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Weathercocks. Zeremid

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Chapter XLII Oddities and features

Chapter XLIII In defense of the scoundrel

Chapter XLIV Coved and the zeremids loop


When the prophet addresses the crowd, he appeals to her out of sympathy. He alone sees himself in it. He knows the way out. He makes a new choice of people’s fate. But the crowd sees its benefits in the new life. Each person has his own personal sun. Its guiding star, which warms separately only for him. Therefore, the prophet is doomed. Even if he was lucky, he would defeat the old Pharisees and lead the crowd into a new world. The prophet is doomed, his most loyal companions are doomed, when a crowd comes to a new world, it no longer needs prophets, it needs a dictator. The most formidable dictator is known to the people by popular tradition. All the ideas of the world perish, they are absorbed by the fate of ordinary people. But before people deal with the prophets, then with the ideas, they will make the most loyal, honest, and fanatical face. Call these people the zeremids. Until the crowd, carried away by the prophet, reached the desired goal, these are the most loyal soldiers of the idea. But when the crowd comes to the goal, to the promised land, then comes the end of the prophecy. The era of tradition is coming. The degradation of an idea begins with its own triumph. Then everything goes by inertia. The zeremids who have made an honest and dedicated person in the beginning, become the new Pharisees and hypocrites. But why are they hypocritical all the time, all their lives? Because they always knew who they were. The prophets gave them a way out of the untouchable caste, from the rabble caste to the new elite caste. No temple, no church, no government has defeated the Pharisees. They can’t be defeated at all. Because their god is the hierarchy, their gods are tradition.

Chapter I

Who’s in the city center

The fall of the state presupposes the preliminary degradation and devaluation of all state institutions and the complete leveling of the idea of the state among the unconscious masses

The fall is an irreversible destruction of all the basic foundations of the state and the thinking patterns of the unconscious masses

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The obvious number of fancy mansions and expensive cars against the background of the mining industry and autocracy, what does this mean?

We will talk about simple or “popular” ideals here.

If people want to live in large homes “not for everyone” and ride in expensive prestigious cars-the envy of all, it is a long-known dream. It eternal dream and it was born a long time ago. And this is not a greeting from a difficult childhood or even a greeting from low culture. These are all growth issues. From the problem of a particular person in the first place and only then we are talking about the plebeian-boorish scale of values, burdened by it. On the personal degradations in short, then about the economic crisis, we will say more about this.

What else?

The end of the planned economy? About the new old natural society, burdened with factories and then successfully dismantled these factories for metal and bricks? About the return of traditional culture, the revival of the old Testaments of the fathers and ancestors?

The decline of culture goes along with economic decline.

In the middle ages, for example, among the bourgeoisie from the suburbs, where the rabble lived, the same rumors also circulated. And the new townspeople also slept and saw themselves living on a rich street. The simplest thing is in rich clothes, that is, to begin with, in a rich dress.

Political urbanization. When the actions of the top become an ideology

Imitation is the face and action of large masses. People move from place to place. In a new place, they immediately agree on how to behave. People have always migrated somewhere. Always some need or violence forced them to leave their homes. In order to compensate for travel expenses, the new migrant contract made sense. The meaning of any compensation is compensation for losses. The fastest way to recover expenses is through speculation. Everyone starts selling what they have. All migrants in the world do this, either sell things or sell themselves. But among the new immigrants, there are also those who want to build a house. Immediately and in the center. According to traditional values, and new settlers are traditionalists, as a rule, to live in the center means to have power. And such a habit – to get into a public position – is the most promising. If they lived at home… But all the migrants live in a new place. Where only speculators live and trade now. This means that the most successful “centrists” will now rule and enrich themselves (immensely) in the center of the new world. So that everyone can see at once. This is certainly not good. This is certainly bad. Very bad. But who can blame them? They had moved from place to place in a motley, impersonal mass. They need to somehow live-survive. They use the techniques that they have memorized and worked on at home. That is, the reflexes of the center and suburbs are familiar to them from childhood. In developing societies, the question of rehabilitation (philistinism) of the suburbs is always relevant. We need a deadline. (It’s not just a matter of tribal orientation – in the suburbs, kinship is forgotten, but a rudimentary craving for blood remains).

