Unlike that, the freedom-haters (mainly “progressives” in the US) are just opposite: they all share destructive greed for somebody's else money, powers and benefits that they didn't earn, they break down society into as many as possible special interests factions/groups that fight with each other for redistribution of the already existing wealth, using coercive powers of the evergrowing in the degree of totalitarianism, size, scope and budget Big Government. In the US it is the "progressive" Democ-rats gang. The ultimate result is a societal collective failure.) So, it is the "progressive" Democrats who are greedy, they try to rob Peter to pay Paul, while conservatives just want to keep theirs, the fruits of their own hard labor.
Freedom camp unites the nation in the "greed" for individual success while totalitarian camp divides the society using collective greed and resulting in collective failure– just compare North and South Korea, East and West Germany, UK before and under Tatcher, thriving Reaganomics and failing Obamunism).
There is some element of the buffer system: if the equlibrium point moves towards "more slavery", then the bigger segment of the society finds itself in the freedom-lovers camp and thus they join efforts to free the people from the government. The government counteracts by making more beggers and slaves out of the people by giving them "free lunches" handouts and, hence, shifting them back to the freedom-haters camp. Some swing voters fluctuate around the equilibrium point due the subjective factors (such as tiredness of professional politicians of the ruling party) and chaotically push the equilibrium point back and forth. That's what happened in 2006 and 2008, when independants moved from lesser totalitarianism of the GOP statists to much worse totalitarianism of the leftist "progressives". Now when the enemies of America in Washington, DC pushed the equilibrium point so hard and so fast towards totalitarian socialism and pro-Muslim dictatorship that many Americans found themselves in Tea party movement, which is a bitter opposition to the massive frontal attack of the Obama's regime on liberties, free market and prosperity. Silent majority woke up to realize the truthfulness of old saying that if you leave the dirty business of politics to the dirty professional politicians then you must expect to be ruled by your inferiors. Here we are– all the Washington, DC is permeated now by the totalitarian "progressive" filth. The swing voters, the independants before voting for the Democrats must realize that for the Democrats making America more prosperous is like shooting to their leg. Same is for the statists in the both parties. RINOs in GOP just like also want "to solve" the problems through increasing powers, scope and the budget of the governtment, which is exactly opposite from what needs to be done to solve the problems. The "progessives" are delusional, but even delusional ones know that decreasing their voting base means kicking themselves out of the feeding ground in Washington, DC. It is the Democrats' direct and vested interest to increase theirs and to decrease the opposition's electorate. Oh, the family guys and the faithful vote conservative? Then the Dems destroy families and religion: by moral relativity theory, encouraging promuscuity and sexual perversions, welfare, discrediting influence of family and religion and by thousand of other mean means. Oh, hardworking, independant and prosperous Americans vote conservative? Then the Dems make as many Americans lazy taxpayor money recipients as they can, inflating the entitlement programs until the fiscal catasrtophe ensues. As the free market proponents vote against the Democ-rats, then the Dems regulate free market to death, to today's crisis. Free souls oppose totalitarian progressives? Then the statists and "progressives" will gradually take away all you individual liberties, replacing it with the federal dictatorship. Remember, it is against the Democrats' interests to make you free, independant and prosperous person in the pursuit of happiness. Same holds true for all totalitarians directly proportionally to the degree of their totalitarianism. They want to make you a serf, a ward of the government, a subject to them, a sheep under "enlightened" elite rule, just like the happily bleating castrated by the political correctness animals in the EuroZoo and then your own government will bring you to the Jihadists' slaughter houses, which occurs in UK and Scandinavia as we speak.
So, again, the core freedom layer comprised largely by the self-described conservatives (43% of Americans) who love their freedoms, guns and the Bible. This is the "instinctive" freedom lovers. They might not be highly educated, but, unlike the university professors, journalists, Hollywood trash or any other intelligentsia, they do have common sense.
Libertarians are tiny manority of the freedom camp, but they are extremely important because they not just feel, but know why the freedom is the key to prosperity and happiness and because they can eloquently articulate, summurize and publicly defend in the remaining 4% of non-totalitarian MSM the case for liberty. In addition, a lot of them matured through the stages of personal development that included leftist totalitarians. Some of them used to be leftis "progressive" totalitarians themselves, twhile they were young, stupid, irresponsible and relebblious. Now they matured into healthy freedom-lovers, but they do know the totalitarian enemies of the people inside out, which makes them even more valuable to the cause of freedom.
