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Cat policeman

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Cat policeman
Алексей Сабадырь

Cat Cop is an exciting children’s book about the adventures of an unusual team of law enforcement officers: Cat, Rex and Mickey. Each of them contributes to the investigation of crimes and establishing order in the city. Funny and exciting situations in which the characters find themselves will not leave little ones indifferent. neither adult readers. Colorful illustrations will not leave children indifferent.

Cat policeman

Алексей Сабадырь

Illustrator Leonardo ai

Illustrator Playground ai

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

© Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

© Playground ai, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-2411-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1: The First Case

In a cozy little town, where the streets were paved with cobblestones and the houses adorned with blooming gardens, lived an extraordinary cat. His name was Officer Cat. He was not just any cat, but a true guardian of order and justice. Every day, he donned his police uniform, a cap with a shiny emblem, and set off to serve.

Officer Cat was known to all the townspeople. Both adults and children respected him, for he was always ready to help. Alongside him served his loyal friends – a detective dog named Rex and a sleuth mouse named

Mickey. Together, they formed an unbeatable team that could solve any crime.

One morning, as the sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, Officer Cat received an urgent message. A mysterious incident had occurred in the town – someone had stolen all the sweets from the local confectionery. The residents were in a panic, for without sweets, their lives seemed dull and dreary.

Officer Cat immediately gathered his team. Rex, with his keen sense of smell, and Mickey, with his agility and ability to find the most hidden clues, were ready for action. They set off to the crime scene to begin their investigation.

When they arrived at the confectionery, Officer Cat carefully examined the scene. He noticed tracks leading to the back door. Rex sniffed around and confirmed that the tracks belonged to an unknown perpetrator. Mickey, using his agility, squeezed into narrow gaps and found several important clues.

Officer Cat collected all the evidence and began analyzing it. He knew that every case required attention and patience. Together with Rex and Mickey, they discussed their plan of action and decided to follow the tracks leading to the outskirts of the town.

Along the way, they met many residents who expressed their gratitude and support. Officer Cat felt responsible for each of them and was determined to find the culprit and return the sweets.

Thus began their first big investigation. Officer Cat, Rex, and Mickey were ready for any challenges. They knew that only by working together as a team could they solve this case and bring joy back to the townspeople.

Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Park

The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the town as Officer Cat, Rex, and Mickey followed the tracks to the outskirts. Their journey led them to the town’s park, a place usually filled with laughter and joy. Today, however, it was eerily quiet.

As they entered the park, Officer Cat noticed something unusual. The usually well-kept flower beds were trampled, and there were bits of candy wrappers scattered around. It seemed that the thief had passed through here in a hurry.

Rex sniffed the ground and barked, indicating that he had picked up the scent again. Mickey, always quick on his feet, darted ahead to scout the area. He returned with news of a hidden path leading deeper into the park.

The team followed the path, which wound through dense bushes and tall trees. The further they went, the more mysterious the park became. They came across a small, abandoned shed that looked like it hadn’t been used in years. The door was slightly ajar, and there were fresh footprints leading inside.

Officer Cat signaled for Rex and Mickey to stay alert as they approached the shed. With a gentle push, he opened the door wider and peered inside. The shed was dimly lit, but they could make out shelves filled with old

gardening tools and bags of seeds. In the corner, there was a large sack that seemed out of place.

Mickey, being the smallest, squeezed through the gap and inspected the sack. He squeaked excitedly and motioned for Officer Cat and Rex to come closer. Inside the sack were all the stolen sweets, neatly packed and ready to be taken away.

Officer Cat’s eyes narrowed as he examined the scene. It was clear that the thief had planned to hide the sweets here temporarily. But who could it be? And why would they steal the sweets in the first place?

Just as they were pondering these questions, they heard a rustling sound outside the shed. The team quickly hid behind some old crates and waited. A shadowy figure appeared at the entrance, looking around cautiously before stepping inside.

Officer Cat recognized the figure immediately. It was Mr. Whiskers, the town’s reclusive cat who rarely interacted with anyone. He had always seemed harmless, but now it appeared he had a secret.

With a swift move, Officer Cat stepped out of hiding and confronted Mr. Whiskers. -Why did you steal the sweets, Mr. Whiskers? – he asked sternly.

Mr. Whiskers looked startled and then sighed. – I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, – he confessed. – I just wanted to throw a surprise party for the town’s children. I thought if I took the sweets, I could make it a special event.

Officer Cat listened carefully and then nodded. – Your intentions were good, but stealing is never the answer. Let’s return the sweets and plan the party together, the right way.

Mr. Whiskers agreed, and together they returned the sweets to the confectionery. The townspeople were overjoyed, and with Officer Cat’s help, they organized a wonderful surprise party for the children.

The mystery of the park was solved, and the town learned an important lesson about honesty and working together. Officer Cat, Rex, and Mickey had once again brought peace and happiness to their beloved town.

Chapter 3: The night patrol

The town was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight as Officer Cat, Rex, and Mickey prepared for their night patrol. The streets were quiet, and the only sounds were the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. It was a peaceful night, but Officer Cat knew that even the calmest nights could hold surprises.

As they walked through the town, Officer Cat kept a keen eye on their surroundings. Rex sniffed the air, alert for any unusual scents, while Mickey scurried ahead, his sharp eyes scanning for any signs of trouble.

Their first stop was the town square, where the fountain sparkled under the moonlight. Everything seemed in order, but Officer Cat noticed something odd. The statue in the center of the fountain, usually standing tall and

proud, was slightly tilted. He approached it and saw that the base had been tampered with.

– Someone’s been here, – Officer Cat said, his voice low. -We need to find out who and why.

Rex sniffed around the base of the statue and picked up a faint scent. He barked softly, indicating that the trail led towards the park. The team followed Rex as he led them through the winding paths of the park, their footsteps silent on the soft grass.

As they approached the old shed, the same one where they had found the stolen sweets, they heard a faint noise coming from inside. Officer Cat signaled for Rex and Mickey to stay back as he carefully opened the door.

Inside, they found a young raccoon named Rocky, who was known for his mischievous nature. He was trying to pry open a box with a crowbar, but he froze when he saw Officer Cat.

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