Raven will not peck the Raven’s eyes.

Modern zeref (the people with tribal stuffing) ahead of the rest of the petty-bourgeois group just because of politics. They, for example, are allowed to immediately transfer to luxury cars. Because they are the masters of the situation. No one from the crowd will condemn them, on the contrary, if they move and immediately “to people”, “to princes” – this is a big fart, great luck. No ads are better for promoting freedom. Because they are local, they are supposed to have a position as if immediately (that is, if they are “local”, they should have power from birth. If you combine both motives, which are traditional power and wealth, it turns out that they understand the civil service specifically. In a Philistine sens. This means moving immediately or preparing to move to an elite area – the city center. Here’s the answer.

What is not accepted in the civilized world? Well, this is there, and this is here. The difference is big. Luxury housing and carriages with drivers are the same. Everything is similar here. What’s wrong with that? People immediately, easily want to live a beautiful life – who will forbid it? This is a democracy. And it is the same for the savage and for the refag. Does it mean the defeat of the basic principles of civil society? Is there a civil society? More precisely, was it here historically? After all, how should this case be arranged? So it turns out that the move of marginals to the think tank of the state, except for politics, is not justified by anything. Only politics! All the freaks of the world and the sharks of capitalism welcome this. They themselves, their ancestors rode across the oceans for a reason. Let everyone ride. Let them live beautifully.

Glass beads, however.

While there is an advertisement for the beauty of the market. They do what they do, a trading civilization? And everyone in the trade is waiting for the sale to end. Right? Therefore, they are smiled at from the outside, supported, the liberal tradition presents this matter romantically – “initial accumulation”, ” growth costs” of the type, at worst, that these are just Soviet rudiments. No one calls it a bad thing. If natives don’t ride jeeps-don’t they grow up in the eyes of their relatives? “This is a democracy,” the commercial media reports. Steal – but don’t get caught! That is, you ride and live in a big way – don’t be a sucker-not give up. This is already the Protestant ethic. If a Nouveau riche official wants to drive expensive cars or even a car, who is against it? These are human rights. Human rights are above society. And even above state interests. Against this background, deindustrialization is underway. The official should not be higher than the state interests’. This is the law. Hence the first thing: to understand what a state is, you need to be born in it. But here we are talking about internal migrants. No one sailed across the ocean with their belongings like the Americans. What is the reason that the new “migrants” rob their homeland?

To understand this at least need to be born in the city. Or even in the city center.

That’s really, really if the bourgeoisie-not citizens understood what it is – state interests.

But what do they think? Like that because they understand the “state” of things? Philistines do not understand the state. No, they can guess what a public office is. And the migrants don’t need more.

Let’s say, let’s not say, but it is true that everyone who represents the “state” has never lived or formed in an urban environment. What is important to them then?

For migrants, any state interests are show-offs and show-offs. So it was, so it will be. Migrants can’t think about serious things like this. They think first of all about the arrangement of everyday life. Moved – I need to get settled. This is the first” state” thinking, rudimentary. But the state lives either in the head or does not live anywhere. Even now in the center. So this one has it living again on the prestigious street, in a beautiful building-in housing, in the stomach, finally in the window dressing. This “state” thinking is aboriginal. This is their right. Their freedom. They have absolute control over it. In other words, family relations replace collegial ones, the hand washes the hand, the crowd of newcomers looks at the authorities and repeats, the state, service, and positions are only to survive, this is only a benefit for each individual family. This is a kind of campaign. It used to be like capturing an enemy city. Captured, looted, divided – went back, migrated. First, survive, but always, it turns out so, and get rich. And cars are somewhere near, it’s here, lend a hand, it is possible to hacker man and dreams become reality, and quickly. Winners are not judged. They won. Now, for advertising purposes, to promote victory, they can do anything. In the super dream, there are yachts, and villas, and all human rights. All large fortunes-they say-are usually acquired by criminal means. The first generation of capitalists are always bloodsuckers, moneylenders, criminals, and murderers. But their children will be different because they live in prosperity. They are no longer Philistines and their horizons will be broad. For they have nowhere to strive, as-in depth, in culture. They will start thinking about the state, writing smartbooks. As history teaches us. Smartbooks, you say? In fact, the visitor will always think about everyday life (and this is an understatement). As for smartbooks, you don’t have to wait long. They are already writing them. All those who are well off, do not know how (well, you know how-what secrets?), they are already writing and writing and do not wait for their children to morally acquit their fathers from the suburbs. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree everyone knows that. And are these works really smart? There is no one to evaluate it. All around are the same Philistines, misfits, migrants, and others-others, others. (For example, for the highest circle of dignitaries, a manuscript is just a gift, no matter what is inside. Like Parker. They will simply force the rest of the taxable middle class to recognize their products as a smart book. The higher the status of the migrant, the more “readers”). In short, there is no decent audience for highlighting the mind of the most important immigrants. Subordinates read their superiors. In natural societies, this is the order of the day. You didn’t know?

