a) How many conservative, objectivists and libertarian patriots will be in the Congress in 2011? How big and how united the freedom-camp will be? Can they impeach Obama or at least overcome his veto (which Obama for sure will use against anything that in the best interests of America)? Can they pass the absolutely vital Constitutional Amendmends that are necessary for the survival of America? Can they unite all the freedom-lovers in the Congress against the common enemy rather than splitting hairs in attempt to present themselves different from other freedom-lovers?
b) How much these patriots will know about the miserable state of the Union and what is the main problem of America– (and same is true for the rest of the world, which is the lack of freedom, particularly free market, because of too much government) and about the ways to fix the problems (eliminate 99% of the government's size, scope and budget– and Free Market will solve 99% of the problem in due course);
c) How much American public will be educated and willing to revive the Constitution? Many have intuitive feeling that something is wrong but they are not sure what exactly and many even less sure how to fix the mess. People should see the whole picture, the main problem (which is "too much government, not enough freedom, especially free market"). When they see clearly, what the problem is, then they know how to fix it: to get the government of the picture as much as possible, and on a permanent basis (cutting down 99% of the government's size, scope and budget would be the perfect solution). When the ideas posess masses then the ideas become a physical power. American people is the most perceptive in the world to the ideas of freedom, individual accomplishments and personal responsibilities, and many of us remember the Founding Fathers warnings that freedom means freedom from your government. So, Americans do have a chance to restore freedoms, which automatically means to restore greatness and prosperity of America. Unfortunately for Euro-Zoo, their castrated by the "progressive" MSM political correctness zombies are not likely even to comprehend what's going on, how their own governments using their own money destroy their own civilization. Tiny islands of common sense such as EDL in UK or Geert Wilders' movement gain some momentum but I am not sure there will be enough time to save Europe from complete and irreversible totalitarization (first socialist "paradise" and then islamic hell). EU will likely fall apart within 5 years. I'm afraid, Europe's train with no brakes is too far on the railroad to serfdom, but I will be so happy if time proves me wrong. I'd love to see the freedom rule the world, freedom from the governments and from totalitarian ideologies, especially from Shariah based islamofacism. India is a great example of wanders that Free Market can create. Many years under USSR's influence India was limping along the troublesome path of the re-distributionist society. As soon as the free market model started its victorious march, we see India's growth due to the Free Market forces as steady, balanced and proportional from the ground to the top with no forseeble troubles while China's totalitarian state capitalism is heading towards inevitable crush in 20 years or so. All China's "successes" remind me a snake feeding on its own tail. China in 20 years will have same demographic and fiscal problems that Europe and Japan have now. The formula how to solve the world's problems can be simplified as "Power to the people!" People must make decision for themselves, not the governments ruling elites or ideological elites.
Immediate most urgent tactics should include:
Removing freedom-hating totalitarians of all flocks from all branches of the government: voting out of the Congress, state and municipal levels all totalitarians of all kinds, replacing them with the freedom-loving camp representatives (conservatives, libertarians, objectivists and the like), removing "progressive" judicial activists that destroy the rule of law from the bench and replacing them with the conservative constitutionalists. Peaceful methods are by far the most preferred way to do so, unless the totalitarians will wage a full-blown civil war against majority of freedom-loving Americans. If they do-well, in love and war all means are legitimate. So far, it's almost exclusively the leftist Democ-rats thugs that threat violence and actually commit it. Recently the peaceful T-party center of Dick Armey had to move to a more secure location because of the daily threats of violence from the Democrats gang. I am sure that under no circumstances American patriots will not fight against the military and police because 80% of the military and police are patriots themselves and they hate totalitarians as much as other patriots do. They might deem that there are more than enough soft targets amongst enemies of freedom, enemies of America ("progressives" that have infiltrated all 3 official branches of the government plus MSM, all Soros subsidized anti-American organizations, anti-America entertainment industry trash and the like). I have no connections with these patriot militias so I have no idea how much they are prepared for the scenario where the Left will wage a civil war. Who knows– may be, patriotic militias already checking out their ranks to make sure they are not infiltrated by the Obama government agents? May be they already go through the lie detectors, the polygraphs, from the grass roots to the top leaders of militias (actually, especially the top leaders because the FBI's, the Obama's government efforts are for sure focused on these high value high ranking spies amongst militia)? May be, militias already do compile the lists of the worst enemies of America? The enemies of freedom do it for sure– recently a Muslim couple that had a hit list of the freedom lovers was arrested in the NW (although Obama and Holder may pardon their jihadis friends later on. Attorney General was one of the half-thousand attorneys that formed a spy ring in Guantamo, spying on CIA for the jihadis. CIA director asked Holder to investigate and prosecute those enemies of America, but 9 of them work for Obama, including Holder himself. I doubt that he will prosecute himself for treason). Of course, the totalitarians and their MSM accomplices try to smear ALL MILLIONS of the patriotic militia members, using pretext of several crazy "holy warriers", but it is not going to fly: all sane Americans can see with their own eyes that not loving America patriots but Obama's regime is the worst ever threat to America and to freedom around the world.
