into a state that is revealed by a new quality of inner sensations and perception of the outer world. This new state, a different reality of the Self, penetrates and captivates the lover. All our mental processes (sensations, perceptions, thoughts, decisions, behavior) are revitalized, filled with high energy, break through the usual boundaries, expand their horizons and enter new orbits. In this state, we notice more and rediscover ourselves: we involuntarily feel a change in our inner tone, we are surprised to discover new features in ourselves, we carefully listen to the emergence of something unusual and at the same time joyful, and with satisfaction, we plunge into previously unknown bliss.

The sensation of new internal processes and the discovery of previously unfamiliar qualities in ourselves can fleetingly or more permanently form into a single picture so that we, as it were, begin to look at ourselves from the outside, benevolently contemplating our new incarnation and at the same time we were not quite sure that this everything happens to us. Such an unexpected gift of falling in love – a breakthrough into a parallel contemplative state – is similar to a state achieved in the process of meditation, although you experience it not in solitary silence, but in a seething accelerated flow of life.

In those moments of falling in love, when our consciousness acquires lightness and airiness, we can also feel the fantastic plasticity of the external world, because, under the influence of our thoughts and will, it transforms in the way we want. Unfortunately, we cannot stop these moments – they only slightly open the curtain of the possibility for the innermost desires of our soul.

Spaces of desires are materialized by the field of deeds.

It is difficult to predict what will be the result of the process of our inner transformation launched by falling in love and changing our position in the world around us, but it can be assumed that success will depend not so much on our initial abilities to live and love, but on adherence to such a surprisingly opened image of our boundless Self.

The phenomenon of going beyond the boundaries of one’s own personality is a surprise not only for the lover but also for those around him – his behavior is so unusual, mysterious, and inexplicable. Only a few of the inner circle and sages can take to heart and share what happens to a person when he is in love. It is even more difficult to describe it in words or convey it in clear images. Let’s try to take a closer look at the description of Vljublennost’ or The State of Being in Love by Vladimir Nabokov in the poem of the same name. This poem is remarkable in that the author, having composed it in Russian and passed it on to his beloved in English translation, comments on what he wanted to express in “philosophical love verses.”

The poems I started composing after I met Iris were meant to deal with her actual, unique traits <…> My instrument, however, was still too blunt and immature; it could not express the divine detail, and her eyes, her hair became hopelessly generalized in my otherwise well-shaped strophes <…> On the night of July 20, however, I composed a more oblique, more metaphysical little poem <…> The title of the poem <…> – Vljublennost’, which puts in a golden nutshell what English needs three words to express.

We forget that falling in love
is not just the facial angle of the loved one,
but is a bottomless spot under the nenuphars,
a swimmer panic in the night.

While dreaming, dream of being in love,
but do not torment us with awakening,
and reticence is better,
than that chink and that moonbeam.

I remind you that being in love
is not sheer reality, that the markings are not the same
that, may be, the hereafter
stands slightly ajar in the dark.

– … What does it mean?

– I have it here on the back. So it is. We forget – or rather tend to forget – that being in love (vlyublyonnost’) does not depend on the facial angle of the loved one, but is a bottomless spot under the nenuphars, “a swimmer panic in the night” (here it was possible to convey the last line of the first stanza, “nochnaya panika plovtsa”). The next stanza: While the dreaming is good – in the sense of “while everything is fine,” – do keep appearing to us in our dreams, vlyublyonnost’, but do not torment us by waking us up or telling too much: reticence is better than that chink and that moonbeam. Now is the last stanza of these philosophical love verses.

– These – how?

– These philosophical love poems. I remind you, that vlyublyonnost’ is not wide-awake reality, that the markings are not the same (for example, a ceiling striped by the moon, a lunar ceiling, is a reality of a different sense than the daytime ceiling), and that, may be, the hereafter stands slightly ajar in the dark. Voilà.

Looking into himself, the young poet discovers that being in love is not only our fantasies about the merits of our beloved, but first of all, it is a special state of our Self and, in addition, a reality of a different kind, which is terribly unreliable, but attractive for its infinity and mystery.

The fear of the young poet and his unwillingness to look into the opening crack of the future is quite shared, but not obvious. What can a lover really be afraid of? Not infernal darkness at all, as one might think, but the collision of the Self transformed by love with the bounding carnal reality, the premonition of which brings gloomy tones to the vivid picture of being in love. The poetic metaphors of Vladimir Nabokov’s Vljublennost’ accurately expressed the main directions of a deep comprehension of love.

At almost the same time, Ortega y Gasset published his studies On Love, in which the philosopher presented, based on keen reflections on the nature of love, his understanding of the core content of love as going beyond one’s own Self.

In the studies, he sets out to define and understand what is love between a man and a woman “in itself as such.” What filled the theme of love at the beginning of the 20th century, he considered unsatisfactory. On the one hand, these were numerous “love stories” where the essence of love was blurred by various circumstances. On the other hand, there were obvious mistakes in the “theories of heart feelings” created by the great philosophers. The settled reduction of love to “desire, attraction, striving for something” (Thomas Aquinas) cannot act as the main content of love, since desire dies, and “love is eternal dissatisfaction.” Also, for love itself, one cannot take its positive emotional manifestations, such as “the joy of knowing the object of love” (Benedict Spinoza), since love happens to be sad, hopeless, causing torment and suffering.

