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A Worthy Gentleman

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‘Yes, perhaps,’ Sarah said, though she did not think it likely. ‘Now, tell me, Tilda, what have you been reading? I have a book of poetry in my trunk that I believe you will like…’

‘Have you read Northanger Abbey?’ Tilda asked. ‘I have been rereading it again, and I like it very well. Some people do not like it as well as her earlier books, of course. I think it is sad that Miss Austen has only been truly acknowledged since her death. Why do you imagine she was forced to publish under an assumed name while she lived?’

‘I have no idea, for her secret was known to many besides her family and friends,’ Sarah said. ‘I have read all her books, but I think I might like to read Northanger Abbey again when you have finished it, Tilda.’

‘Then of course you shall,’ her friend promised, smiling at her. ‘I am so glad that you have come to visit with us, Sarah. We shall have plenty of time to talk…’

‘Oh, yes,’ Sarah agreed. ‘I am sure that we shall…’

They had been in town four days, most of which had been spent shopping or visiting the seamstress to have fittings for all the new clothes her mama seemed to think she needed before she was fit to be seen in town. This morning, Sarah had escaped before her mama was up. Accompanying Tilda to the library to change Lady Tate’s books, she lingered to look into the window of a fashionable milliner’s just as a gentleman came out carrying a bandbox.

‘Miss Redmond,’ he said, tipping his hat. ‘And can it be Miss Hunter?’

Sarah glanced at his face and smiled. ‘Captain Hernshaw, how nice to see you,’ she said. ‘Are you on a visit home or have you left your post in Rome?’

‘I have been called back,’ Captain Hernshaw said. ‘I believe I am to be offered a safe seat for the Whigs at a by-election. It is in my uncle’s gift apparently, and the voting will be a mere formality. He would like me home to oversee the family affairs from time to time, and I may further my political career, which is of course my wish.’

‘I see,’ Sarah replied. ‘I fear I have little knowledge of such things, sir, though I am sure it is an interesting career for a gentleman and I wish you well of it. I am truly glad to see you again. We are giving a small dance at the end of this month. I hope you will come?’

‘Yes, of course,’ he said. ‘I shall look forward to it. I dare say we shall meet quite often, Miss Hunter—though I go down to the country for a few days next week. I shall return the week after and shall hope to see you then.’

‘Yes, that will be pleasant,’ Sarah said. ‘Good day, sir. We must not delay you.’

‘No, indeed. As you see, I have been shopping.’ He indicated the bandbox he was carrying. ‘A small gift for my sister. Rosemary is just seventeen and this will be her come-out into society.’

‘And you have bought her a new bonnet,’ Sarah said. ‘You are a kind brother, Captain Hernshaw.’

‘It is a surprise. I must hope that she will like it,’ he said and tipped his hat to her before walking away.

‘What a pleasant gentleman he is,’ Tilda remarked as they moved on, crossing the road towards the lending library, where for a small subscription they were able to choose from an interesting selection of books. ‘I can never forget how swiftly he dispatched that awful man who tried to kill you and then attacked Arabella. I am sure we have Captain Hernshaw to thank for her not being badly hurt or even killed.’ She gave a shudder as a shiver of ice ran down her spine.

‘Yes, he showed great skill and presence of mind,’ Sarah agreed. ‘I have always thought him very pleasant.’ She had not told Tilda that she thought that Captain Hernshaw had been on the verge of proposing to her in Rome, for she was a modest girl and did not like to appear to brag of such things.

‘Well, I dare say there are quite a few pleasant gentlemen in town,’ Tilda said and smiled for she had noticed that someone was staring at them from a passing carriage. She touched Sarah’s arm after it had gone past them. ‘That was the Duke of Pentyre, my dear. I think he was looking at you just now. He seemed quite taken with what he saw.’

‘No, was he?’ Sarah laughed softly. ‘I am sure you are mistaken, Tilda dear. I have never met the duke and I am sure there are lots of pretty girls in London just now. I do not imagine that he finds me particularly special.’

‘Oh, I do not know,’ Tilda said. She thought that her companion was very much out of the ordinary. She had more of an air about her than most of the naïve young ladies brought to town by their hopeful mamas—and was perhaps just the type of woman to catch the eye of some of the more seasoned campaigners. Gentlemen who had been on the town for several years, but had escaped the matrimonial net, were perhaps now looking for a suitable wife with whom to set up their nursery. She did not know much of the duke—his was an Irish title—but she understood that he also had large estates in England, and that he was thought to be very wealthy. ‘I believe that a lot of gentlemen will find you rather special, my dear.’

‘That is because you are prejudiced in my favour, dearest Tilda,’ Sarah said and squeezed her arm. ‘Ah, here we are. I wonder if there are any new books today. I think I should like to read something of Lord Byron’s if they have it…’

Sarah glanced at herself in the full-length cheval mirror in her bedroom, turning this way and that to admire her gown. It was a simple muslin, but draped with spangled gauze so that it sparkled in the candlelight. Her hair had been swept up on top of her head, though spirals of fair hair curled down her neck and clustered about her face. It had been dressed with white silk flowers and pearls and she had a simple strand of pearls linked with gold around her wrist. Her long gloves were white with a touch of pink embroidery at the edges.

‘You look very well, my dear,’ Mrs Hunter said, entering behind her. ‘Yes, I like that ensemble. I was not sure when Madame Deloir suggested it. I thought it might look rather too sophisticated, but she was right. It does suit you, makes you look a little out of the ordinary.’