Anyway, I ernestly hope that it will not come to the civil war because war is unimaginable suffering of the people. I do hope that in November, 2010 awoken Americans will purge the Congress from totalitarian enemies of America and, thus, will politically castrate Obama. If we are lucky and there are enough patriots in the Congress– may be, they will initiate investigation with possible impeachment procedure. However, the enemies of America around election time or immediately after might realize that their bestial desires to destroy America have failed, and then they can resort to the desperate measures such as creation of a crisis and declaration of the Marshall law. Then the civil war is unavoidable, unless the senior military and Supreme Court will have guts to save American Constitutional Republic. All the patriots in the military and in Supreme Court must make up their mind now, before a nuclear crisis is provoked and erupted (using crazy Iranian mullahs or psychotic North Koreans), which might serve as a pretext to impose a Marshall and postpone all elections until the next millenium.
Next very desirable step would be impeachemnt of Obama to stop and reverse the damage to America and freedom in the world that the totalitarians have done so far. If further evidence will support the charges of high treason, then there is no presidential immunity and Obama should be jailed, if found guilty by the Supreme Court.
Since 100% of Obamunism laws is poison to America then all of them can be repealed by single blanket vote in the Congress, something like "Repeal all the laws signed by Husein Obama". If it turns out after the impeachment that Obama came to power fraudulently, against the American election laws, using the funding from foreign hostile entities such as terrorist organizations, rogue terrorist states and the like, then it could be done in a blink of eye.
Strategy would include prevention of another totalitarian takeover in a forseeible future. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so we, the people must reduce the powers of the government, especially at the federal level, to about 1% of what it is now and we, the people, must chain down our enemy government again with the chains of Constitutional Amendmends. We, the people, must stop the enemies recruitment activities both in the brainwashing centers (fraudulently called "educational centers" -colleges, schools, universities) and by creating armies of parasites, beggars and losers, dependant on the BG handouts and, thus, serving as the Big Government electorate base. How? Expose them to the Free Market forces, remove paid by the taxpayers umbrella that protects the enemies of the people, and they will have no choice but to reform, to become useful members of society. In practical terms– reduce creating and protecting them Big Government: slash 99% of the government's size, scope and budget, close down for good all federal offices except Pentagon, intelligence and some FBI and make sure BG cannot regrow its tentacles.