Objectivists, individualists, free market proponents, such as the followers of Ayn Rand and the like, are valuable allies of the freedom cause amongst the intelligentsia and art communities too. There are decent freedom lovers amongst these communities too, even though majority of the them are totalitarian "progressive" enemies of the people: entertainment trash, lazy speculative Wall Street billionaires that produce only hot air ballons (in distinction to the hard-working Main street business people that produce 100% of the civilizaition goods we enjoy), journalists, writers, leftist brainwashing "educators" and the like.
Internet pro-freedom bloggers: in the age of information monopolization by "progressives" it is virtually impossible to obtain the whole picture of any process or event from big information outlets (well, may be with the exception of Fox TV that presents both conservative friends and "progressive" enemies of America on the screen). So, now we have to fish for the other details of the puzzle in a tumultous turmoil of internet. There's whole spectrum of opinions on internet from the "progressive" crap of moveon.org and Huffington to the best source of information in blogosphere by Pamela Geller (atlasshrugs.com). She is emotional, but frequently the she is the only source of hidden ideologically and politically charged information in media. Pamela alone as a source of valuable information is worth combined MSNBC, NBC, CNN and all other "progressive" leftist TV monopolies. Jihadwatch and similar sites expose islamofascism as the most urgent threat all world's civilization while the liberal TV monopolies just hush it.
Individual enterprises and small business owners: Nearly all of them support freedom, and freedom from the coercive government is the most important component of freedom. Economy thrives when small business florish, and this is possible only under free market conditions (because it's governned by the only capable of optimizing outcome self-regulation with feed-back loop), and free market automatically means individual liberties. Free market means freedom of choices which is equivalent to individual liberties. That's one of the reasons that the totalitarian freedom-haters hate free market too. Basically, there is direct proportion between prosperity, successes of ecnonmy and the degree of freedom on the market place. As freer the market is as more productive the country is. Obviously, there is and inverse proportion between government intervention, mandates, regulation and usual coercion on one hand and the outcomes. Again, we should keep telling our enemy government :"Do us a favor– don't do us favors!!"
Mid-size business and big corporations: As bigger the business, as more the bureaucratic structures it creates and more rigid, inflexlible it is. In addition, as bigger it is an easier target for the government it becomes. Statists and "progressive" Democ-rats gang commit regular shakedowns of the big businesses, forcing them to subsidize anti-American totalitarian machine. This proportional to the size of the company political and ideological pressure shifts these companies from the core freedom layers to the totalitarian side. Besides, it depends how easy the money is: hard working industrial Main Street is still somewhat supportive of freedom while speculators of the Wall Street were second biggest donor (after socialist pabor unions) to America's Enemy-in-Chief Obama. Some big corporations (such as GE and BP) openly side with the government enemies of the people, creating cronies capitalism instead of the free market. They donate money to the statists and leftists in the government, and they pay them back by doing favors in the unfair competition. GE gets taxpayor's money from our pockets to subsidize otherwise unsustainable "green crap". Google filters out pro-freedom forces, controlling the information gate to internet. AP (frequently feels like it stands for "Associated Palestinians") and Reuter distort the information flow to fit the totalitarian political correctnes, basically reducing themselves to totalitarian propaganda machine, the misinformators and disinformators of the public. Instead of informing public, they effectively form the public opinion for their ideological ends. It's true about 100% of European propaganda machine and about 96% of American information outlets.
Occasional temporary allies: On a particular issues occasionally one might find some allies even in the Democ-rat party elites, and the freedom lovers definitely should use them as temporary allies. Of course, now it's the age of political polarization, now we clearly see not just a line, but a fast growing gap between conservative friends of the people and totalitarian enemies of the people, so the fiscally conservative or pro-life Democrats are on the brink of extinction. There is virtually no common ground between freedom loving friends of America and freedom-hating enemies, between conservatives and "progressives". Subjective exceptions happen, but objectively "bipartisanship" idea is dead, unless after 2010 defeat the Democ-rats will start listen to the American people and purge the party elite of totalitarian enemies of America. However, when we find such pleasant surprises, we should accept the help from any sorse as long as it advances the cause of the freedom without any castrating freedom compromises. That's the way of compromising with some rare reasonable Democrats– as a compromise, we can accept their assistance in advancing particular freedom initiative. What the Obama's regime "bipartisanship" actually means is pretty bad: enemies of the people, the leftist "progressives" in Obama's regime interpret "bipartisanship" as when everybody agrees with their killing America policies. In general, "bipartisanship" in today's politics is totally impossible just as a compromise between the criminal and his victim, between a plague germs and humans, or between the assassin's knife and our heart.
