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American Book-Plates

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Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Book-plates, p. 286. Alice Morse Earle.

    New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1893.

Jamaica Plain News. Sketch of a “talk” on Book-plates, by Mr. E. N. Hewins.

    Jamaica Plain, Mass. U.S.A., March 3, 1894.

Origin and Growth of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. A paper presented at a Meeting of the Society, November 9, 1893, by Samuel Abbott Green, M.D. Pamphlet.

    John Wilson & Son, University Press,
    Cambridge, Mass., 1893.

Describes the various book-plates used by the Society, and is illustrated with several fac-similes.

The Jaunceys of New York. Pamphlet, 24 pp.

    New York, 1876.

William Jauncey’s book-plate for frontispiece.

Annals of the Van Rennselaers in the United States, by Rev. Maunsell Van Rennselaer, D.D., LL.D.

    Albany, 8vo., pp. 241. 1888.

Book-plate of K. K. Van Rennselaer, to face page 214.

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. IX., page 14.

Book-plate of Sir John St. Clair. Notices on him by Charles R. Hildeburn. 1885.


By H. W. Fincham, Esq., and James Roberts Brown, F.R.G.S.

[Reprinted by their kind permission.]

1. Bartsch (Adam). Le Peintre Graveur, Vol. VII., for plates by Dürer and others.

    Vienna, 21 vols., 8vo, 1803-1821.

2. Moule (Thomas). Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnæ Britanniæ, pp. 367-388.

    London, royal 8vo, 1822.

Moule used the cut on the title-page as his book-plate.

3. The Gentleman’s Magazine. Remarks on the invention of book-plates, Part ii., 613.

    London, 8vo, 1822.

4. The Gentleman’s Magazine. Book-plates (C. S. B.), Part i., 198-199.

    London, 8vo, 1823.

5. Wadd (William). Mems., Maxims, and Memoirs, pp. 146-147.

    London, Callow & Wilson, 8vo, 1827.

6. Parsons (Rev. Daniel). On Book-plates. Third Annual Report of the Oxford University Archæological and Heraldic Society, pp. 17-25.

    Oxford, J. Vincent, royal 8vo, 1837.

7. Notes and Queries, 1st Series. Book-plates, whimsical one, vi., 32; motto, i., 212; early, iii., 495; iv., 46, 93, 354; vii., 26; xi., 265, 351, 471; xii., 35, 114.

    London, 1849-1855.

8. Dennistoun (James). Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange … and Andrew Lumisden, ii., 283-284.

    London, Longman, 2 vols., 8vo, 1855.

Gives the dates of three book-plates engraved by Strange.

9. Notes and Queries, 2d Series. Book-stamps, armorial, x., 409.

    London, 1856-1861.

10. Notes and Queries, 3d Series. Book-plates, armorial, vi., 306; their heraldic authority, xii., 117, 218.; by R. A., wood engraver, viii., 308. London, 1862-1867.

11. Beaupré (M.). Notice sur quelques Graveurs Nancéiens du XVIII Siècle. Nancy, Lucien Wiener, 8vo, 1862.

Contains description of a number of book-plates engraved by Dominique Collin.

12. See American Bibliography, No. 1.

13. See American Bibliography, No. 1.

14. See American Bibliography, No. 2.

15. Leighton, F.S.A. (John). Book-plates, Ancient and Modern, with examples, illustrated. Gentleman’s Magazine, 4th Series, Vol. I., pp. 798-804.

    London, 8vo, June, 1866.

Reprinted in the Ex Libris Journal, July, 1891; also reprinted in the British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, August 6, 1891.

16. Hugo, M.A. (Thos.). The Bewick Collector, illustrated, pp. 303-322.

    London, Reeve & Co., 8vo, 1866.

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