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The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta

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Laney surprised him, too, and that was a tall order. Evan never liked surprises of any kind. He always needed to be in control. His immediate intense reaction to Laney Royal wasn’t just sexual and that bothered him. But he wouldn’t let that get in the way of what he really needed from her.



Laney’s lips burned now, not from Ono Pupus but from the man named Ty, whose spontaneous kisses had put a whole new meaning to the word bold.

Warm Hawaiian breezes blew her hair into a wild new style as they drove in Ty’s sports car along the coastline. Laney thought of the lesson her father had always drilled into her head.

Be careful what you wish for.

She’d been lonely and glum without really knowing it, trying to convince herself she was doing fine after Justin’s betrayal, but she’d been praying for something or someone to bring her out of her doldrums.

And out of the blue, this striking mystery man had entered her life and suddenly, Elena’s heart raced again. Her body throbbed with excitement. Her nerves tingled and she felt truly alive. She’d gotten what she wished for and now she wouldn’t tempt fate by questioning it. She’d decided the moment Ty’s lips had touched hers, that she wouldn’t deny herself this opportunity to forget the past.

She’d be leaving the island in two days to go home and spend some time with her father. Being the sole heir to the Royal empire, her father wanted her not only to learn the business, he wanted her to love the business as much as he did. But Laney never had and she’d always felt like a disappointment in that. She’d tried, but she couldn’t become even remotely passionate about his business. Not when her camera was close at hand and there were countless images just waiting to be photographed.

She put all that aside for now. She’d live in the moment with a man who seemed to know exactly where those moments would take them.

Ty took her to an intimate restaurant overlooking the Pacific. They dined on the rooftop where tiki torches and a sliver of moonlight were the only source of illumination. The night was sultry and warm and the sound of waves crashing against the shore rivaled her pounding heart. She had Ty’s undivided attention while they feasted on platters of seafood and drank champagne.

After dinner, the select few private rooftop guests were treated to a luau performance with beating drums and Hawaiian dancers whose exotic moves and undulations put Laney in a daring mood. She sipped her drink and each time she glanced at Ty, she found him watching her with a raw gleam in his eyes.

When the show ended, a three-piece band took over and played mellow tunes. Ty stood and took her hand. “Dance with me.”

Laney rose and followed him onto the dance floor. She loved the strength of his grasp, the way she didn’t have to think about a thing when she was with him. And when he took her into his arms, meshing their bodies almost too close for her equilibrium, Laney allowed it. She fell into him, resting her head on his shoulder, her body pulsing inside and fully aware of his own growing need.

“I couldn’t wait to hold you in my arms again,” he whispered into her ear.

“I couldn’t wait, either,” she whispered back.

He brushed a soft kiss to her throat, then another and worked his way up to her chin, while his hands wreaked havoc on her back, his fingers splaying along the top of her derriere.

They rocked back and forth, more in rhythm to their own bodies than to the music playing.

“How long are you on the island?” he asked quietly, his lips almost brushing her mouth.

“Only two more days,” she answered.

“And then where do you go?” he asked.

“Home, to spend time with my father. How long for you?”

“I think I just extended my stay two more days,” he said before brushing his lips over hers.

A thrill shot straight through her. He’d planned on staying. For her. “And then?”

“I have a busy calendar. I’m not sure where my office will send me.”

Part of Laney wanted to know everything there was to know about this man she simply knew as Ty, but the other part, the more cautious, no-more-men-in-my-life-thank-you-very-much part of her, was glad she knew next to nothing about him. She’d take away whatever memories they’d make on this island before she headed back to reality and her father’s world.

He’d been calling daily, worried sick over her, hoping to coax her home. She’d finally agreed. It was time to stop licking her wounds and face the music and her friends and family. She’d been secreted away far too long, her father pointed out. This was one of the few times, she’d agreed with him.

Laney turned her full attention back to Ty. She knew he had to be quite successful in whatever business he was in. The Wind Breeze Resort only catered to the elite class. Any man who could turn a simple date into a private rooftop dining experience with top-notch entertainment had to have connections, money and power.

But she didn’t want to know. She didn’t want to get caught up in anything remotely reminiscent of her experience with Justin Overton.

She was happy just to be in Ty’s arms, dancing hip to hip with him, feeling his body rub against hers. She’d instituted a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy with him and she found she liked it very much.