How? I hope that majority of the new Congress in 2011 will be patriotic constitutionalists, so we, the people have a chance to restore the original Constitution not tainted by millions of un-Constitutional laws. The practical way to do so is to introduce
"THE TWO TERM AMENDMENT" that would limit:
1) The length of service for any elected or un-elected government official at any level (federal, state or municipal) by 2 terms. Period. Why not one? Because even the partirots in the new Congress are human beings with their weaknesses. Many of them will be reluctant to limit themselves to one term only. However, since vast majority of the incumbents will be wiped out from the Congress, then nearly all of the new Congress members will have 2 terms available for them for the total of 8 years, which is "somewhere in the future", making it more abstract and more agreeble. This would include the employees too, except military and intelligent services. It is known that these entranched in the government for decades employees frequently saboteer their elected bosses instructions, they are easier to be bribed and recruited by our enemies (per media reports, the State Department employees CELEBRATED the 9/11 tragedy on their work place, and many of them have connection to the arab petroleum dollars). Their salary must be linked to the average American income, for example "No government official in executive, judicial or legislative branch, elected or appointed, can have salary and benefits combined more than tripple average American income". This way the government officials will finally have an incentive to improve the wealth of an average American rather that wasting our hard-earned bucks. Besides, with this symbolic salary only true patriots will come to serve their country 1 or two terms and then leave, as it was the case during Founding Fathers. Unfortunately, nowdays elected and unelected officials become bricks from which the people's enemy Big Government is built. Typical career politicians care about people's opinion only during election campaign and don't care about people's interests at all. And why should they? Their senority becomes a trading capital to entice the electorate to elect them again and again to get pork barrel (which actually hurts the local business, as a study showed). Demagoguery resplaced accomplishments, propaganda replaced achievements, massive MSM politically correct lies replaced the truth, destruction of the country by Obama's regime presented as "the service for Americans that they should pay for" by their birthrights. For example, in a typical Potemkin village display Obama has disorganized the road traffic all over the country in a massive show of how borrowed from China with 8% interest "stimulus" money "works" while in fact all Obama's "stimulus" does hurting American economy (as was proven by recent analysis by Richard Rahn in the article "Obama's Advisers Can't Admit Failure", which I suggest you to read). Obama methodically ruins and destructs everything good about America, and after that he has audacity to talk about "insufficient trust in the government"? We are not insane to trust our mortal enemy in the White House that embodies all three major totalitarian ideologies: statism, leftist redistributive "progressivism" and islamofascism. In August 2010 Obama celebrated his "achievement" in Kenya, where Obama twisted arms of the government until they changed Constitution to impose Shariah laws (even though there only 12% of Muslims). That's what Obama wants for America in the long run too, he is just being cautious not to say it too early, while it's not too late to save America from islamofascism. Obama's railroad to serfdom pushes America first to Greece-style socialist "paradise", and then to Muslims hell.
and paying back to his anti-American die-hard "progressives".
2) The Amendment MUST also limit maximum length of any law to the same 2 terms. Only the Constitution is forever, while ALL THE LAWS : (passed from the conception of the US, currently legislated and all future laws) must automaticly expire in 2 terms = in 8 years. The Amendment must specify that no Congress, legislature or any other government body has a right to extend any law by a bundle, as a package. Each law that in legislators' opinion should be extended must undergo the regular procedure individually, separately, on case by case base. Do you know how many new laws, regularions and mandates were inacted on Jan. 01, 2010? Over 40,000 !!! On one day alone! As stronger our enemy government gets-as faster it grabs more of our powers and money. It's like a snow ball, or more correctly an avalanch. Is it feasible to revisit all millions of the laws, mandates and controls that that our enemy government has already imposed on us, the people? Not in a million years! The only possible way is to automatically to repeal 100% of the existing laws and to start from scratch. Oue enemies will try to scare us that without laws the country will fall apart. No, it’s our enemy Almighty Government will fall apart, but the laws (the only very few ones that we, the people, really need) will have enough time during 8 years to be judged according to the evidence and extended by the legislatures of all levels. 8 years is more than enough for a few laws that are necessary. So far our enemy government was encroaching into our territory and occupying it irreversibly– whatever freedom or money was stolen from us, the people, by the government– it was gone forever. Let’s change the rules. So, let our enemy government lose every bad law every 8 years, and let them prove that for this particular law , unlike 99.9% of other laws, the benefits outweigh the unintended consequences. At least, it will keep our enemies bureaucrats busy trying to conquer the same territory all over again.
Until the 2 TERM AMENDMENT is passed and all the un-American socialist laws since 1913 are repealed, we might need to specifically repeal all the 1960-s reverse discrimination acts. The "progressives" stopped integration of the minorities into the mainstream society by these laws, based on the "short term gain for the long term pain" Democrats' principle, they destroyed black families, widened the gap between the races in all aspects– economical, social, psychological, societal and so forth. Even though the anti-minorities effects of these acts that claimed to cure the social ills through the government coercion are cristal clear to all independant thinkers (such as THomas Sowell), but the accusations in bigotry and racism from the Democratic bigots and racists are inevitable. That's why the best way to get rid of all that statist and socialist crap that destroys America, and hurts first of all blacks and other minorities, would be through a blanket coverage of the 2 term Amendment, that would effectively repeal ALL unti-American laws since 1913 (that includes establishment of the Federal Reserve).