Ortega y Gasset sees a completely different core in love and concludes: “In an outburst of love, a person breaks out of his Self; maybe this is the best thing that Nature has come up with so that we all have the opportunity to overcome ourselves to move towards something another.”

Having defined the primary content of love, he emphasizes its essential qualities. The feeling of love “in its innermost intimacy as a manifestation of inner life” is:

– active emotional practice, caring;

– continuous spiritual radiation emanating from the lover and directed to the beloved, enveloping him with warmth, tenderness, and contentment;

– invisible connection, where hearts beat nearby at any distance;

– life-affirmation, creation and nurturing the object of love in the soul.

Ortega y Gasset insists that by following this theory of love, one can separate true love from pseudo-love. At the same time, the emotional composition of true love does not change despite a long separation and a change in the physical condition or social status of the object of love.

Let’s try to summarize our reasoning about this frantic stage of love. In the state of being in love, our Self discovers a different reality, acquires mental strength that overcomes any burdens, feels the opportunity to get closer, and somewhere it draws closer to the Self-ideal and in this new quality enjoys meeting with an equally ephemeral ideal image of a partner.

Before the main test of the Self transformed by love – a collision with reality – there is a fairly long period of time, which psychologists estimate from six months to a year. In the meantime, under the influence of these unusual spiritual transformations, an amazing disclosure and filling of such facets of love as passion and intimacy occur.

Transformation of the Self in love: new intense internal processes, a new perception of the external world, going beyond of the Self, being in the image of the Self-ideal, interaction with the ideal image of a partner.


Passion or an irresistible desire to get closer to the object of love has a sexual and romantic component. In psychology, sexuality is associated with erotic arousal, attraction, and behavior towards people of the opposite sex. These physiological and behavioral reactions are well studied, and the center of their attraction is the so-called human sexual response cycle.

The characteristic stages of the cycle of sexual pleasure are the arousal phase for certain erotic stimuli, plateau phase, orgasm, and relief. Average cycle times are 3 to 7 minutes. After reading these medical details of sexual intercourse, anyone who has experienced love will feel that something most important has been missed, perhaps because it is difficult to express in words, much less to measure. But what certainly raises suspicion is the adequacy of the scale of psychological stopwatches. The fact is that erotic caresses and the plateau phase in sexual intercourse can be felt as endless pleasure, and physiological cycles can stretch immensely in time or immediately resume. Lovers can involuntarily plunge into a state of subtle vibrations, an analog of which is purposefully achieved in tantric practices. We will return to the discussion of these and other features of the sexual element of passion in the section Sexual Activity, but now we will turn our attention to the romantic component of passion.

The romantic ingredient in passionate attraction is associated with an increased intensity of emotional reactions and a stormy activation of the imagination of partners, inspired by love.

The content of fantasies embracing lovers is filled with the idealization of everything that surrounds them, with heroic images, adventure plots, and sometimes with mystical insights. It is no coincidence that lovers are so susceptible to fortune-telling, omens, and other mysterious rituals. The underlying basis of these processes can be described in terms of the concept of archetypes proposed by the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung.

Hidden layers of our psyche, which are formed by the collective unconscious, open before the inspired Self of the lover. These experiences are reflected in consciousness by certain archetypal images and symbols (seeker, warrior, magician, sage, jester, creator, ruler, Don Juan, etc.), which push its usual boundaries and stimulate the expansion of the lover’s personality. Hence follows the various romantic obsessions of lovers: creative inspiration, ardent affection, willingness to eliminate any rival or offender, actions involving unjustified risks, wanderings, and other unusual states and deeds. Stormy mental processes in a state of romantic attraction in the recent past were mistaken for mania, insanity, mental disorder. This terminology, albeit in a somewhat simplified sense, is still used today to describe falling in love in both fiction and scientific literature.

In psychology, the romance of being in love is traditionally viewed within the framework of attachment theory, which relies on patterns of mother-child relationships. In 1979, psychologist Dorothy Tennov expanded attachment theory with the concept of limerence to characterize a special romantic state that suddenly fills the minds of lovers and is experienced by them, as a rule, prior to the implementation of sexual intercourse. In the process of forming attachment to a limerent object, emotions of adoration and admiration involuntarily arise, accompanied by uninvited “obsessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors from euphoria to despair contingent on perceived emotional reciprocation.” The state of limerence can be quite long, but it is unstable and turns into a caringly tender relationship of partners or spouses. However, its irreversible sad extinction is also possible.

Such a case about two centuries ago was vividly described by Nikolai Karamzin in Poor Liza: “Their dates continued; but how everything has changed! Erast could no longer be content with only the innocent caresses of his Lisa – her glances filled with love – one touch of the hand, one kiss, one pure embrace. He wished for more, more, and, finally, could not desire anything – and whoever knows his heart, who has contemplated the nature of his most tender pleasures, will certainly agree with me that the fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love. Liza was no longer for Erast this angel of purity, which had previously inflamed his imagination and delighted his soul.”

This love story is also significant in that other horizons were opening up for Erast, and he conceived a noble transformation of his Self: “All the brilliant fun of the great world seemed to him insignificant in comparison with the pleasures that this passionate friendship of an innocent soul nourished his heart. With disgust, he thought of contemptuous voluptuousness, which used to be his pleasure before. ‘I will live with Liza, like brother and sister,’ he thought, ‘I will not use her love for evil, and I will always be happy!’”
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