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Secrets of Success. Business English Course

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You must give your people the higher purpose. You have to tell why they do what they do.

It is important because if you have a purpose, you exactly know what to do in your life or with your life. For example, you want to do something creative or you want to be someone like a doctor or a teacher. That is your purpose, your goal. That is something you want to do in your life. Something that motivates you to do what you wanna do.

Remember: People don’t buy what you do. People buy why you do it. And what you do simply serves the tangible prove of what you believe.

This is the reason why every single person is perfectly comfortable buying a computer from Apple. And we are also perfectly comfortable buying an MP3 player from Apple, or a phone from Apple.

For this little idea to work you have to have three things:

One – you have to know why you what you do. If you don’t know why you do what you. How will anyone else?

Two – you have to have disciple of how. You have to hold yourself and have people who are responsible to your values and your guiding principles.

And three – you have to have consistency of what.

Everything you say and everything you do. Everything must prove what you believe. At the end of the day – “why” is just a belief. It’s all what it is.

“Hows” are the actions we take to realize that beliefs and “whats” are the results of those actions.

And if what you say and what you do – doesn’t show what you believe then no one will know what you believe.

As Simon Sinek likes to say “The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is not to beat the competitor. The goal is to outlast the competitor. And you can only do it when you do business with people who believe what you believe. People who believe what you believe will work for you with blood, sweat and tears. People who don’t believe what you believe will work for your money. The same is true for customers. Whose who believe what you believe will go out of their way to do business with you. Whose who don’t believe what you believe wanna cheaper”.

What about you? What is your higher purpose in life? Oh, by the way, if you don’t have a higher purpose, it is not a big deal. Why? Because you can always create it. Promise? Okay, I know you are serious about it. Just do it.

So that’s it for the main article here of “A Higher Purpose.” Now you are going to listen to the related story for “A Higher Purpose”.

Tony the tiger owned a computer company. He wanted his company to be the best in the world.

He often said, “We’ve got to be the number one in the world. We’ve got to be the best. We’ve got to beat our competitors.”

But Tony the tiger had a problem. What was his problem?

He had a bad team of employees. The people didn’t want to stay late in the office. They didn’t want to go on frequent business trips. They didn’t want to be away from their families. In other words, they didn’t willingly sacrifice their lives to the company.

Every time when they got better job offers, without thinking, they agreed and left Tony’s company immediately. Tony the tiger didn’t know what to do. Tony was frustrated.

One day he was invited to a dinner party. At the party there was a special guest – Simon Sinek. Simon gave a brilliant speech. From the speech Tony the tiger learned that to have a great team, the company has to have the Higher Purpose. In other words, the reason why the company exists.

Tony the tiger decided to follow Simon’s advice. He said to his people, “My goal was to beat the competitors, but I was wrong. Now our goal is to outlast the competition and to become a better company than we were just yesterday. Our goal is to produce the best computers to help people in their jobs” This is our Higher Purpose.

Everybody liked the idea of having the Higher Purpose. Everybody agreed to contribute to the company. Everybody wanted to be valuable to other people. Tony the tiger was happy and so were his people.

This is the end of the story for “A Higher Purpose”. Next is the vocabulary lesson. See you there.

Unit 1. A Higher Purpose

This is Alex and this is your vocabulary lesson for “A Higher Purpose”.

A Higher Purpose. Let me explain to you what it means again. Well, let’s start with a purpose. Everybody has a purpose or even purposes. And of course, it is great. It is great because if you do not have a purpose, you don’t have a life. Having a purpose is very important.

It is important because if have a purpose, you exactly know what to do in your life or with your life. For example, you want to do something creative or you want to be someone like a doctor or a teacher. That is your purpose, your goal. That is something you want to do in your life. Something that motivates you to do what you wanna do.

Now you may ask me, if, for example, I want to be rich. I want to have a lot of money. Is having a lot of money a purpose or a goal?

As a matter of fact, it is. Money is fabulous, but money is not everything. By the way, money is a not a good motivator.

Well, we all do things for money. In other words, we all need money to live, to buy food, clothes. But money is not a higher purpose.

You have to have a bigger purpose, something that is bigger than you. The purpose why you do what you do. For example, my higher purpose is to build a bridge between two cultures, between people. My higher purpose is to help people to speak English easily and confidently. That is why I create my courses, I create my lessons. And I use them as a platform to enhance people, to inspire and encourage people, to help people to be more successful and happier. That is my higher purpose.

What about you? What is your higher purpose in life? Oh, by the way, if you don’t have a higher purpose, it is not a big deal. Why? Because you can always create it. Promise? Okay, I know you are serious about it. Just do it.

Now we are jumping into the vocabulary lesson.

Our first word for today is to advance. You can see in the sentence: “A Higher Purpose is the cause, the reason that is so just that you would willingly sacrifice your own interests in order to advance this cause, this higher purpose”.

To advance simply means to move forward. A Higher Purpose is the cause, the reason that moves you forward. You go, you move forward your cause. You advance this cause, this higher purpose.

Next we have the verb to own. I used this word in the story. You probably know this word, but let’s just repeat it again, review it again, one more time. To own means to have as one’s possession. It is something that you possess, you have, not your brother or sister. Not whatever or whoever. No one but you. For example, you have a car or you own a car. You have a house or you own a house. You have a company or you own a company. It is only yours. So I think you’ve got the idea.

Alright, next is the word a competitor. Here a competitor means a company that sells the same goods or services as your company does. Tony the tiger owned the company and he often said, “We’ve got to beat our competitors”.

Of course, to beat a competitor means to overcome your competitor. To defeat someone in a game, competition, to win. That’s what it means.

Next is the word an employee. You might already know this word, but again an employee. An employee is a person you hire to work for you or for another person or a business. A team of employees simply means a group of people who are paid regularly to work for another person or for an organization.

The next we see the word frequent. Frequent. Frequent means constant or happening often. The people who worked for Tony didn’t want to go on constant business trips. They didn’t want to go on frequent business trips. In other words, they didn’t willingly sacrifice their lives to the company.

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