Why "devil's dozen"? Because government apparently is a devilish creature and because in many cultures 13 is called "a devil's dozen", (in the US it's called "baker's dozen"). 13% is more than enough to cover all our real needs in the government services, and if the government doesn't rob us anymore then we shall have enough money left to cover the rest of the needs of the "unfortunate ones" by charities. Private charities are more likely to help those who really ARE unfortunate, while the government entitlement programs actually CREATE AND PERPETUATE POVERTY in order to have eternal electorate voting for the Big Government.
This Amendment must assure that the monster of the government will not re-grow its tentacles. We know from experience that the more power the government bureaucrats get the more corrupt they are, and the stronger they are– the faster they grab more power and money from us, the people. So we must put strict limitations on the absolute and proportional size, scope and budget of our enemy government.
1) This Amendment must include clause "All levels of all branches of the government must have a balanced budget based on the previous year receits" with no exceptions and no hidden sources of income or indirect debts, including but not limited to such form of debts or lowns as government issued bonds. No deficits in a budget whatsoever!
2) Another mandatory clause is: "Total budget of all levels of the government from federal to state and municipal levels and all three branches of the government combined must not exceed 13% of the previousyear GDP with no hidden sources of income such as government issued bonds or debts of any nature". It also must include a paragraph “No collective bargaining regarding the taxpayers money paid jobs (public, government and similar services) is legal (as you know, the biggest push towards the America’s bancruptcy that amounts to over 100 trillion dollars comes from the unfunded liabilites to the socialist labor unions in public service sector at the states and municipal levels). Government by its nature does lousy job because it has virtually no feedback loop and no knowledge of the end users affairs, so the government should be assigned ONLY tasks that Free Market cannot perform (which is foreign affairs, border protection and crime fighting, but even in those tasks government always fails, so don't let your enemy government do anything else).Whatever money government gets it embezzles it right away, and the far from the people, from the feedback loop that particular level of government is – the worse the embezzlement is. That's why the feds should get only 15% of the total taxes, the states 35% and the municipal offices remaning 50%. Right now on top of the known 14 trillion dollar government debts there are 130 trillion dollar "worth" of unfunded liabilities, especially at the state and municipal levels, and the worst situation, of course, is in the socialist states (California, Illinois and New York), because majority of these debts are to the socialist labor unions through unfunded benefits and pensions. Let the governments pay the debts, and if they can't -let them declare bancruptcy and pay a cent for each dollar. Don't let them pay from our pocket, stealing more money from our pockets in the form of the taxes!
The bureaucrats might say" The budget is not enough to pay for all the departments!", and we, the people should reply:"That's right, because we, the people, don't need 99% of you offices". We should close immediately all the federal government offices except some Pentagon, some intelligence services and some 5% of the State Department. Federal reserve does deserve to go to hell too, it's just that the public is not ready for this yet psychologically (it’s called psychological dependance– it’s like dependance on drugs). But if Bernanke before elections will starting printing money like crazy, then the public mood might change overnight enough to recognize that we, the people, would be much better off without ALL federal offices (as mentioned above– some remnants of Pentagon, intelligence and a touch of FBI are OK). Socialist “economists” basically say that if you are in trouble because of the too much debts (just like America is now), like in a crap upto you neck– the “solution” is: “Spend more, get deeper into the debts crap above your head”. Insane! The real economists (such as Hayek and von Mises and recently Prof. White, George Selgin, Steven Horwitz and Thomas Sowell) know that the Feds causes the boom-bust cycle. Without the Feds economy would develop much smoother. The ideal solution would be to return to the precious metals as money, but the problem is there is not enough gold anymore in today's huge global economy. Of course, we might think of expanding the precious metals choices– there are already palladium and platinum-made coins, and the palladium deposits in Norilsk are tremendous (the South African mines are plagued by the electricity shortages since the leftist totalitarian ANC took over the country). Less chartered waters are the return to the private banking, the privatization of the money supply, where the "decent money" would be issued by the trustworthy private enterprise with the interest rate as the main regulator of the price of the money. 100 years of the feds dictatorship have ingraved into the public opinion a fear of such reforms, but the research of the Austrian school of economy is well worth further exploration. As soon as the public will get over the instilled by the government itself and by the 96% socialist media fears of privatization, then they will learn that there is nothing a government can do better than a private enterprise. My personal amateurish preference would be the polymetal coins though, because then the money would have the value on its own merit, not requiring any external support in the form of trust (the paper money only as good as you trust the issuer. If in September, 2010 the feds will break the public trust by crazing printing as Bernanke hinted already, then the paper money will start becoming just a piece of paper).
