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Angel of love

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"How are you doing, man?" – I asked.

"Pretty good, and how are you?" – he answered.

"Yeah… you ask how? I say could be better, damn" – I said.

"Ok… ok" – he said.

"Guess… with who I stayed this night?" – I asked.

"Girl?" – he answered.

"Yeah… you very smart" – I said.

"You must be in a good mood" – he said.

"Yeah… man. Damn good. What are you going to do this night?" – I asked.

"Go out, take a rest" – he answered.

"Ok… any girls you will visit around?" – I asked.

"No directions… maybe, meet someone" – he answered.

"Go to club?" – I asked.

"Maybe" – he answered.

"Go together?" – I asked.

"Up to you" – he answered.

"Ok. Call you later?" – I asked.

"Up to you" – he answered.

I hung up the phone. Damn. Tim was going to rest with some hotties. And I? Should I stay home? No… no! Make business, make money. Our situation is telling us… do what you should do… ok. I didn't want to go to the Rosty's cafe. I'll go later.

Afternoon… I woke up after some sleep time. Oh shit… I told to myself… I slept. Ok… ok. Got to go to the cafe. Maybe, will see Rosty. Ok… shit… money again… I took some money. I went outside. Oh… great. I was near the cafe. I stepped in and found a good place to sit.

"Hello, sir" – waitress said to me.

"Hello…" – I said.

"What will you order?" – she asked.

"Fried potato, pork stake, salad" – I answered.

"Something to drink?" – she asked.

"Yeah… Orange juice and tea" – I answered.

"Ok… sir" – she said.

Ros was sitting from left front side. He talked to somebody by phone. Ok… had to wait for my order… I thought about Kitty. She was fine or stayed with somebody? Maybe, with friend. Shit… my order was cooking. Can relax and wait for my orange juice…

"Hey… Rosty" – I shouted.

"Hello, hello" – he answered.

"How are you?" – I asked.

"Good and you?" – he answered.

"Fine" – I said.

My orange juice was on the table. Good thing was that she didn't forget to put ice. Juice was going well. Yeah… ok… it's time to eat. I was a little bit hungry. I had a good breakfast with Kitty today. Soon, my food was on the table. I started eating.

After 16-20 minutes, I finished eating. Ok… now I can go home. But, maybe, buy some fruits… I thought. But no fruit's cart around. Damn… Maybe, ask Rosty about something to drink?

"Rosty, do you have something to drink?" – I asked.

"Yeah… Sure. Have tequila, rum, vodka?" – he answered.

"One tequila"– I said.

He made a drink for me. I drank. Was awesome.

"Something to eat?" – he asked.

"No… no. I'm going to buy some fruits" – I answered.

"Ok" – he said.

I paid the bill… After, I went up to my condo. And now… what we have? No whiskey. No people. What people? Fuck the city… I had to think about evening. Damn. What we got? We spent some money today. Will I spend more? Sure… fucking sure. I laid down on the bed.

Late evening… It was time to call Tim. But what, if he is not home and turning his money into pleasure. Damn… but there was one way to find out this. I took up the phone and called…


"Hello" – he answered.

"Hey Tim… Recognized me?" – I asked.

"Hey… yeah… yeah" – he answered.

"What's up?" – I asked.

"Eating and planning to go out" – he answered.
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