After several more dances, which had them both incredibly breathless, they left the Top Reef restaurant and when she thought they’d go directly back to the resort, Ty surprised her by driving farther up the coast to a smoky jazz club called Good Sax. Ty had promised to keep her entertained and he was delivering. They sipped cappuccinos and listened to the sensual sounds of a bass saxophone player, Ty sitting next to her, his arm draped around her chair. Every so often he’d nibble on her throat, or stroke the underside of her hair, or take her hand to rub tiny circles over her thumb. The subtle gestures seemed incredibly natural and felt so right but that didn’t stop every cell in her body from reacting with raw need. His gentle touches heightened her senses to the point that she didn’t think she could take much more without pouncing on him.

She wanted him.

She turned to him and smiled, blinking her eyes, but the words wouldn’t come. She wasn’t that bold. Not yet.

“Ready to leave?” He didn’t wait for her answer. He laid down several bills on the table, rose and took her hand with a look in his eyes that said he knew exactly what she wanted.

And once again, he would deliver.

They almost made love on the hood of his Porsche in the Good Sax parking lot. Ty had whirled around suddenly when they reached the car, taking her into his arms and kissing her senseless. He touched every part of her body that he could possibly get to without being arrested. And Laney had touched him back, returning his kisses with hot, wet kisses of her own. She ran her hands through his hair, cupped the back of his neck and pressed her body to his.

They came to their senses minutes later when a security guard approached. Laney giggled and straightened her dress while Ty tried to regain his composure below the waist. They drove home in complete silence, Ty knowing better than to touch her as they would surely wind up in a fatal accident. Already Laney was on the path of a major collision, but she didn’t care. Living in the moment had its perks, she decided.

Now she stood outside her cottage suite facing Ty, her legs trembling and her heart rate rapidly picking up speed. She’d never wanted a man with such sheer abandon and desire. She wasn’t a “party girl” and the tabloids had pretty much left her alone until the wedding fiasco that had splashed negative attention and scandal upon the Royal name. She’d come to the secluded island resort to heal, revamp, unwind and take charge of her life again. Yet, she couldn’t imagine saying good-night to Ty right now. “I don’t ever do this sort of—”

He bent and kissed the words from her mouth. “Then tell me to leave, Laney,” he said quietly, brushing his lips into her hair. “I’ll still be here tomorrow, no matter what you decide.”

She liked that he gave her the choice, though there really wasn’t any other choice she could make. She shoved open the door with her behind, grabbed at his silk tie and tugged him into the room. He breathed a sigh of relief and from that point on, things got a little crazy.

Ty pressed her up against the door and kissed her into oblivion, their tongues mating with openmouthed frenzy. She pulled at his Armani jacket and he struggled out of it while keeping their mouths locked. She undid his tie and he slid her dress down. Before she knew it, she was undressed but for her black thong.

Bare chested and bronzed, Ty bent his head and kissed her breast, then the other, his mouth covering her pebbled tip and sucking her in. A shot of burning heat raced through her.

“You’re so beautiful.”

Laney thought the same of him. She’d never met a man who’d been so beautiful in body and mind. He seemed to connect with her, even though they knew very little about one another. “Ty,” she breathed out. “I want you.”

Ty sank down onto his knees. “You’ll have me, babe. In a minute. I promise.”

Slowly, he lowered her thong down along her thighs, lifting her sandaled feet up one at a time, helping her out of the last piece of her clothing. He planted quick darting kisses up her leg to the juncture of the core, then he touched her there, splaying the folds of sensitive skin, until she let go tiny moans of pleasure, her head thrashing back against the door.

His hands moved up to her torso then, holding her in place at the waist as his mouth covered her, his tongue probing and stroking her inner warmth. She grabbed his thick hair in her hands as he continued to prime her body. The stubble on his face scraped her inner thighs, heightening her awareness even more. When she was ready to combust without him, he stopped, his timing right on.

He rose and lifted her into his arms, kissing her with lips that had just been on her. She felt heady and dizzy and more turned-on than she’d ever been in her life. He strode past the living room, down the hallway to the bedroom and set her onto the bed, quickly removing his pants and briefs. She glimpsed his massive erection right before he sheathed it with a condom. Then he was on the bed, on his back, pulling her on top of him.

She’d never been so daring or felt so exposed.

But Ty’s appreciative gaze spurred her courage. “Bold, Laney,” he whispered.
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