All these enemies of the people in federal education, environmental departments and the like do is hurting our society, economy and individual freedoms. Majority of their current functions can be assumed at the school doard, community and municipality levels and at its worst at the States level. As close to the people the decision making process takes place– as better (now we know why– because the best way to regulate is a self-regulation with the tight feed-back loop). Eradicate federal offices completely, don't leave even 1% staff of these hostile entities because they will regenerate as warms in no time. In the time of continental war on the US territory annual exception can be made by 75% of the Congress vote to impose "war tax" and lifting bar to not more than 30% of the GDP (otherwise too much taxes will affect negatively the whole economy, and the slowdown will decrease chances of winning the war).
3) The Amendment must specifically PROHIBIT ANY INCOME TAX on any government's level because income tax in un-Constitutional since it makes impossible preserve your privacy: in order to collect the income tax, government must intrude into the private life and infringe individual liberties. There is simply no other way to collect even 1% of income tax without the massive government intrusion into your privacy, your work and banking records, your family and your personal life. There is absolutely no private life in America as long as the government imposes even 1% income tax. "Just say no to drugs, no to the income tax";-) The government physically can use the information obtained during collection and inforcement of the income tax laws for any purpose it wants, even if it claims otherwise: the private information about your work, income, family, bank, investment and so forth is stored in the government files forever. Government with today's income tax laws always knows where your money is, and it can decide to go after all your life savings any time it decides to change the rules. As you know, there are talks in the government now about "merger" of the inevitably failing Social Security Ponzi scheme and your private retirement accounts, which is simply a robbery under very thin disguise. Remember 1933 when "progressive" Democratic FDR's government was confiscating physical gold from Americans? Now they can decide to go for all your life savings. The government has embezzled already all the Social Security money, and when time to pay comes– our enemy government will steal your money by "merger" of the inevitably failing government SS plan with 401k and other private plans.
4) The Amendment must specifically prohibit double taxation such as death tax and the capital gain tax.
5) The Amendment must specificallyt tell the government WHAT TAXES AND HOW MUCH IT CAN COLLECT. I am not an economist, but sales tax (instead of income tax, not on top of that) sounds pretty anonimous, so the government will have no right for intrusion into privacy in order to collect the tax. The feds can lay tariffs not higher than 5% on the import too.
6) The Amendment must specifically repeal the "right" of the federal government to regulate and control the inter-state commerce because so far it is the worst abused clause by the federal government in its power grab and in the destruction of the Constitution, the federalism and America as a land of free. "Inter-state commerce" pretext basically can be used (and it is being used as we speak by the "progressive" people's enemies in Washington,DC) to destroy people’s and the States' sovereignty in order to create federal dictatorship on the ruins of the Republic. Let the Free Market regulate all commerce, including inter-state. Might some states abuse the freedom? Yes, but then their citizens will vote with their feet and they will relocate themselves to the freedom friendlier states such as Texas. Let it be. Self-regulation slowly but surely will sort this out.