THE FREEDOM-HATERS CAMP a.k.a. enemies of the people:
Since any deterioration in the degree of freedom (individual liberties, free market) inevitably worsens the prosperity, quality of life and the pursuit of happeness in the society, then all the freedom-haters are automatically enemies of the people, whether they realize this or not. All the freedom-haters are natural allies in their fight against the people. Now we see more evidence as this trends develops in Europe: during stillstand of the freedom-loving EDL people in UK and in similar events in Scandinavia all the enemies of the people combine and cooperate: socialist government's police, "black" fascists and red "antifascist" communists, pirple labor union anarchist wing, pink socialists, green environmentalist extremists and green islamofascists. Police breaks peaceful unarmed freedomlovers into small groups, misguiding some of them to go in circles while taking other small groups (that include women and children) and dropping them off in front of hudnreds of violent islamofascists or pink / red activists and then police coldbloodedly watches the insueing carnage. Don't expect your enemy, totalitarian socialist government, to protect you against other totalitarians: as a totalitarian entity, the state, the governments aligns and allies itself with other freedom-haters camp dwellers. People have a united front of totalitarians against them, including the government that takes taxes from their pockets reportedly to protect the people but in fact to suppress them, to silence them, to push them back into the sheep barns.
In today's America the freedom-haters camp includes all 3 major brands of totalitarianism: statists, "progressives" and islamofascists, and all of them use the Almighty Government as the tool of coercion, as an instrument used to impose totalitarian ideas and practice on the unwilling Americans. Thus, the universal way to combat ALL those totalitarian enemies of the people is to slash (ideally to cut 99%, leaving only 1% of today's government) the government's size, powers, scope and budget.
Statism as as ideology and/or practice of proponents of "the Big Government is a solution to every problem" permeats close to 100% of the Democrat party ruling elite, virtually 100% of the elitists amongst "educators", entertainment industry freaks, journalists and other perts of "intelligentsia" and big part of the grass root Democrats. Statism also affects at least a third of the GOP leadership, including Bush, and frequently refered to as RINO (Republican in name only) while the grass root Republicans are mainly healthy conservatives.
A piece of history. You can arbitrarily start comparison from any point. For a contemporary statism, namely European Nanny State, the starting point can be set prudently by the end of 19 century when German statesman O. Bismarck established a government based Ponzi scheme: the government usurped the retirement. Before that the main way to invest in your old age security was investing in your children and in your savings. Bismarck calculated that the average life expectancy in Germany then was 64 years. Then quite cynically he set up the retirement age as 65 years, when an average person is supposed to be dead. So, he immediately started taxing people reportedly to pay them back when they reach age of 65. As expected, the government did not put aside this particular taxpayor's money on his account in order to pay him back with accrued interest. Quite opposite– the government, as always, embezzled his money right away. A lot of folks died before 65. Those few that did survive had no their money left in the government funds to pay them back their own money. So, the government taxed the new generation to pay back the pension instead of embezzled long ago funds. Great Ponzi scheme, right? Government gets money for free right now, and when it's time to pay debts– it just robs the next generation. As any government action, the usurpation of the pension plan (like Social Security in the US, although TODAY SS is not a universal plan YET) led to unintended consequences. As children became a burden rather than an investment, then the birth rate dropped, and each consequent generation kept shrinking. It caused many crises, the most important ones are demographic and fiscal crises. The birth rate dropped to the current 1.38 in Europe (which includs the Muslims too !) while the minimal survival rate is 2.1. So, when the government takes over the pension plan, it seals the fate of the country: the death sentence signed. It's not all, though. Shrinking generations mean aging population with ever worsening worker to pensioner ratio, which in practical terms means the government must charge higher and higher taxes in order to return at least some of the debts to the retirees (minus depreciation of the currency due to inflation). People can afford having less and less children, and as they become the ward of the Nanny State, they lose any sense of personal responsibility, they indulge in all kinds of hedonism, not giving a damn about future because Euro-socialism has no future. It is the dead-end of human civilization. In Scandinavia overt taxes have reached 70%, and in a very short time the tax rates will become unsustainable, and people will just virtually stop working. Greece is just a beginning– the domino reaction will destroy the European Union within several years. The soft-spoken monster of the Nanny State kills any nation it managed to take over. Japan and S. Korea fell its victims to with corresponding birth rates of 1.3 and 1.1. Right now it is slow and painless death on the government narcotics, but the fast growing presence of the islamofascism in Europe will turn it into very painful death in several years. Riots, terrorism, genocide of Non-Muslims will grow as a snow ball, and don't expect your government to protect you: your government as a totalitarian entity, as an enemy of the people, will side with your other enemies, with leftist totalitarians and islamofascists. You are on your own, folks.
