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Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке

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Knurov. Take offense if you want, throw me out.

Mme Ogudalov (embarrassed). Oh, Moky Parmenych!

Knurov. Go find those people who’ll promise you tens of thousands for nothing in return, then you can scold me. Only don’t bother to look, you won’t find them. But I got carried away, that wasn’t what I came to talk about. What’s that box you have there?

Mme Ogudalov. I wanted to give it to my daughter for a present, Moky Parmenych.

Knurov (looking over the things in the box). I see…

Mme Ogudalov. But it’s all expensive, more than I can afford.

Knurov (gives back the box). Well, those are just trifles, there are more important things to think about. You have to provide a good wardrobe for Larisa Dmitriyevna, what I mean is, not just good but very good. A wedding dress and everything else that’s required.

Mme Ogudalov. Yes, yes, Moky Parmenych.

Knurov. It would be a great shame for her to be dressed just any old way. So you go ahead and order everything in the best store, and don’t count the cost or worry over the kopecks. Just send the bills to me, I’ll pay.

Mme Ogudalov. Really, I can’t find the words to thank you.

Knurov. To tell the truth, that was why I came. (He gets up.)

Mme Ogudalov. All the same, I’d still like to give my daughter a surprise tomorrow. A mother’s heart, you know.

Knurov (takes the box). Well now, what do we have here? How much does it cost?

Mme Ogudalov. You set a price on it, Moky Parmenych!

Knurov. Why price it, why bother! Let’s say it costs three hundred rubles. (He takes money from his wallet and gives it to Mme Ogudalov.) Good-bye. I’m going to walk a bit more, I expect to have a good dinner tonight. We’ll see each other at dinner. (He goes to the door.)

Mme Ogudalov. I’m very grateful, very grateful to you for everything, Moky Parmenych, everything!

Knurov goes off. Larisa enters with a basket in her hand.

Larisa (places the basket on the table and examines the things in the box). Are these what Vasya gave me? Not bad. How nice of him!

Mme Ogudalov. “Not bad.” They’re very expensive. Aren’t you glad to get them?

Larisa. I don’t feel especially glad about it.

Mme Ogudalov. You thank Vasya, just whisper in his ear, “Thank you.” And Knurov too.

Larisa. Why Knurov?

Mme Ogudalov. It’s something necessary, I know why.

Larisa. Oh, Mama, you always have your secrets and tricks.

Mme Ogudalov. Tricks! You can’t live in this world without tricks.

Larisa (takes the guitar, sits next to the window, and starts to sing).

Mother mine, so dear to me, sun so warm and mild, Mother mine, caress your own tiny baby child.[4 - From a romance by A. L. Gurilev, words by Nirkomsky (pseudonym).]Yuly Kapitonych wants to enter the election for Justice of Peace.

Mme Ogudalov. That’s very nice. For what district?

Larisa. For Zabolotye.

Mme Ogudalov. Aie, isn’t that off in the sticks somewhere? Where did he get the idea of going so far?

Larisa. There aren’t so many candidates there; he’d probably get elected.

Mme Ogudalov. Well, all right, even there people can live.

Larisa. I don’t mind going even to the sticks, just so long as I can get away from here first.

Mme Ogudalov. It could be a good thing living in the sticks for a while. Your Karandyshov will look good there, he might be the first man in the district, and little by little you’ll get used to him.

Larisa. But he’s a good man here too. I don’t see anything bad in him.

Mme Ogudalov. Oh come now! As if there aren’t others just as good as him!

Larisa. Of course, some are even better. I know that myself, very well.

Mme Ogudalov. They’re better all right, only they’re not for the likes of us.

Larisa. Right now even this one’s good enough for me. But why talk about it, it’s all decided.

Mme Ogudalov. I’m just glad you like him, thank God for that! I’m not going to judge him before you, but we don’t have to pretend to each other, you’re not blind.

Larisa. I’ve become blind, I’ve lost all my feelings, and I’m glad of it. For a long time now everything around me’s been like a dream. No, I simply must leave here, I must tear myself away. I’ll keep after Yuly Kapitonych. Soon summer will be over, and I want to walk through the woods, to pick berries and mushrooms…

Mme Ogudalov. So that’s why you’ve gotten yourself a basket! Now I understand. Get yourself a straw hat with a wide brim, and then you’ll be a shepherd girl.

Larisa. I’ll get a hat too. (She sings.)

O tempt me not if there’s no need.[5 - “O tempt me not if there’s no need…" (Ne iskushai menia bez nuzhdy…) Romance by M. I. Glinka, words by E. A. Baratynsky.]
It’s calm and quiet there.

Mme Ogudalov. But when September comes it won’t be so quiet; the wind will blow at your window.

Larisa. So what?

Mme Ogudalov. The wolves will howl in different keys.

Larisa. Still, it will be better than here. At least my soul will have some rest.

Mme Ogudalov. Do you think I’m trying to talk you out of it? Go there, please do, and let your soul have its rest. But you must realize, Zabolotye is no Italy. I have to tell you that so you won’t be disillusioned. You’d blame me for not warning you.

Larisa. Thanks. But even if it will be wild there, and far away, and cold, for me, after the kind of life I’ve had here, every quiet nook will seem like heaven. Why Yuly Kapitonych is putting it off is something I can’t understand.
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