Книга дельная. Без воды, приводятся реальные кейсы и способы их разрешения. Много практичных полезных советов и методик. Кое-что уже испробовала в дел...
Sociological thought plays a huge role in the development of society. Sociology considers the issues of population development generically, seeking to identify trends in the future development of the...
Bronze strips, which served as the first money found in treasures in Central Europe, began to be gradually made on the territory of the ancient Indo-Europeans in the Southern Urals, this also...
The mention of clothing in ancient sources is confirmed by modern archaeological data that ancient people used clothes already 90—120 thousand years ago.
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical book Exodus from the Old Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейской книги Исход из Ветхого завета. На английском языке.
Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.
Scientific line-by-line analysis of the Biblical books of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских книг пророков Иезекииля и Даниила. На английском языке.
Industrial development of the South Urals in the years of the new economic policy and pre-war five-year plans is a topic of topical importance for modern Russia. Regardless of political preferences,...
The book tells about languages, peoples, migratory movements of Finno-Ugric peoples, about how the Finno-Ugric community emerges, about the formation of beliefs, customs, rites, rituals. Various...
The book tells about the ancient migration movements of the Baltic peoples after they left their Indo-European ancestral homeland — the region of the steppes of the Southern Urals — the Black Sea....
The Turkic peoples are formed on a vast space in the Altai Mountains. In the process of development of Turkic peoples — their carriers, dialects and languages were formed, characterized...
Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Modern Slavs are divided into 3 groups: eastern, southern and western. Slavic languages are especially...
The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of the first millennium BC stretched from the British Isles to Asia Minor. The Celts already lived...
Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-ugrilainen yhteisö syntyy, uskomusten muodostumisesta, tapoista, riitoista, rituaaleista. Mukana on...
A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialakulásának módjáról, a hiedelmek, szokások, rítusok, rituálék kialakulásáról szól. Különböző történeti...
Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam Á phát sinh, về sự hình thành tín ngưỡng, phong tục, nghi lễ, nghi lễ. Nhiều nguồn lịch sử và dân...
The book tells about languages, peoples, migration movements of Semitic peoples. About how a Semitic community arises, the emergence of beliefs, customs, rites, rituals. Various historical and...
The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.
Buku ini menceritakan tentang bahasa, orang, pergerakan migrasi orang Indonesia, tentang bagaimana komunitas Indonesia (Melayu) muncul, tentang pembentukan kepercayaan, adat, ritus, ritual. Berbagai...
Cartea vorbește despre vechile mișcări migratorii ale popoarelor romanice după ce au părăsit casa lor originară indo-europeană, regiunea de sud a stepei Ural, Marea Neagră.
Il libro parla degli antichi movimenti migratori dei popoli romanici dopo che hanno lasciato la loro casa indoeuropea originaria, la regione meridionale della steppa degli Urali, il Mar Nero.
O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratórios dos povos românicos depois que eles deixaram seu lar indo-europeu original, a região estepe dos Urais do sul, o Mar Negro.
El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que abandonaron su hogar indoeuropeo original, la región esteparia del sur de los Urales, el Mar Negro.
Le livre raconte les anciens mouvements migratoires des peuples romans après avoir quitté leur maison ancestrale indo-européenne — la région des steppes de l’Oural du Sud — la mer Noire.
Insíonn an leabhar seo faoi ghluaiseachtaí imirce ársa na ndaoine Ceilteacha tar éis dóibh a dteach sinsearach Ind-Eorpach a fhágáil — an réigiún ina bhfuil na hUaslannaigh Theas — an Mhuir Dhubh.
Libri tregon për lëvizjet e lashta të migracionit të fiseve të lashta shqiptare pasi ata lanë shtëpinë e tyre stërgjyshore indo-evropiane — rajonin e stepave të Uraleve Jugore — Detit të Zi.
Bókin segir frá gömlum búferlaflutningum germönsku þjóðarinnar eftir að þeir yfirgáfu indóevrópska forfeðraheimilið — steppana í Suður-Úralfjöllum — Svartahafinu.
Boken forteller om de gamle...
Bogen fortæller om de gamle migrationsbevægelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres indo-europæiske forfædres hjem — regionen med stepperne i de sydlige Ural — Sortehavet.
Boken berättar...
Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun Indo-Europese voorouderlijk huis — de regio van de steppen van de Zuidelijke Oeral — de Zwarte Zee hadden...
Knjiga govori o drevnim migracijskim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon što su napustili svoju indoeuropsku baštinu — regiju stepa Južnog Urala — Crnog mora.
Knjiga govori o drevnim selidbenim...
Kniha vypráví o starověkých migračních pohybech slovanských národů poté, co opustili svůj indoevropský rodový domov — oblast stepí Jižního Uralu — Černé moře. V češtině a slovenštině. Kniha hovorí...
Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the prerequisites for creation of Islam, to understand the formation of Islamic views on the world. The text...
Archaeological studies show that the native land of Indo-Europeans is the South Ural region, where they were formed as the united lingual group. The Indo-European languages are formed in the deep...