"Progressive" democratic socialism overlaps with majority of the statism and includes a loose alliance of all the Democ-rats voting gang, all the dividers of the nation: the Democrat elite, essential part of grass root Democrats and special interest groups that extort unearned money, benefits and influence from the society. These special interest groups typically highjack attractively sounding names of the "noble" once up on a time pro-freedom movements but turn them into the exact opposite totalitarianism: anti-white racist minority "rights" groups, socialist labor unions, Femi-Nazis, freedom and free market hating ecology extremists and global warming alarmists, disarming only law abiding Americans gun ban freaks, rewriting from bench Constitution "I AM THE LAW" judicial activists, all kinds of redistributionists (socialists with their armed anarchist wing, communists with their violent "antifascist" wing, national socialists-fascists and neofascists and the like). If you wish to know the complete list of the Freedom Hates Camp– just check out who votes for the Democrats 100% of the time– swing voters don't count because their degree of "brainwashedness" still somewhat responds to the reality check). Each branch of the totalitarians, of the freedom-haters, is getting worse as time passes by, and it paves road to the next, the progressively worse, level of totalitarianism: statism paves road to socialism and socialism paves road to islamofascism.
Islamofascism: it is based on anti-humane Shariah laws worst totalitarian ideology and practice ever that is hell-bent on the single purpose of taking over the world using different strategies and tactics at different stages of jihad. At this point in America it is mainly stealth jihad focused on winning the propaganda war for the brains and bodies of Americans using islamization tools: recruitment amongst jail population, deceptive "taqyia" doctrine (Muslims are obliged to deceive infidels until they have enough strength to offer crescent of sword) although there are already some areas in the US ruled not by American Constitution but by islamic supremacists Shariah laws (block 800 in Philadelphia all the time, Dearborn areas mainly during Muslim festivities, Buffalo area islamist military training camp and 22 other bought by islamists villages). In France there are already 751 (and counting) officially designated "no go for French" zones ruled by the islamists, the same goes for UK and for the rest of the ruled by the socialists Europe. Husein Obama's regime with his "progressive" socialists push America to the same European suicidal path of self-destruction: they want to turn America first into Greece and then into Sudan and Somali. In America jihadists' main focus is on work to combine black racism with islamic supremacism flavored with anti-freedom and anti-free market sentiments. Thus, they become the triple-enemies of freedom and of the American people. The best updates on the omnious process of islamization of America can be found on the atlasshrugs.com and jihadwatch.com . The best analysis of the ongoing totalitarians caused catastrophe in America is done by the wisest man in America Thomas Sowell while the most comprehensive information is provided by the bravest person and best journalist in America Pamela Geller.
Any force that most of the time positions itself left of the today's freedom equilibrium towards totalitarianism is in the freedom-haters camp. This is a dynamic process due to inner laws of development and usually the degree of totalitarianism of those forces steadily worsens, and they become more enemies of people and freedom, as times change. The scientific basis that explains what makes them the enemies of the people is in their interference with the self-regulating mechanisms with the feed-back loop in society and economics. As more control over society and economy they exert, as worse they hurt us due to distortions, deformities, inner tensions and disruption of the freedom, of the free market, which is the only possible way to optimize outcome of the immensely complex socioeconomic systems in the dynamic stability state. As more the totalitarians , the governments interfere– as worse the life is for the people. Of course, their allies in the MSM have a state of the art demagougery skills to create a false air of "noble intentions", of "protecting the disadvantaged one", and they expose their essence only in their actions and in the results of their action. Actions speak volumes.
World-wide situation:
Soft tyranny, soft totalitarianism of the Eurosocialism and Nanny State.
In Europe it started in 19th century in Bismarck's Germany, but it became the mainstream policy after WW II with a statism.