7) The Amendment must specifically prohibit collective bargaining to the public employees of all levels (feds, states, municipal) because they use taxpayors money to pay the salary and benefits. If private companies are ready to share profits they create by selling goods or services– it's their own private business. But our money from our pockets must not be stolen by arm-twisting socialist labor unions such as ISEU. Any attempt to conduct collective bargaining on behalf of the public employes should be considered a crime punishable by a jail time consistent with the punishment for the similar offenses such as blackmailing, raketeering and stealing money. These practices resulted in the 140 trillion dollars of unfunded government liabilites and they must be stopped immediately to cure unfolding national fiscal catasrophe. Besides, socialism is a hostile ideology and giving money to the socialist labor union thugs means funnelling our money to elect our totalitarian enemies to the government offices-legislative, executive and courts. This way we don't have to dismantle piblic sector labor unions– they will die out themselves if they are of no further use in the blackmailing the taxpayors.
8) The Amendment must specifically prohibit bailing out the indebted governments by the paxpayors' money. It should specifically give a pathway to solve "the insolvency" problems using usual bancruptcy pathway: indebted government or the court must declare bancruptcy; the bancruptcy councel should be created by the court and it must include the public of the electorate and representatives of the higher level of the government on 1:1 basis with equal voting privilages; the concel should sell ALL the government assets and pay the debts ONLY from the government assets on calcualted pro-rate basis. If government assets constitute only 10% of the debts/unfunded liabilities, then the bancruptcy councel pays 10 cents for each dollar. If a government screws up then it must pay the debts, not us, the people footing their embezzlement bills all over again. It includes the federal government. When we, the people slush 99% of the government offices, size, scope and budget, then the federal government should sell out its assets, basically privatizing the whole country. The practical details of this process are described in the book "Why government doesn't work" by former US presidential candidate Harry Browne.
9) And the last but not least: The Amendment must specifically prohibit any level of government, including the federal, imposing the involuntary entitlement programs, including but not limited to Social Security and Medicare. These programs must be offered on a strictly voluntary basis with annual letter reminding about the option to withdraw from the program with a full refund. Retroactively the Amendment should force the government to offer to all current participants an option to withdraw from the program immediately WITH FULL REFUND of the life-time accumulated premiums within one year. The prospective of getting back our money stolen by the feds from our pockets without our consent should win public support for this whole Amendment and assure its passing in the Congress by a landslide majority (especially considering that there will be a zero income tax on that money with the passage of this Amendment). The Amendment also must specifically prohibit the government to use a taxpayor money to pay back to the same taxpayers their own accumulated premiums should anyone to decide to withdraw from the entitlement program. The government must pay its own bills selling out its assets if needed. If needed, the Supreme Court can set up a Federal Government Bancruptcy Commission that will act on behalf of the creditors (us, the people) and will sell out the feds' property to pay its debts to us, the people, to the feds creditors. This will help to reduce the evil force of the Almighty Government for good. The feds kept purchasing from us America's lands using our own money, and currently the feds own over 1/3 of all land in the US. It's time to privatize the country because there is nothing a government can do better than Free Market.
This one doesn't have to be a separate Amendment– could be a part of any Amendment. It should read : The legislature of any level, including federal, under no circumstances shall receive and process any bill or project longer than a 100 pages". Period.
The ban of Shariah law around the world (not of Islam, but of antihumane Shariah laws), might make the Muslims reform Islam, removing the anti-humane Shariah laws from Quran and making Islam an ordinary religion just like any other that possibly WILL BE compatible with the humanity. So far Islam that includes the hateful Shariah laws IS NOT a true religion and Islam IS NOT compatible with any civilization, with any other law system. Today's Islam is an engine of jihad (which is the war of Islam against humanity, against all human civilizations that started 1,400 years ago by first islamic terrorist named Muhammed (read “The legacy of Jihad” and “The sword of the prophet”) and never ended). It’s time for the humanity to unite against genocidal jihad and end it.
