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A Mummy For His Daughter

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“She’s a doctor!” Katlian said in disbelief. “A doctor!”

“Maybe you’ll have to change your stance on doctors now, eh?” he teased.

Katlian’s dark eyes glittered as she frowned, but then she smiled. “Perhaps.”

“Do you want me to get her?”

Katlian shook her head. “No, you let her work today. She’s going to see Jennifer and I want her to be focused on her work. I will see her later.”

Katlian stood up and Derek opened the door for her. She walked out of the clinic, past a few people who were still concerned about the always strong and steadfast Katlian Yazzie breaking down in the waiting room.

Derek ran a hand over his head.

Was this what his rotation with Evelyn Saunders was going to be like? All these relatives coming out of the woodwork and daily emotional reunions? As much as he was all for family coming together, he couldn’t let this keep happening.

The office door chimed and a pregnant woman hunched over came in.

“I need help!” she cried out. “I’m in labor and my husband is out in the bush on a logging run.”

“Evelyn!” Derek shouted over his shoulder as he dashed toward the woman.

He held on to her as she breathed through a contraction.

“Christina...” Derek said in a soothing tone. “Don’t worry we have an OB/GYN here.”

Christina nodded. “But it’s too soon. Dr. Pearson said last week my baby was breech and he was going to try and turn it this week.”

Damn Dr. Pearson.

“He didn’t turn it?” Derek asked as he helped Christina toward the exam room while the receptionist worked to rebook the couple of patients who were waiting. She knew the drill when an emergency patient came in.

“He was supposed to turn it today,” Christina said. “I was coming here to have it done, but labor started...”

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