1) Statism (etatism) is when a state, a government takes away people's sovereignty and usurps the "right" to control society and economy. This is an early stage of the development of the totalitarianism. 2 The official goal of statism is to create a Nanny-State, where the government assumes the role of a Nanny, forcing people to become an infantile child, promising to take care of them from from the crib to the grave in exchange for giving up all people's decision making powers. Basically, it is a trade of people's birth right for the lentyl stew. As always with totalitarians, it all sounds good– you don't have to think, you don't have to make decisions abd bear responsibility for them, you just relax and pee in your diapers. The problem is– there is 100% guarantee it will slowly kill the country, the society, the civilization. In 19th century nascent elements of free market resulted in the fast growth of the wealth, the national pie, and since everybody is different, then everyone gets a different slice of the pie (due to their efforts or luck). The envy of the losers started rising, the tensions in the society too, with the evident risk of bloody attempts to redistribute the wealth. So, the smart statesman Otto von Bismarck hit 2 burds with 1 stone: he found the way both to calm down the tensions and to get free money for his government, using the Ponzi scheme of retirement. Bismarck calculated that a life expectancy was 64 years, so he used coercive powers of the government to usurp the retirement money. Before that people were putting aside THEIR money, they were investing in THEIR children, and when it's time to retire– they were using ONLY THEIR's money and THEIR's offspring for support during an old age. No government intervention in the retirement business was a win-win situation for the people, for the society as a whole, and the private charities took care of some rare exceptions that were truly unfortunate ones, (unlike the vast majority of those losers who just claim to be unfortunate), or just plain stupid not to save or invest in kids. Bismark imposed taxes to establish the government run retirement fund, promising to pay them back when they are 65 years old (a year after they were supposed to die), but the government as always has embezzled that free money right away. A lot of people died before that age, so the government didn't have to pay them back even with the shrank due to the common trends currency (for example, today's dollar worth about 5 cents of 1913 dollar, before the federal government started its un-Constitutional encroachment into people's rights). To those who lived "too long" to request THEIR MONEY BACK , the government instead of embezzled already money taxed the next generation to pay back to the retirees. This government-run pension fund is a win-win situation for the government, and, thus, lose-lose situation for the people. Whatever is good for government is bad for the people, and vice versa. People's and government's interests, powers and money are illustration to the law of communicating vessels: whatever comes to the government -is taken away from the people. Powerful government automatically means weak people, huge government budget comes from emptying of your pockets, and you would do much better job investing your money anywhere you wish than the government wasting your money any way it wants. The problems with this Ponzi scheme is the human nature that (just as an electrical current or water flow) follows the path of least resistance, which means they stop investing in their children essential part of their earnings. Before that coercive government intervention in the life of society the solution to aging was having 5–6 children as an old age security measure: some of the children would survive and be benevolent enough to feed their parents. Now with the government usurpation of the pension system children became a burden rather than a prudent investment. Yes, we do have a biological drive to have children, but this biological drive is easily satisfied by having 1 or 2 children. However, 1 or 2 children is nearly not enough to reproduce the society as a whole. Ensuing snow ball of the demographic catastrophe is exacerbated by the inevitable fiscal crisis as each consequent generation keeps shrinking, the less and less workers must pay to the usurped by the government pension fund, and the government again uses its coercive powers to impose heavier and heavier taxes. As higher the taxes are-as less incentives to work hard, so the efficiency of economics decreases, which accelerates the inevitable colapse and death of the society. So, growing totalitarianism of the Nanny State slowly kills the society and renders it defenseless against the jihadists colonizing Europe. Coming to Europe islamofascism will serve as a gravedigger for the dead-end of civilization, for the European Nanny State.
And that's exactly what Obama wants to do with America too: to turn America first into the "socialist paradise" populated by the helpless mindless zombies, and then into islamic hell; to turn it first into Greece and then into Sudan. He knows he can't sell this to the proud freedom-loving human beings such as Americans: first he must transform America into EuroZoo, populated by the clueless and helpless sheep. In his native Kenya Obama is openly pushing for the islamic Constitution because over there he doesn't have to conceal his true intentions, he doesn't have to lie as he does in America. Obama has spent millions of American taxpeyer dollars to push throuhg Islamic Constitution in Kenya (with only 12% of Muslims) and VP Biden promised “a flow of money” into Kenya when Kenyans give in to Obama’s demands. In Kenya Obama openly follows the footsteps of his father– black supremacist, islamic supremacist and the leftist: three totalitarian entities embodied in one.
