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Angel of love

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"Oh, you want to stay with me?" – she answered.

"Yeah, we can stay in my room" – I said.

"Ok… you can pay bar fine?" – she asked.

"Yeah… sure" – I answered.

I paid for whiskey, juice and bar fine. Everything was awesome. We left the bar together. We went out from Walking Street. After that, caught tuk-tuk and was going to my room.

After some minutes, we were near my condo. Good… we went upstairs. I opened the door and sweet Kitty entered my room. She was looking around… room, bed, bathroom and everything.

"How you like it?" – I asked.

"Very nice" – she answered.

"Make yourself at home" – I said.

"Thank you" – she said.

"You're welcome, Kitty" – I said.

"Can I use your bathroom?" – she asked.

"Sure…" – I answered.

Kitty went to the bathroom. And I opened the fridge to make myself a drink. But what do you think, fellows? No whiskey. Ok… ok. No problem. I drank some water. And made one glass for Kitty.

Kitty went out from the bathroom and took the glass. I gave her a towel. Good day, good mood. I was interested about her wish to drink a whiskey. But I didn't want to go outside.

"I go to bathroom" – I said.

"Ok" – she said.

"You can lay down on the bed and relax" – I said.

"Ok" – she said.

I was in the bathroom and decided to take shower. After, I brushed my teeth. I went out and saw Kitty on the bed. She looked a little bit tired. Ok… ok. No problem. I turned off the light. And got into the bed too.

Night was awesome… I didn't remember all the details. But we slept close to each other. Yeah… Good night, good mood. Kitty was good too… as I noticed. What can I say?

Morning came up… Kitty in the bed, same me. What the hell? Need to get up and start the day. I woke up first. I've been in the bathroom, since Kitty woke up. Good. I went out, and Kitty was ready to go.

"You go by Taxi?" – I asked.

"Yes, motorbike" – she answered.

"Go home?" – I asked.

"Go eat" – she answered.

"Go together?" – I asked.

"You want to go with me?" – she answered.

"Yeah… go eat together. I'm hungry" – I said.

"Ok… ok" – she said.

I put on my shorts. And took some cash. And I was ready, my fellows. It's time to go. No idea… I had some questions about where we are going. But I didn't ask nothing. Gotta go.

"It's Ok, that I go with you?" – I asked.

"Yeah… it's ok" – she answered.

We went outside and took motorbike. We were going to Thai food place. When we have arrived… it was time to get some food. Kitty ordered for me some Thai dishes. Yeah… Good dishes, good feelings. But there was no tea. Just cold water. Ok… ok.

"How are you with your food?" – I asked Kitty.

"Good, very good Thai food" – she answered.

I finished one. Kitty visits this place often. Just my thoughts. Good pork, good herbs. Anyway, I thought, that was good idea to come with Kitty here. And we were getting closer to each other.

"Check bill" – Kitty said to waiter.

I paid the bill.

"Let's go?" – I asked Kitty.

"Yeah" – she answered.

"I take motorbike, and you take motorbike" – I said.

"Yes" – she said.

"Call you" – I said and kissed Kitty.

And we rode in different directions. Yeah… motorbike took me to my condominium. I decided to buy some fruits on the street. Pineapple and watermelon… shit yeah…

Good fruits, good life. What do you all think, fellows? I think in a good way. Girls are girls. Such situation. Fuck… I must work and get some extra money. I went back to my condo. I ate fruits. Damn… ok, I was going to call my friend. Tim.


"Hello" – he answered.

"Hey… hey" – I said.

"Hey… 'J'" – he said.
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