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Without a dowry / Бесприданница. Книга для чтения на английском языке

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Karandyshov (angrily). Then keep that truth to yourself! (In tears.) Have a little pity on me! At least let the others think you love, that you made a free choice.

Larisa. But why do that?

Karandyshov. What do you mean, “why”? Don’t you make any allowance for self-respect in a man?

Larisa. Self-respect! All you think about is yourself! Everybody loves himself! When is anybody ever going to love me? You’re going to lead me to ruin.

Mme Ogudalov. That’s enough, Larisa, what’s gotten into you?

Larisa. Mama, I’m afraid, I’m afraid of something. Now listen. If the wedding’s going to be here, then please, as few people as possible, as quiet and simple as possible.

Mme Ogudalov. No, don’t you get any crazy ideas! A wedding’s a wedding, and I’m an Ogudalov and won’t allow any skimping. You’ll shine as nobody here has ever shone.

Karandyshov. And I won’t begrudge a thing.

Larisa. All right, I’ll be quiet. I can see that for you I’m a doll. You’ll play with me, break me and throw me away.

Karandyshov. That dinner tonight is going to cost me plenty.

Mme Ogudalov. And I consider that dinner of yours absolutely unnecessary, an unjustified expense.

Karandyshov. But even if it should cost me twice as much, or three times as much, I wouldn’t begrudge the money.

Mme Ogudalov. It’s something nobody needs.

Karandyshov. I need it.

Larisa. But what for, Yuly Kapitonych?

Karandyshov. Larisa Dmitriyevna, for three years I’ve been suffering humiliation, for three years I’ve had to put up with mockery from your friends right to my face. I’ve got to have my turn to laugh at them.

Mme Ogudalov. What will you think up next! Do you want to get up some quarrel, is that it? In that case Larisa and I won’t go.

Larisa. Oh, please, don’t offend anybody!

Karandyshov. Don’t offend! Though they can offend me? But don’t worry, there won’t be any quarrel, it’ll all be very peaceful. I’ll propose a toast to you and thank you publicly for the happiness you are giving me by your choice, for the fact that you haven’t treated me the way the others have, that you have valued me and trusted in the sincerity of my feelings. That’s all, that’s my whole revenge!

Mme Ogudalov. And all that’s completely unnecessary.

Karandyshov. No, those great dandies harassed me with their bragging. But they didn’t accumulate their wealth on their own, so why should they brag about it? They throw away fifteen rubles on one order of tea!

Mme Ogudalov. Now you’re taking it out on poor Vasya.

Karandyshov. Not just Vasya, they’re all good at that. Just see what’s going on in town, the joy on people’s faces. The cab drivers are all in a gay mood, they drive around the streets shouting to each other, “The gentleman’s come, the gentleman’s come.” The waiters in the inns are beaming too, they run out to the street and shout from inn to inn, “The gentleman’s come, the gentleman’s come.” The gypsies have gone crazy, they’re suddenly all making a big fuss and waving their hands. At the hotel it’s like a congress, a big crowd of people. A little while ago four gypsies, all decked out, drove up in a carriage to congratulate him on his arrival. What a scene! But what I’ve heard is that that gentleman has run through all his money and sold his last boat. So who’s come then? A man who’s spent all his money having a good time, a degenerate, and the whole town’s glad to see him. Fine morals!

Mme Ogudalov. But who is it that’s come?

Karandyshov. Your Sergey Sergeyich Paratov.

Larisa stands up in fright.

Mme Ogudalov. So that’s who it is!

Larisa. Let’s go to the country, let’s go right now!

Karandyshov. Now is just the time we shouldn’t go.

Mme Ogudalov. What’s the matter, Larisa, why hide from him! He’s not a highway robber!

Larisa. Why don’t you listen to me! You’re destroying me, pushing me into an abyss.

Mme Ogudalov. You’re insane.

Karandyshov. What are you afraid of?

Larisa. I’m not afraid for myself.

Karandyshov. For whom then?

Larisa. For you.

Karandyshov. Oh, don’t be afraid for me! I won’t let myself be put upon. Just let him try picking a quarrel with me, then he’ll see.

Mme Ogudalov. No, don’t talk like that! God help us! This isn’t Vasya. You be careful with him if you value your happiness.

Karandyshov (by the window). There, if you care to look, he’s come to visit you. Four pacers abreast and a gypsy on the box with the coachman. He’s really showing off. Of course, it doesn’t do anybody any harm to let him have his fun, but in reality it’s disgusting and stupid.

Larisa (to Karandyshov). Let’s go, let’s go to my room. Mama, you receive him here. Please, talk him out of any visits!

Larisa and Karandyshovgo out. Paratov enters.

Paratov (during this entire scene with Mme Ogudalov he adopts a half-joking, half-serious tone). Aunty, your dear hand!

Mme Ogudalov (holding out her hand). Oh, Sergey Sergeyich! Oh, my dear boy!

Paratov. You desire to embrace me? Permitted! (They embrace and kiss.)

Mme Ogudalov. What wind brought you here? Passing through, perhaps?

Paratov. I came here on purpose, and my first visit is to you, Aunty.

Mme Ogudalov. Thank you. How are you, how are things going with you?

Paratov. It would be a sin to complain, Aunty. I’m enjoying life though my business affairs aren’t too good.

Mme Ogudalov (after looking at Paratov awhile). Sergey Sergeyich, tell me, dear boy, why did you disappear so suddenly that time?

Paratov. I received an unpleasant telegram, Aunty.
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