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American Book-Plates

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, et XVIII

Siècles). Avec 43 Planches d’Armoiries.

    Paris, 2 vols., 8vo, 1886.

97. Franks, F.R.S., V.P.S.A. (Augustus W.). Notes on Book-plates, No. 1, English-dated Book-plates, 1574-1800.

Printed for private distribution, 8vo, 32 pp., 1887.

98. See American Bibliography, No. 14.

99. See American Bibliography, No. 14.

100. See American Bibliography, No. 13.

101. Dobson (Austin). The Book-plate’s Petition. Ballads of Books, A. Lang.

    London, 1888.

102. Encyclopædic Dictionary. “Book-plate, a piece of paper stamped or engraved with a name or device and pasted in a book to show the ownership.”

    London, Cassell, royal 8vo, 1888.

103. Gentleman’s Magazine Library. Literary Curiosities, Book-plates, 82-86, 325.

    London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, 1888.

104. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson).Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. II., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates: Bartlett, 294; Biss, 152; Draper, 24; Owen, 368; Scheurl-Tucker, by A. Dürer, 104, 105, 120; Gibson, 196.

    London, royal 8vo, 1888.

105. Tit-Bits. Book-stealing, 107.

    London, May 26, 1888.

106. Western Antiquary, edited by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S., Vol. VII. Curious Book-lines, by George Wightwick, 160, 161.

    Plymouth, 4to, 1888.

107. The Antiquary, Vol. XIX. Book-plates, proposed magazine for, 39.

    London, Elliot Stock, 4to, 1889.

108. The Bookworm. Book-plates and their mottoes, 205. London, Elliot Stock, 8vo, June, 1880.

109. Chambers’ Encyclopædia. Book-plates, New Edition, Vol. II, 309.

    London, W. & R. Chambers, 8vo, 1889.

110. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson).Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. III., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates: Burfoot, 396; Barton, 188; Rachel, Dutchess of Beaufort, 1706, 276; Conduit, 188; Darwin, 1737, 17; Darwin, 1771, 17; Dering, 1630, 56; Dering, 56; Hopkins, 261; Keith, 88; Monypenny, 56; Shuckburgh, 256; Tollet, 72; Taddy, 261; Webster, 37. London, royal 8vo, 1889.

111. Quaritch (Bernard). Catalogue of fifteen hundred books remarkable for the beauty or age of their bindings, or as bearing indications of former ownership by great book-collectors and famous historical personages.

    London, Bernard Quaritch, 8vo, 1889.

112. Rylands, F.S.A. (J. Paul). Notes on Book-plates (ex libris), with special reference to Lancashire and Cheshire examples, and a proposed nomenclature for the shapes of shields. Plates.

    Liverpool, privately printed, demy 4to, 1889.

Also in “Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire,” pp. 1-76, illustrated.

    Liverpool, Printed for the Society, 8vo, 1890.

113. Carlander (C. M.). Svenska Bibliotek och Ex Libris auteckningar, med 84 illustrationer.

    Stockholm, Adolf Johnson, 8vo, n.d. (1889).

114. Aveling (S. T.). Heraldry: Ancient and Modern Book-plates, 370-371, illustrated.

    London, F. Warne & Co., 8vo, 1890.

115. The Book-Plate Collector’s Miscellany, a monthly supplement to the Western Antiquary, illustrated. Edited by W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc.

    Plymouth, W. H. Luke, 4to, 1890-1891.

116. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A. (Joseph Jackson).Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 2d Series, Vol. IV., illustrated. Examples of Armorial Book-plates: N. D’Eye, 25; Ball, R. Ball Dodson, 41; Paul Jodrell, 89; Vassall, 120; Cooke, 1712, 136; Sr. G. Cooke, 1727, 152; Harrison, 1698, 168; Langley, 184; Wyndham, 201; Prentice, 216; Yardley, 1721, Yardley, 1739, 232.

    London, royal 8vo, 1890.

117. Demmin (A.). Papier u. andere Beschreibstoffe Schreibgeräth, Handschrift, Buch, Buchandel, u. Zeitungswesen, Buchdruck – u. Buchbinderkunst, Buchdrucker – u. Bucherzeichen (Ex Libris), Initialen, Zieleisten. With 46 illustrations.

    Wiesbaden, 8vo, 1890.

118. Guigard (Joannis). Nouvelle Armorial du Bibliophile, Guide de l’Amateur des Livres Armoriés. Contenant la Reproduction de 2500 Armoiries et Riches Reliures Armoiriées. Paris, Emile Rondeau, 2 vols., 8vo, 1890.

119. Warnecke (F.). Die Deutschen Bücherzeichen (Ex Libris). Von ihrem Ursprunge bis zur Gegenwort. Twenty-one illustrations in the text, and 26 plates.

    Berlin, T. U. Stargardt, royal 8vo, 1890.

120. Rogers (Walter Thomas). A Manual of Bibliography, 103-105, with diagrams.

    London, H. Grevel & Co., 8vo (1890), 1891.

121. Bouchot (Henri). Les Ex Libris et Les Marques de Possession du Livre. Fifteen plates.

    Paris, Edouard Rouveyre, 8vo (1890), 1891.

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