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1. the ideas that you have about yourself

2. the ideas you have about your employment future

3. a comfortable feeling established between people

4. the things that indicate you are able to do something

5. the upper and lower limits of what you can be paid

6. what you hope to be able to accomplish in your field of work

Exercise 5. Переведите советы специалистов на русский язык:

DOs and DONT's for Job Seekers

DO mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job.

DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

DO assume an air of confidence.

DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.

DO try to be optimistic in your attitude.

DO maintain your poise and self-control.

DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath,

DO answer questions honestly.

DO know importance of getting along with people.

DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.

DON'T be untidy in appearance.

DON'T apologize for your age.

DON'T write incorrect information on your resume to make it look better.

DON'T go to an interview without a record of former employment.

DON'T arrive late and breathless for an interview.

DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.

DON'T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, and take physical examinations or tests on request.

DON'T keep stressing your need for a job.

DON'T beg for consideration.

DON'T mumble or speak with a muffled voice.

DON'T display a feeling of inferiority.

DON'T display 'cocksureness'.

DON'T be one of those who can do everything.

DON'T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.

DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.

DON'T make claims if you cannot 'deliver' on the job.

Exercise 6. Разыграйте в лицах следующее интервью:

Рабочие ситуации:

1. Обменяйтесь в группе своими резюме (если Вы их уже подготовили) с другими студентами. Внимательно изучите резюме друг друга. Представьте себя в роли интервьюера во время реального собеседования. Какие вопросы Вы будете задавать для получения необходимой информации, которая позволила бы Вам принять на работу своего товарища? Затем поменяйтесь ролями и побеседуйте с другим студентом в роли претендента на работу.

Используйте в качестве подсказки следующие вопросы, разделенные на категории:

Позволяющие создать доверие

How are you today?

Did you have any trouble finding us?

What do you think of the weather lately?

Позволяющие выявить необходимые навыки и судить о квалификации

Which courses did you feel were most helpful? Tell me about your experience. What did you do on that project? Can you operate Word XP?

Позволяющие оценить личные качества

What do you do during your free time? Tell me about your childhood. How much and how often do you drink? Do you enjoy pleasing others?

Вопросы самооценки

What do you consider your strong points to be? What are your greatest weaknesses? How reliable are you? Are you an achiever?
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