2) Eurosocialism.All kinds of totalitarians in general and all kinds of socialists in particular share the same features:
1) they all are in denial of the fact that free market is the only source of prosperity, of progress, of freer and better life; that the poorest ones benefit from the brought by free market prosperity the most; 2) their goal is redistribution of wealth from those who earned or inherited it to those who were lazy, stupid or truly unfortunate to have less wealth (though much more that before industrial revolution, before free market flourishment); 3) they fail to acnowledge the fact that the degree of redistribution of wealth directly correlates with the degree of hurting economy and making everyone poorer by reducing incentives to work hard, (in other words on the deeper level of understanding, by decreasing the degree of freedom, the degree of self-regulation with the feed-back loop, which is the only way to optimize socioeconomic life); 4) they all use the coercive powers of the Big Government (unlike freedom-lovers, who rely on the laws of nature, on the self-regulating systems with feed-back, which requires as less governing as possible); all socialist whether infiltrate government using formally "democratic" means of majority votes (the only truly rule of law is Republic while rule of majority, the democracy, inevitably undergoes totalitarization) or using violent means of overthrowing pre-existing governments. The latter usually referred to as communism. Each kind of totalitarianism tends to ally itself with the next worse level of the totalitarianism against the people. It both degenerates itself into worse totalitarianism and it also paves road to next level of totalitarianism (although occasionally it is at odds with next after next worse level based on political reasons or electoral issues). Founders of EU falsely claimed their resemblance to the American Founding fathers, but in fact they are exactly opposite: American founding fathers returned power to the people, while Euro-Zoo builders took away power from the people and invested it in the Euro-bureaucracy. That's how eurosocialists have worsened and accelerated the detrimental effects of statism. Nanny-State statism morphs into Eurosocialism, socialism paves road to islamofascism due to the inner logic of the totalitarianism progression, just like progression of the cancer cells: the ones more likely to survive and multiply are more malignant cells that are resistant to the organism's attempts to align them with the best interests of the organism, of the society as whole. Ruling totalitarian elites are egoistic, self-serving, all they care about is feeling good about themselves even if it means the demise of civilization (unlike wonderful mechanisms of free market, which is impersonal, efficient and serves as the only engine of progress, of the betterment of life). Socialists' fifth column in the economy are labor unions who "serve" the same purposes: redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't, which inevitably results in the hurting economy and missing opportunitis to further improve the socio-economic life. Violent wing of the labor unions are anarchists, as we saw in Greece and with SEIU thugs in the US. American "progressive" democratic socialists are virtually the same, they just lag behind the Eurosocialists 10–15 years or so.
3) Communism: If one assigns the rosy pink color to the eurosocialists then the commies get the bloody scarlet-red. It is the same phenomen of totalitarianism as statism, socialism, fascism or islamofascism, the mild differences amongst them are of quantitative, not of qualitative nature. In simple words– all totalitarians are just different kinds of crap. Commies are much more prone to violent means and overthrowing the government than euro socialists/ social democrats. If socialists kill millions of people indirectly (by ruining demographics, by banning means to contain malaria such as DDT that alone killed over 100 million humans, by hurting economy), communists just shoot them, starve to death, send to bloody wars and the like. Total amount of victims of communism roughly the same as those of other leftists (environmental extremists, "minority rights" special interest groups, judicial activists, entertainment rich trash, gun ban nuts and the rest of the leftist loose freedom-haters crowd known as the Democrat gang. Commies are not patient enough as the "progressive" Democrats to gradually highjack all "human rights" popular movements with attractively sounding names; or to infiltrate the education centers and turn them into the breeding ground of socialists amongst lawyers, economists, journalists, writers, academia, psychologists, social workers, political and envoronmental "scientists", professional "public servants" and the like ; or to form propaganda machine in the media monopolies. Communists in Russia, China, Campuchia physically killed millions of their own compatriots. Communism also takes over all aspects of social life and economy, thus, resulting in the same demographic and fiscal catastrophe, as European Nanny State. Nowdays Russia is reformed into authocratic statist model with crony capitalism, ruled by the KGB– maphia complex. Russia faces the same fate as Europe. China reformed into aggressive crony state-capitalism and it will face collapse in 1–2 generations:it's a colossus on the clay legs, it's a snake eating its own tail.
National socialism (classic fascism) It's very similar to any other form of totalitarianism. They all take away individual liberties and your right to make decisions for yourself under pretext of the collective "rights"; they all hate and heavily regulate freemarket as the economic base of freedom (upto the point that it's not free market anymore but rather crony corporative capitalism); they all use the coercive force of government to impose their totalitarian ideology and practices. The only difference with statism, socialism and islamofascism is their accent on the national or racial aspects of the coercive redistribution goals through the Almighty Government. In today's USA African-American radicals such as New Panthers could be classified as national/racist fascists, while on top of that the Afro-American "Nation of Islam" looks very much like a mixture of racial fascism and islamofascism. Sadly, combined negatives of the black supremacism and islamic supremacism do not produce any positives, so the rules of math are not applicable here.
Islamofascism (Shariah law based islam)
If and when the freedom-loving Muslims with the help of other freedom-lovers will cleanse Islam from the filth of Shariah laws then Islam will become a normal religion and then (and ONLY THEN) it can coexist with other civilizations, other religions, other law systems. Shariah laws must be banned worldwide as the worst kind of fascism. Until then there are millions of good Muslims but there is no such thing as a good Islam. The definition of good, moderate Islam is Islam without anti-humane Shariah laws.