You didn’t know? Reading with delight the books of the boss, the authority, the leader of the family replaced the rites of the old feudal humiliation. They walk out of the boss’s office backward. This manner of respect has always been in Asia. With a smile on his face, eyes out of sight. This and the General traditional “lack of culture” is easy to use. “Society is like a woman,” Marx said: “And you should be on the lookout all the time. As soon as she relaxes, every crook will take advantage of her weakness.” And the middle-class society, which dreams of material benefits, the most reliable way (through the civil service, of course), this Philistine use the service tells the situation itself… This number of political scientists per unit of the population indicates an invasion, a society consisting of stargazers, soothsayers. After all, what are these so-called or called “political scientists”? These are fortune tellers whose cards are tied to a posteriori knowledge from the life of modern tribes and peoples. Political scientists are guessing the likely scenario of events, like shamans on a mutton bone-Attila will win against Aetius on the Catalaunian Plains. And only in their hands, they do not hold a shoulder of mutton and the giblets of a boar, but a computer mouse. They have an office chair under their ass and a laptop flickering in front of their noses. Do you recognize them as riders? Everyone, we are preparing to listen to the best of the camp of petty-bourgeois political scientists – who will win the next election…

Are human rights above the state’s interests?

Reality shows that the opposite is true – officials are above any right. The rights of senior officials who are part of the untouchable caste are actually higher, there are no contradictions in this regard. Here everything is again in the spirit of tradition. The elite is a state in Asia, so we need human rights and public positions-everything is combined. Those who don’t understand confuse the doors. It is not the state that presses, if anything, it is the official who presses, the elite presses, who is part of the new elite! Not for nothing here, everyone wants to get into the same party. To get into this party is to get into the nookers. You accept the new old rules of the ancestors and prepare for the campaign. They can’t say they rule on behalf of the elite – that’s not the way to do it. They act on behalf of the state to merge with it. This is such an Asian focus. Petty bourgeois in the party or party petty-bourgeois – this does not happen. The Horde simply became a “party”. And who doesn’t want a clientele (yachts and pitchforks) at the party? Who does not know, he again confuses the door. Let human rights defenders deal with other people and their rights. Usually, these human rights defenders protect them from the state, from the arbitrariness of officials. From their party. Oh, these are big confusions! (You’ll laugh, but the local law enforcement “live” provincials, too. They don’t call the biggest party a Horde, they just call the Horde power, and they quietly hate “naturals”, consider them savages. But these are the rules of the game. Petty-bourgeois nationalists also play democracy, they have made a feeder out of it. And it is impossible to remove these Democrats from the air. They have grown into it. And the reason for this is democracy. They cannot be replaced by national cadres. National cadres or otherwise nurtured by independence are too timid and clogged, can easily talk only about the precepts of their ancestors and the seven tribes of relatives)