An excerpt from the “we should do that” program (I shall try to publish more comprehensive version of the book later):
This Amendment would give a right to the people once every 4 years to impeach directly any government official of any branch. Basically, it can be initiated only once during typical term. If at least 10% of the respective electorate signs petition to impeach a Justice, a judge, a Governor, a President, a legislator or any other official, then the popular impeachment referendum is triggered. The public representatives and observers must be allowed to participate in the referendum commissions to assure the fairness of the process. If 2/3 of the electorate vote for the impeachment, then the oifficial is removed. Conducting referendums more freequently would disrupt the normal functioning of the government, and using simple majority rather super-majority could result in un-stable Democracy rather than more stable Republic, ruled by the law. This way we, the people, can remove from the office directly an official who proved to be an enemy of the people that completely disregards the will of the sovereign, of the people. If the law would be in place now, then the Californians could fire the arrogant judge Walker that spits at the Californian's referendum and Americans could fire Obama. This Amendment could serve as a safe-valve to let steam go if the pressure in society builds up to the point of explosion. It's much better to fire the politicians turned enemies of the people rather than fire at them– I oppose violence whenever it is possible, because violence begets violence. The worst thing that can happen is the assassination of Obama because then he will be remembered as a martir rather than a scumbag he is. Besides, it would discredit the conservative movement that in fact is much less prone to violence than the Left by definition because the Left wants to impose their coercive redistribution robbery by force while the conservatives rely on the laws of Free market rather than on a brute force and they want very little governance that allows you to keep what you earned. The officials would behave much differently if they knew they ARE accountable all the time, not just during the election campaign.
The “that would be nice” program:
That would incorporate all desirable goals that should be accomplished but so far are not vital.
1) No new mosques on the West until there are Churches, synagogues, Hindu Temples and the like in Mecca and Medina. Only tolerant ones deserve the tolerance back. The mainstream Islam, based on the Shariah laws, preaches jihad against all other civilization. If Islam considers all of the Infidels enemies in the state of perpetual "holy" war, jihad, then we should pay them back eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
2) Besides building other religions chrines in Mecca and Medina, what the other signs of Islam becoming a true religion that is compatible with all other religions and civilizations? All Shariah laws are repealed from the next editions of Quran, all jihad preaching in 80% of the mosques in the US is stopped for good and condemned by the Muslims. Apostates killings are stopped and condemned, the bridges become true bridges, not a one ways roads where to convert criminals to Islam is OK, but the Muslims converted to CHristianity must be killed. The references that women are inferior to men and that they must be beaten up to comply with husbands orders are removed from Quran. Shariah courts are banned in all countries, the civilized laws are introduced instead, stoning of raped women becomes illegal. Homosexualism becomes a private matter, neither religion nor government interfere with this. No punishment, no encouragement (such as marriage benefits for the homosexuals).
3) Polygraph (a lie detector test) for immigrants from islamofacist countries before issuance of the immigration visa and before granting the citizenship to answer the question which they recognize as the supreme– the law of the land or the Shariah law.
4) Government officials, elected or not, also must undergo the same lie detector test with the same questions. If the government official's duty is to defend and protect the laws of America, then he/she cannot do so if the islamofascism laws or anti-American totalitarian socialist ideologies are supreme to them. However, if the government will have only 1% of the powers it has now, then this will be an immaterial issue because with no power the enemies in the government cannot cause much damage to the country.
5) If the Departments of Educations are not abolished (which would be the ideal solution as it would expose the educators to the Free Market pressure, to the consumers choice– students and their parents, which would minimize the isntances where the educators neglect their duties and instead of educating are busy indoctrinating the kids with the hostile ideologies, which will be considered a consumer fraud) then we should re-introduce the requirement for all educators to swear under the oath their allegience to the American Constitution. If they refuse– we don't need the enemies of America crippling our children, turning them against their own country. Polygraph would be even more effective way to root out the hostile ideologies although I'd prefer just to privatize 100% of school as the painless and permanent solution to all problems in education system. Because of the nationalization of education the quality of education continues to deteriorate. It's not just the hostile ideology, it's the whole bureaucrats and socialist unions run industry than is inherently inefficient and counterproductive, that needs to be fixed, and the only way to fix is to privatize it. Denationalization of schools was stressed as a priority by the legendary economist Dr. Milton Friedman in the "Nation at risk" and by Paul Copperman, who wrote "Each generation of Americans has outstripped its parents in education, in literacy, and in economic attainment. For the first time in the history of our country, the education skills of one generation will not surpass, will not equal, will not even approach those of their parents".
6) Establishment of the viable alternatives to the freedom-hating enemies of the people on the information market such as Associated Press and Reuter.