Until then Islam is by far the worst kind of totalitarianism that allows not only no freedom of actions, but even no freedom of thoughts. It demands total submission (the word "islam" means "submission") to the mullahs that claim to represent Allah on the Earth. If the American original Constitution is based on popular sovereignty, inborn rights, liberties, separation of Church (not a religion though) from State, the rule of law, equality of all before the law and the rest of qualities that make American Constitution the freest system in the world, then the Islam based on Shariah laws is a complete opposite, an antithesis, another pole, something absolutely incompatible with any other system and least of all with the American Constitution. The main goal of Shariah is jihad which is taking over the world first by stealth means and then by the force with the explicit endpoint of making Islam the only religion on Earth. If somebody's goal is to destroy you then no suprises that their goals are incompatible with yours such as American rights for life, liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness. Shariah laws mean discrimination against other religions, opression and stoning of women, hanging sexual minorities, executing dissidents and the like. Terrifyingly, the stealth jihad brings more and more elements of Shariah laws even to America, as recent NJ judge decision basically said that it's OK to rape and beat up your wife if you are a Muslim (fortunately, this was overruled by the appeals court, but in France's so far 751 zones officially designated as "no go" for French in fact barbarian Shariah law is the law of land, and America is just 10–15 years behind the Europe unless we ban Shariah laws for good). Muslim's zone in Philadelphia is also factually governed by Shariah law, not by American Constitution, as is the case in other 22 (so far) compounds and villages bought by the islamists in America. There are plentiful studies and books, prooving that Islam as of today should be called islamofascism as long as it encorporates anti-humane homocidal Shariah law, yet crooked or brainless politicians still talk BS about "Islam-religion of peace". Just read a few of the serious and objective books about islamofascism: 1) The life and religion of Mohammed, by J. L. Menezes; 2) The politically incorrect guide to Islam (and the Crusades), by Robert Spencer; 3) The West's last chance, by Tony Blankey; 4) The Legacy of Jihad, by Andrew Bostom; 5) The sword of the prophet, by Serge Trifkovic; 6) Radical Islam's rules, by Paul Marshall; 7) The myth of Islamic tolerance, by Robert Spencer; 8) The great divide, by Alvin J. Schmidt, and hundred of others. Yet, with the totalitarian leftist nearly monopoly in MSM, the media hide the ugly truth about islamofascism, about anti-humane Shariah law. Fortunately, more and more Americans reject the misleading leftist MSM and take the matter into their own hands– they decide to educate themselves rather than trusting totalitarian leftist allies of islamofascists. Recently on the townhall.com I read a very good article "Do not tolerate the intolerant" by Diana West that shows that Americans better and better understand that Islam as a whole is a "doubly totalitarian" entity, as defined by G. H. Bousquet, a leading scholar os Islamic law. Yes, there are good Muslim-Americans, but there is no such thing as "good Islam". Islam as of today is a base of perpetual Jihad that was started by Muhammed, the first Muslim terrorist, and escalates non-stop last 1,400 years. Muslims in the West must choose whether to be a good American or to be a good Muslims. Being a good American means to be in the freedom camp, while being "a good Muslim" means blindly submitting to the worst totalitarian ideology and practice ever. American Constitution and Shariah laws are complete opposite, and if anyone tells you otherwise they whether attempt to delude you deliberately (which islamofascists are required to do by the Shariah law in the form of taquiya-a deception doctrine) or are delusional lefties themselves. Shariah law must be banned around the world as an islamofascism and the militant jihadists must be defeated decisively, which will create conditions for the good people of the Muslim origin to clean up Islam, to purge all that Shariah islamofascism from Quran. Then, and only then, Islam will become a normal religion, and only then Islam will have a right to enjoy the protection of the freedom of religion. As of today, protecting Islam means protecting islamofascism.
Today we witness more and more open ties between all the accomplices in the unholy totalitarian alliance of freedom haters: the government statists, leftist "progressives", socialists, national socialists (classic fascists), communists and their militarized "antifascist" wing, socialist labor unions and their violent anarchist thugs along the worst kind of the freedom haters: islamofascists. Just look what they do in Europe NOW, how tightly coordinated their attacks against the people, against the freedom are.
VIII. Comparative anatomy of freedom loving conservative/libertarian/teaparty camp and freedom hating totalitarians in the US.
General observations.
Freedom loving camp, conservatives, libertarians, objectivists, individualists, tea party America's concience.
In November and in the next 6 years all the freedom lovers must unite. Stop splitting hair defining the differences between different brands of freedom lovers. We're losing freedoms and prosperity, we, the people, cannot allow our enemies to divide us and to conwuer. Stick together. We have the common mortal enemy– growing as snow ball Big Government that grabs more and more power, liberties and money, and it is threatening to destroy America's moral values, economic prosperity and individual freedoms along with the only engine of progress-free market. If they succeed in destroying America as the freest country in the world, then there is no one to stand up against the forces of totalitarian evil.
Freedom-hating camp, a.k.a. totalitarians.