No, the law is not above the public interest. The right is not higher than the elite – this is more correct. What a lot of officials have the right, if (horror of horrors!) fly out of the team (from the party, from the Horde?) You immediately become ordinary, simple, none. Under feudalism, it never occurred to any Seigneur that he levied a tally on behalf of the state. They represented the power of the monarch, the king, and his retinue. Everyone was given land, which was cultivated by his property – serfs. “I am the state,” the absolute monarch once said, and he was right. Societies under feudalism are an elite built on the type of vassalage, clan, and commitment to the monarch. The monarchy is based on the family, so the whole society was based on nepotism in the form of vassalage. The peasants had no rights at all. In some places, there are still elements of primitive gatherings, where the elite is represented by the rural aristocracy. These people must have had such crude thinking, no further than their own noses. That’s why parochial reflection. Reflection is no more than a neighbor’s. They’re stupid. No one here remembers the state interests. There is a God, there is a cure, there is a monarch, there is a notable.

This is a traditional nepotism. A hierarchical ladder is being built. At the top – the elite, built on the principle of the family. In the middle level, in the system, all niches are occupied by” their own people” by the type of clan. The bourgeoisie is not far behind (and the national representatives from the legal protection, too). All this organization forms a form of the modern solidarity-the ruling party. At the bottom, life is also set up according to a quasi-family pattern – interest groups are formed. In other words, clans are formed against the state, but inside.

What are Philistines?

First, all Philistines do not correspond to the essence that they pursue. That’s why they are Philistines. They certainly do not want to conform to it, but to acquire the pursued entity as a thing. This” material” series also includes very non-material entities, for example, titles, statuses, the highest rank in some field, for example, the rank of Professor or doctor of science. In everything, one distinctive “Philistine” feature in the form, the type of event, but not the content, the essence. These “acquisitions” are of a very wide range, if the society is developing, we are talking about the middle-class society as a whole. Claiming the highest civilized status.

What falls under this form? It can be a military rank, a scientific degree, a social status, a label of popularity, and, in the end, belonging to the elite. In middle-class society, the elite is very specific. She is only the mistress of things, no matter what, but things. Petty-bourgeois elites can best find and get as “things”, so you can become both a Professor and a writer very simply. In addition to the “rich” elite, it also wants to seem of course smart. Professor-thing, status and name Professor it’s like buying a banal thing on the market! This is only possible here.

So, among the Nouveau riches, you can become anyone, even a Caliph for an hour, even a Pope, even a circus performer, even an astronaut, even an ice skater, if only you had money. Who doesn’t have access to this case? They don’t care if you’re really a General or a philosopher, they don’t give a damn. Who wants to, let him be a General! Even the singing General, even dancing. Utter carelessness.

Of course, when the pagan consciousness touches you, it will gradually be just such a celebration of apathy, marginal simplicity. The desire to find something that is not available, but shines, with an incomprehensible luster and wants to be incomprehensible and brilliant in the course of perfection and education of society, may not look beautiful. But the new townspeople, once again, don’t give a damn. They can buy it and “dress” it.

Buy and dress “General”.

It is also very easy to recognize a fake. A regime philosopher is just as easy to spot as a wedding General. The discrepancy is given by the job. The “analyst” of them can go crazy, for example. You can assume that he really wants to open something bright and memorable, but there are not enough resources, natural data, but the Philistine system gave him a card “Analytics”, with a seal – take it and come up with it. He gives them a real product – only his madness. Is just as crazy as the claim of the bourgeoisie to the content. To the point of complete madness, he guesses the main desire of customers – their secret, which means that his discovery will be pointless and mystical. Mysticism can’t be touched or challenged – it’s scary to touch the incomprehensible, astrology scares the audience. All their analysts are mystics, of course. Do you remember shamans? This is them, only in modern clothes. If there are no orderlies to recognize a madman, then another mystery discovery is considered a find. And how many such finds. There are a lot of people who moved to the city quickly.

But the General is more difficult to “catch” because it requires war or force majeure. That he’s worthless. But he still gives out something not General, madcap, undisciplined, and even not at all creative, and creativity begins to be rejected by young people in the course of service with Lieutenant’s shoulder straps. A real General without a war is stupid. The General’s son will be a General-remember? The dunce dynasty. And this super creative, full of enthusiasm, youthful enthusiasm, he will do something. It was immediately made. He jumped from the lowest rank to the highest officer corps. He should sit and accept the congratulations of the guests, he is a wedding guest, and he can’t sit still. He’s setting up a local war. He uses epaulets to besiege his guests. He’s tired of driving a luxury foreign car in front of my nose. He begins to put other motorists as spies and selects the oligarchic bread. And it’s very fat! Therefore, the service gets the appearance of a terrible nightmarish feudal game. For the oligarchs, of course. Not for him.

