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A Mummy For His Daughter

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Joe took a step back, tears glistening in his eyes as he spoke some words in Tlingit.

Derek could only make out a piece of what he was saying. Something about someone being home?

Joe turned to him. “Dr. Taylor, this is my sister’s child. She’s been missing for over twenty years.”

“Missing?” Derek asked, confused.

Evelyn smiled up at Joe and then looked back at Derek. “My father died when I was ten and my guardian was my grandmother in Boston. A social worker came and—”

“Took her away,” Joe interrupted. “We were her family. Her father left her care to me and my mother. Evelyn is half-Tlingit and we would’ve cared for her, but we lost out to the Matriarch Saunders in Boston. There was no will, and a judge determined Georgina Saunders a better fit. She had the finances...we didn’t and couldn’t afford to fight. Georgina had sole custody. It broke my mother’s heart, being separated from her. We tried to call, but Georgina changed her number and blocked us at every turn.”

“I see.” Derek was in shock.

Joe turned back to Evelyn. “We tried to get in touch with you, Evie. I swear!”

Evelyn nodded, only Derek noticed a strange expression on her face, as if she didn’t quite believe it. “I know.”

“So you’re related to the Yazzie family? You didn’t mention it before,” Derek said.

Evelyn shot him a warning look. “It didn’t come up naturally in conversation.”

“I asked where you were from.”

“I am from Boston.”

Joe frowned. “Well, I’m glad you’re back, Evie. We have a lot to catch up on.”

“I think that’s my cue to go,” Derek said as he stood up.

“You don’t have to,” Evelyn said.

“I have things to do. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He quickly slapped down money for his beer.

He had to get out of this place. He had to put some distance between him and Evelyn. Fast. He’d overstayed anyways. He’d only come for a quick drink before he had to head home to relieve the sitter and deal with a cranky, fussy five-year-old who wanted the sitter to stay longer because Jessica read stories better than Daddy.

Derek looked back at the reunion scene. He smiled and for one brief moment wished he could stay. Evelyn’s smile made his heart skip a beat. It made him feel like his old self.

Seeing Evelyn with Joe Yazzie made him feel lonely.

She was from here.

She had family.

He frowned at the realization.

Evelyn had a reason to stay, and if she stayed...

He didn’t want to get his hopes up that another doctor would stay. They never did. So he was going to carry on believing she was like every other doctor before her. A doctor with a time limit.

Even if secretly he wouldn’t mind if she stayed, because he was so drawn to her and it would be nice to share the load—

That thought scared him.

There was no room in his heart for anyone else.

His heart was too broken, too damaged, for him to make room for someone again.

CHAPTER THREE (#u54aba5a7-e943-5502-8627-3ee1a799124b)

EVELYN GOT UP before her alarm in the morning. Of course it had been hard to sleep, because her emotions were all over the place.

The reunion with Uncle Yazzie had wrung her out completely, even if she had managed to keep it all together. And every time she’d closed her eyes she’d seen her father, her mother or Derek. And the fact that Derek had invaded her thoughts irritated her greatly.

He shouldn’t be in her thoughts.

She was here to serve Stefanie’s rotation in Wolf’s Harbor and then she’d return to Sitka. And then... She didn’t know where.

There were so many opportunities.

Nathan hadn’t understood that about her. She wanted to keep learning and expanding her curriculum vitae. She wanted to learn from the very best in her field of work. And all Nathan had wanted to do was stay put, have kids and settle down.

You want those things too. You’re just afraid.

Evelyn ignored those thoughts. They were dangerous to have, and she was never going to entertain them. She was never going to have a husband or kids. She didn’t want to put her heart at risk or, worse, have her kids go through the traumatic experience that she had.

Evelyn swore she would never do that. Even if she wanted it badly.

“You’re restless, Evelyn.”

Nathan’s words echoed in her head.

Maybe she was, but she could protect herself better this way.

She took a sip of the instant coffee she’d made from the powder she’d found in a cupboard and winced.

It was awful. Bitter.

She dumped the coffee down the sink before gathering up her things and heading outside. She shivered, even though it was summer. It was brisk compared to Boston, and she was glad she’d brought her sweater.

Down the steps and through the alleyway beside the clinic was a small coffee shop, and she could smell coffee brewing.

The bell above the door jingled as she walked in and a sudden rush of being there before, washed over her. The scent of coffee and the sugary sweet smell of pies wafted in from the back.

She’d been here before, but she was having a hard time remembering it.

A middle-aged woman looked up from cleaning the counter and beamed. “Well, I’ll be...”

“Hi,” Evelyn said unsurely.
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