If you wish to analyze any entity for yourself to determine its place on the freedom vs serfdom scale, you can easily perform the screening test using the totalitarianism battery of tests. Typically just 3–4 of them is enough: if answer to any of them is "yes", then you are dealing with the totalitarians, with the enemies of the people. You can use the simplified diagnostic battery that includes respondent's attitude towards the concept of popular sovereignty, the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and Israel.
The freedom-loving friends of the people affirm their commitment to the concept of the people as the sovereign of the country that delegates as much powers to the government as it deems minimally necessary to fulfill the duties of the hired by the people government-CEO. They respect the collective wisdom of the people and don't question the ability of each individual to make decisions for him'herself. Totalitarians with contempt will respond that the people are oysters, sheep, morons and stupid idiots, and that the enlightened elites in the government must make decisions for the sheeple, and the government is the sovereign of the nation. Freedom lovers will say that Freedom of Speech means exactly that– freedom to speak up your mind, right or wrong, like it or not, with no exceptions, because they know that one exception begets another, that you cannot be just a little bit pregnant– as soon as you started the slippery slope, the proccess of letting the government to decide, what the exceptions to the Freedom of Speech are, then the "exceptions" will multiply with the speed of the flies in the toilet, especially when it comes to critisizing the totalitarians. On other hand, totalitarians will respond that every one has a right to the Left, but there is no right to say what is right. In short, the enemies of the freedom allow freedom of only politically correct speech, everything else will be prosecuted as a hate speech.
2nd Amendment is a clear-cut case. If an entity doesn't see itself as the enemy of the people, then it doesn't mind the armed population. On the other hand, all the totalitarian enemies of the people want their enemy people to be disarmed, so then they can do to the helpless people whatever they want.
Israel is an island of freedom in the middle of the islamofascism (the worst totalitarianism ever). Israel is the only country that always votes with the US in UN, and Israel sends a strong message that freedom works: the more freedom-the more prosperity; that brave people can resist the inspired by the genocidal antihumane Sharia law jihad– the war against humanity, started by the first jihadi, first Muslim terrorist Muhammed. Islamofascists and totalitarian regimes want to start the domino reaction– first to destroy brave Israel, then the mighty America, then the helpless Euro-Zombies, and then they will take over the world unopposed, and other totalitarians ally with them accordingly to the degree of their hatred of freedom. So, the freer the country, the party, the person is– the more they support Israel as a symbol of freedom. And vice versa– the harder the totalitarianism is-the more they want to destroy the state of Israel. When Europe was a soft tyranny of statists, it was somewhat sympatizing with Israel. The faster totalitarization of Europe by the Eurosocialists and now by the islamofascists goes– the more they hate Israel. Totalitarian regimes such as USSR (now Russia) and China hate Israel even more. The worst totalitarians, the islamofascists, are ready to wipe Israel from the map as soon as they get the nukes with the US to follow the suite.
Government by definition is an enemy of the freedom because it wants the free hands itself to do with the people whatever the ruling elits wants, while the people's liberties stand on the way.
Typical features of the majority if the freedom-hating campers.
There are two main groups of them: "enlightened elite" and the sheep; the ivory towers dwellers and the street trash; guys with the souls of slave masters and ones with the souls of slaves; those "progressives" that love only poor people, thus, keeping them that way forever, and lazy losers satisfied with their parasitic life style.
Both groups share many common features:
1) They all die-hard Democratic constituency.
2) They all are out of touch with reality, their thinking is wishful thinking; they believe in free lunches as long as someone else pays for them; they live mentally in a parallel Universe, in different dimension while acting in our real world. That huge gap between them explains a lot. They are incapable of grasping the reality, of getting the wisdom of ages such as Roman "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (if you wish for peace-prepare for war) or "Homo homini lupus est" (a human to human is a wolf)– even though it is a sad reality, but it is reality and normal people deal with what we have in our Universe.
3) They base their impulses on emotions rather on reasons, they are impatient (I want it and I want it now! I don't care how much it costs, who and how will pay for it! I'm entitled to your money!)
4) Sense of entitlement. They find all kinds of excuses to convince themselves that somehow they have a "right" to other peoples money and rights, to something they didn't earn, to the fruits of others' hard labor.
5) Immaturity, infantilism, irresponsibility. Teenagers forever, never mature. Frequently single, don't have family responsibilities. Much higher chance of being sexual perverts. More likely to resort to violence, the murder rate amongst Democratic voters is 4–5 times higher than amongst conservatives (it helps understand why they want to kill 2nd Amendment– their elitist want to disarm American people to rule them while the street trash want to disarm Americans before robbing them).
6) Lack of common sense directly proportional to the degree of their education. The higher their education is the less common sense they have left.