It must say, in peacetime, a civilian or a woman can handle a military position. This is a typical manifestation of market farce.

All these regalia, degrees, and titles all speak of one thing: desire. That there is emotion along with selfishness.

About the strong side of the instinctive-emotional view of the surrounding things. The inability to look into the essence of the title, position, and even profession, leads to the boundless fall of these professions. Disappearing due to quality. What remains is the prestige of having a tag, not a profession. Professionals disappear, evaporate in that place. Some employees, hypocrites, and ass-lickers. The same ones breed even worse at the bottom. Because there are no more professionals, but there are children, children of nature, who “want” and want to be happy that they are in uniform or in a suit. Social option: that they occupy a post, it doesn’t matter – they correspond to it, they occupy it – so they deserve it. And they are respected for it. Respect for the post, for the fact that they decide something there, and very important. The more stupid a person is, the more respected they are. And after all, he wants, in the end, requires complete groveling. A slave is a slave. And groveling is a radical form of admiration. Well, there is no one from the bourgeoisie who does not dream of becoming a God for a moment. Replace God for a couple of minutes and pay off all the enemies-is this not the dream of Philistine dreams? Who says that? That’s right-children, children live like this, and their children, who are called fashionable “journalists” yet, these retell how crazy Western stars go. They are actually related. Ass-licking administrators, ass-licking their secretaries. Assholes writing and broadcasting from the screen are most interested in what Jennifer Lopez bought. This is the ceiling of petty-bourgeois interests. Children always need to go to rehab. Why is it not appropriate to transfer it to society? Does the bourgeoisie need rehabilitation? Let’s look at this case on the example of a popular opposition Philistine.

And what about our opposition?

Let’s say he once dreamed of becoming someone as a child. Then, as a teenager and a young man, the “dream” was vulgarized – it was corrected by the values of society, the society in which he lived. Their environment has replaced romance. The worse the conditions of past life and material conditions, the greater this dream-not a dream at all, but a desire has become a goal.

We remember that the bourgeoisie wanted to walk in a rich suit in the elite quarter, to stand next to the rich. (And the entire population can dream of becoming rich, for nothing that there is an advertisement for the hikes of Western oligarchs and their next girl friends-pasii).

Must to define this population as petty-bourgeois, who do not have values, in simple terms, collective farmers with requests. Here they flooded the city, came to the city center in expensive suits, (option on an expensive car rolled). They didn’t become someone. They just realized themselves. Removed the space complexes. They won’t build any more cities. The more villages the more villages. To those architectures came the end. Only the centers will be equipped for different fun. They have to not only take off mental complexes but also forget it, right? They associate the center with joy and ostentation. Other types of activities and industries will probably fall into disrepair. Wishes are realized – here they are-already in the offices! The motto remains: “live and enjoy, don’t worry! “We will make our relatives, acquaintances and friends professors and writers, singers and poets, point a bunch of cameras at them, draw a big advertisement, invite – not for free – some Bazaar, Western stars and everything – everything is ours, everything is mine. Who should be embarrassed?”

Why can’t this trouble-free, fabulously easy mood (with the realization of desires) go to the crowd? And the mood changes. That’s why it’s a traditional society. Someone sneezed from above, and there was an epidemic from below. All after all – “suburban” Philistines are infected with all the diseases of the elite. The lower the status, the stronger the passion to get infected-this is the law. Conscience, morals, laws they killed with their desires. “We will buy all departments, studios, mantles, courts, operating rooms and editorial offices” – the first second, second third, third fourth echo: we will buy! We are not interested in the standard, we are interested in the external outfit, being and form, which is cool, and in politics-we are like the elite. Rudeness is our standard. We are a big easy crowd. (And if it is also ethnic? Related to an ethnic group?)
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