‘Thank you, Mama,’ Sarah said. ‘Did you come to fetch me? I am ready now.’ She picked up a spray of pink and white roses, which had been ordered for her by her brother, who had come up to town that very day. ‘It was thoughtful of Charles to send these for me.’

‘I dare say you will receive several floral tributes after this evening,’ her mother said with a look of satisfaction. ‘Hester was telling me that we have all been invited to a ball to be given by the Duke of Pentyre and hosted by Lady Jersey next week. She had not expected to be asked, but news of your arrival must have begun to circulate, dearest.’

It was their first important evening engagement. Until now they had dined with a few of Lady Tate’s friends and attended one small card party and a musical affair. This was Sarah’s first experience of an English ball in a private house, and she was both excited and nervous.

‘Everyone has been kind, Mama,’ Sarah said now. ‘It was good of Lady Moore to invite us this evening, was it not?’

‘Lady Moore and I knew one another years ago,’ Mrs Hunter replied. ‘However, the invitation from the Duke of Pentyre was unexpected at this early stage, Sarah. We must feel flattered for I would imagine that only the very best of society will be there.’

‘Oh…’ Sarah turned aside so that her mother should not see that her cheeks were warm. ‘Well, I am sure it is most kind of the duke and Lady Jersey.’

‘Yes, indeed it is,’ Mrs Hunter said. ‘Well, let us go down, my dear. We do not wish to keep the others waiting.’

Sarah walked obediently in her mother’s wake. Lady Tate and Tilda were already in the hall being helped on with their evening cloaks by the housekeeper. Tilda smiled as she watched Sarah come down the stairs to join them.

‘You look quite beautiful,’ she said. ‘That gown is a triumph, Sarah dear.’

‘Thank you,’ Sarah replied. ‘It is rather lovely, isn’t it?’

‘I am sure any gown would look lovely on you, Sarah,’ Lady Tate told her with a look of approval. ‘Are we all ready? I know that Coachman is ready for us…’

She led the way outside to where her town carriage was waiting to convey them to the house of Lady Moore, which was a few streets away. Sarah knew that they could have walked there in the time it took to make the carriage and horses ready, but it was impossible—their dainty evening shoes would gather the filth of the pavements and it would not be wise for four ladies to be abroad in London at night without an escort. In their own carriage, with their grooms and coachman, they were perfectly safe. They were unlikely to be accosted by the bands of wild young men who sometimes roamed the streets looking for victims to persecute, and highwaymen usually haunted only the lonely country roads.

Sarah listened to the chatter of her companions. She had little to say, for she was feeling apprehensive. Would she be left standing at the side of the room for more than one dance? She had few acquaintance in London, though she had met some ladies, friends of her mother’s and Lady Tate’s, but only a sprinkling of gentlemen as yet—and most of them were either married or quite elderly.

The house was lit up outside and link boys waited with their lanterns to show the way for the ladies as they stepped down from the carriage. A red carpet had been laid down for them so that they did not soil their slippers. Inside the house, maids took their wraps from them and they were directed to the main stairs, leading up to the first floor. Sarah could hear music playing as they reached the top and followed other guests to what was a large drawing room, which had been turned into a ballroom for the evening. Double doors had been folded back to give access from a second parlour, where the guests were mingling and drinking champagne.

That evening was only a small affair, with no more than fifty guests invited, not one of the huge crushes that would take place later in the season. Lady Moore had, as she made clear in her invitation, asked her close friends to a little dance for her niece Julia. She smiled as Sarah was brought forward to be introduced.

‘Ah, Miss Hunter—Sarah, my dear. I want you to meet Julia. She is a little younger than you, perhaps, but I hope you may become friends.’ She looked approvingly at her niece. ‘This is Miss Sarah Hunter, Julia. Why do you not go with her now, my love? Most of our guests are here and I shall greet the latecomers alone. There is no need for you to miss the dancing, for it has already begun.’

‘Thank you, Aunt,’ Julia said and nodded to Sarah. ‘If you would like to come with me, Miss Hunter. I must confess that I am glad to have your company. Aunt Mary tells me that it is your first dance in London and it is mine too. We may give each other courage perhaps?’

‘Yes, of course,’ Sarah replied and smiled at her. She was a pretty girl with dark hair and not as tall as Sarah, but she seemed friendly and willing to be entertained. ‘I should like that, Julia. I do not know many people in town yet.’

‘Nor I,’ Julia said. ‘My aunt is very pleased with herself for she has captured one or two notable persons. The duke has not yet arrived, but he has said that he will come.’

‘Oh…’ Sarah was at a loss. ‘I am sorry—I do not know who you mean.’

‘My aunt’s cousin—the Duke of Pentyre,’ Julia said. ‘He is a rather distant cousin really, several times removed, but she does not mention that in company. She sent him an invitation, but did not think he would attend—he often refuses more prestigious affairs than this, you know.’

‘He sounds rather proud.’

‘Yes, perhaps. I have only met him once and he just stared through me. I was, of course, only a child then, but I did not truly like him. Aunt Mary is always talking of him, but I do not think I should like to marry him.’

‘Why is that?’ Sarah asked, a little surprised at the confidence.

‘Oh…no reason, just that he frightens me,’ Julia said and gave a nervous giggle. ‘But I am talking too much. It is because I am anxious, I suppose.’

‘Not at all.’

Sarah shook her head and gave her new friend an encouraging smile. They had entered the ballroom now and, glancing round, she saw that ten couples were dancing, while a sprinkling of gentlemen stood talking.
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