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American Book-Plates

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A reprint of the articles which appeared in the Book Buyer, 1886, and also in the Ex Libris Journal, Vol. II.

27. American Dictionary of Printing and Book-making, Part iv., 180, 181. Ex Libris, illustrated.

    New York, Howard Lockwood & Co., 4to, 1892.

28. The Book Buyer. Some English Book-plates. A review of Mr. Castle’s book, illustrated, V., pp. 19-22. Some French Book-plates. A review of Mr. Hamilton’s book, illustrated, V., pp. 65-67.

    New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 4to, 1893.

29. The Library Journal. Note of the Ex Libris Society of London.

    New York, May, 1893.

30. Jamaica Plain News. Book-plates. A review of Mr. Castle’s book, illustrated.

    Jamaica Plain, Mass., U.S.A., July 8, 1893.

31. The Critic. Book-plates of New England Authors. A review of Mr. Castle’s book, illustrated, Vol. XIX., pp. 82, 83. Some American Book-plates, illustrated, Vol. XX., pp. 88, 89.

    The Critic Company, New York, folio, 1893.

32. The Hartford Post. Hundreds of Book-plates in the Collection of a Hartford Gentleman, illustrated.

    Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., August 19, 1893.

33. The Richmond Despatch. Arms of the Virginia Company. An interesting historical book-plate. R. A. Brock, Secretary Southern Historical Society, September 17, 1893. That old Book-plate. Note on the Arms of the Virginia Company, October 15, 1893.

    Richmond, Va., U.S.A., 1893.

34. The Richmond Despatch. Note on the Ex Libris Journal.

    Richmond, Va., December 3, 1893.

35. The Albany Argus. Note on Book-plate of the Albany Library Society.

    Albany, N.Y., U.S.A., November, 1893.

36. Magazine of Art. “Ex Libris.” A review of Mr. Castle’s book.

    New York, folio, December, 1893.

37. The Book-Lover’s Almanac. The Art of the Book-plate, by Henri Pene DuBois, with seven caricature designs by Henriot. The Carroll Book-plate, by Charles Dexter Allen, illustrated.

    New York, Duprat & Co., 1893.

38. The Art Amateur. Ex-Libris Notes, illustrated, Vol. XXX., pp. 92, 121, 148, 173.

New York, Montague Marks, Publisher, 25 Union Square, folio, 1894.

39. The Dial. Private Book-marks. A note of Mr. Hardy’s book, p. 88.

    Chicago, Ill., February 1, 1894.

40. The Collector. A Current Record of Art, Bibliography, Antiquarianism, etc. Published semi-monthly.

    Alfred Trumble, 454 West 24th Street, New York.

The following numbers contain brief articles on book-plates: Vol. IV., Nos. 13, 14, 20; Vol. V., No. 1, 1893; Vol. V., Nos. 8, 9, 1894. This is not to be confounded with The Collector, published by Walter R. Benjamin.

41. The Inland Printer. The Book-plate, its Literature, etc., by W. Irving Way, illustrated, Vol. XII., No. 6, pp. 460-461.

    The Inland Printer Co., Chicago, Ill., March, 1894.

42. Book Reviews. American Book-plates, by Charles Dexter Allen.

    New York, Macmillan & Co., Vol. II., No. 1, May, 1894.

* * *

Allusions to book-plates, or reproductions of interesting plates, are found in the following works: —

Bridgman (Thomas). The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants. Book-plate of Peter Kemble, Esq.

    Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 8vo, 1856.

Magazine of American History. November, 1880, Kissam book-plate, p. 376; February, 1881, Washington’s book-plate, p. 88; March, 1881, Kissam book-plate, pp. 225, 302; April, 1881, W. Smith’s book-plate, p. 274; August, 1884, Roger Morris; book-plate of Henry Clinton, grandson of Sir H. Clinton.

Ralph Waldo Emerson. His Maternal Ancestors. With some Reminiscences of Him. By David Greene Haskins, D.D. Boston, Cupples, Upham & Co., 12mo, 1886.

Book-plate of Rev. William Emerson, father of Ralph Waldo.

Lion Gardiner and his Descendants, by Curtis E. Gardiner.

    St. Louis, 1890.

Book-plates of John Gardiner, Fifth Proprietor of Gardiner’s Island, and John Lyon Gardiner, Seventh Proprietor.

History of the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First President of the United States.

    New York, Appleton & Co., 1892.

Book-plate of George Washington.

Pene DuBois (Henri). Four Private Libraries of New York.

    New York, Duprat & Co., 8vo, 1892.

Book-plates of C. Jolly-Bavoillet and George B. DeForest.
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