25 But the word of the LORD endures forever; and this is the word that has been preached to you. («The Word of the Lord» – suggestion by the word).
Chapter 2
1 So, putting aside all malice and all deceit, and hypocrisy, and envy, and all slander, (A call to renounce «bad» deeds).
2 Like newborn babies, love the pure verbal milk, so that you may grow from it to salvation; (Analogies and comparisons).
3 For you have tasted that the LORD is good. (You were told that supposedly Lord God is doing everything for the good).
4 Approaching Him, a living stone, rejected by men, but chosen by God, precious, (Analogies and comparisons).
5 And yourselves, like living stones, make of yourselves a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, in order to offer spiritual sacrifices favorable to God by Jesus Christ. (The concept of «holy priesthood» applies to the apostles and Jesus Christ).
6 For it is written in the Scripture: Behold, I lay in Zion a corner stone, chosen, precious; and he who believes in it will not be ashamed. (Constant references to the Jewish «sacred» scriptures).
7 So he is a jewel for you believers, but for unbelievers he is a stone that the builders rejected, but which has become the head of the corner, a stumbling block and a stone of temptation (Analogies and comparisons).
8 against which they stumble, not obeying the word, to which they are abandoned. (Analogies and comparisons).
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy people, people taken as an inheritance in order to proclaim the perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light; (The suggestion of exclusivity and «being chosen». ).
10 once not a people, but now the people of God; [once] not pardoned, but now pardoned. (Suggestion of exclusivity and «being chosen»).
11 Beloved! I ask you, as strangers and wanderers, to move away from carnal lusts that rise up against the soul (a call to renounce lusts).
12 and to lead a virtuous life among the Gentiles, so that they, for what they slander you as evildoers, when they see your good deeds, glorify God on the day of the visitation. (The pagans, «having seen your good deeds,» began to «glorify Yahweh on the day of the visitation,» and if they did not see, then they did not glorify Yahweh).
13 Therefore, be submissive to every human authority, for the Lord, whether to the king as the supreme authority (a call to submission, submission to all authority).
14 to the rulers, as sent from him to punish criminals and to encourage those who do good, – (A call to submission, submission to all authority).
15 for it is the will of God that, while doing good, we block the mouths of the ignorance of insane people – («The will of God» is submission to the authorities, while not opening our mouths and not expressing seditious thoughts).
16 as free, not as using freedom to cover up evil, but as servants of God. («Servants of God» – under the slave-owning system, slaves should be «silent tools»).
17 Honor all, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. (The attitude of submission, slavery, non-resistance to evil by violence. This is very beneficial to slaveholders and the priesthood).
18 Servants, obey the masters with all fear, not only the kind and meek, but also the severe ones. (The attitude of submission, slavery, non-resistance to evil by violence. This is very beneficial to slaveholders and the priesthood).
19 For it is pleasing to God, if anyone, thinking of God, endures sorrows, suffering unjustly. (It pleases not a fictional god, but slaveholders and priests to keep slaves in a religious «collar»).
20 For what kind of praise is it if you endure being beaten for your transgressions? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, it pleases God. (It is necessary to do good and endure, even if you are beaten, it is pleasing to God. It pleases not a fictional god, but slaveholders and priests to keep slaves in a religious «collar»).
21 For you are called to this, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example to follow in his footsteps. (The «vocation» was, from the author’s point of view, to be an obedient slave, Christ «suffered», they say, and everyone should suffer).
22 He had committed no sin, and there was no flattery in his mouth. (Praise of Jesus Christ).
23 Being slandered, he did not slander one another; suffering, he did not threaten, but delivered it up to the Righteous Judge. (Praise of Jesus Christ).
24 He himself lifted up our sins with his body on the tree, so that we, having got rid of our sins, would live for righteousness: with his stripes you were healed. (Praise of Jesus Christ).
25 For you were like sheep wandering (having no shepherd), but now you have returned to the Shepherd and the Guardian of your souls. (Analogies and comparisons).
Chapter 3
1 Also, wives, obey your husbands, so that those of them who do not obey the word, may be acquired by the life of their wives without the word (Establishing the necessity of women to obey men).
2 when they see your pure, God-fearing life. (Women should lead the «right» life).
3 Let not the external braiding of your hair, not golden headdresses or smartness in clothes be your adornment (Women should lead the «right» life).
4 But the inmost of the heart is a man in the incorruptible [beauty] of a meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God. (Women should lead the «right» life).
5 So, once upon a time, holy wives who trusted in God adorned themselves by obeying their husbands. (Women should lead the «right» life).
6 So Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him master. You are her children if you do good and are not embarrassed by any fear. (References to the Old Testament history).
7 Likewise, husbands, treat your wives wisely, as with the weakest vessel, honoring them as co-heirs of a life of grace, so that you will not be hindered in your prayers. (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
8 Finally, be all of one mind, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, friendly, humble-minded; (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
9 Do not repay evil for evil, or abuse for abuse; on the contrary, bless, knowing that you are called to inherit the blessing. (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
10 For whoever loves life and wants to see good days, keep your tongue from evil and your mouth from evil speech; (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
11 turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and strive for it, (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
12 For the eyes of the LORD are turned to the righteous, and his ears to their prayer, but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil (to destroy them from the earth). (Personification of God).
13 And who will do you harm if you are zealous for good? (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
14 But even if you suffer for the truth, you are blessed; but do not be afraid of their fear and do not be confused. (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
15 Sanctify the LORD God in your hearts; [be] always ready to give an answer with meekness and reverence to anyone who asks you for an account of your hope. (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
16 Have a good conscience, so that those who reproach your good life in Christ may be put to shame by what they slander you as villains. (Setting the moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
17 For, if it pleases the will of God, it is better to suffer for good deeds than for evil; (The establishment of moral and ethical norms of the new religion).
18 Because Christ, too, in order to bring us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, being put to death according to the flesh, but quickened by the spirit, (Christ suffered in atonement for the sins of Adam and Eve, as well as all mankind, «being put to death according to the flesh, but quickened by the spirit»).
19 To whom he came down and preached to the spirits in prison (Jesus Christ acted, from a religious point of view, on the instructions of his god-father Yahweh, who allegedly sent him to the «sinful» earth so that Jesus would redeem the sins of all people with his martyrdom).
20 Once disobedient to God’s long-suffering that awaited them, in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved from the water. (References to the Old Testament history. It is claimed that 8 souls were saved in Noah’s Ark).
21 In the same way, baptism similar to this image, not washing of carnal uncleanness, but a promise to God of a good conscience, saves us today by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (Mention of baptism, the resurrection of Jesus Christ).
22 Who, having ascended into heaven, dwells at the right hand of God, and to whom the Angels and Powers and Powers have submitted. (After the resurrection, Jesus Christ supposedly sits on the right (slav.) – on the right hand, side; on the right, to the right, «abides at the right hand of God and to Whom the Angels and Powers and Powers have submitted»).