7) Establishment of the viable alternatives to the freedom-haters in the entertainment industry such as MPI (moving picture institute) and many other need to be started because the "progressive" piblic opinion makers are liars and hypocrites. As MPI states: M. Moore has amassed a $170 mln fortune making movies and playing stock markets, andnow he declares that "capitalism is evil". (I'd say– less evil than Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao and Euro-socialists that destroy their own countries). Oliver Stone glorifies Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator socialist. Al Gore tells us to cut back on energy, but his several mansions have a carbon print of a small African nation size. Obama told us to check the pressure gouge in the car to save the gas.... so he can fly alone on a Boing (before elections!) to Hawaii…and he sends his daughters to a private school with >$30,000 tuition but he doesn't want you to be able to choose a school for your kids.
8) Establishing conservative parental advisories and alternative movie rating systems thay would warn us to avoid taking our children to the anti-American movies (and, thus, financially supporting our enemies) or going ourselves (how many times after the movie started you'd wish you didn't go there?). The same thing can be done about computer games to avoid violence, sex, perversions and hostile ideology propaganda in the games. Do you know what kind of games your kids play? Similar advisories might be worked out for the parental internet control, to educate willing parents how to use parental controls, what sites to avoid and the like. The materials can be distributed by mail, on internet or presented as the educational courses.
9) Establishing the parents committies in the colleges and the conservative students unions, to assure their rights to visit lecture, to make sure there is no typical consumer fraud when the name of the course has nothing to do with the histerical anti-American propagands within the lectures. Colleges and universities so far are occupied by the enemies of America territory, just as Washington, DC is, so keep your vigilance to make sure the enemies will not kidnap your kids.
10) No government issues caps on the H1 working visas– the government must issue as manu visas as the Free Market needs because it costs millions to educate millions, but when America cherry picks only the best qualified ones it saves tons on the costs of education. Brain drain one of the best investments ever. Unfortunately, under the socialist labor union pressure the government does just opposite– drive the highly qualified professionals, potential immigrants, to other countries with the easier immigration process.
11) Take over all the "noble" causes that "progressive" Democrats have highjacked because these used to be a really good causes, which the Dems have spoiled. For example, the "progressive" Femi-Nazis, as the totalitarians supposed to do, support the islamofascists. But Shariah law treats women like a property, allowing beating them up to keep in line, allowing raping by a husband with a no right to say "no" to husband, unless she's having menses, allowing stoning to death for the raped girls (it's their own fault, per mullas) and so forth. In short, if and when the islamofascism takes over the West, the women will suffer the second (after the homosexuals), but still the Femi-nazis "leaders" help Shariah law to come and rule the land, which is a betrayal of their "constituency", of women they are supposed to protect and defend. The problem is– the "leaders " are not women but the "progressive" Democrats, just like 78% of voting for Husein Obama Jews are not Jews but "progressive" Democrats. It's the usual paradox– the self-appointed "leaders" of the special interest group are always in the long run enemies of the people they promise to protect. They don't protect them, they force them to go to the dangerous profession "just like the men do", to dring and to smoke "just like the men do" (even though it kills women twice more effectively than men); they encourage them even to pee standing "just like the men do", to be promiscuous, to be single, to postpone or to give up the childbearing (even though late pregnancy after 35 years increases risk of breast cancer for 7.5% while each pregnancy BEFORE 35 y. DECREASES the risk for the same 7.5%. So, these women need to be saved from their "saviors", from the Femi-Nazi "leaders", and the job of the conservative true feminists such as Sarah Palin. The same way with the 96% leftist journalists: first of all they are leftist, the "progressive" (although the "progressive" movement is no more progressive than progressive syphilis. 100% of the progress is due to the market forces). So, the journalists subconsciously prefer to write poor but "progressive" article rather than brilliant but pro-Free Market one. Again, all the leftist "human rights activists" and all other crapy "activists" first of all are the "progressive" enemies of the people, thus, they are unable to protect long term interests even of those special interests groups they claim to represent (put aside the rest of the Americans). They act as the "progressive" enemies of the people, hence, hurting even their constituency. At its best, they can achieve usual for the totalitarians "Short term gain for the long term pain" while the mode of action of free market and conservatives is always "Short term pain for long term gain". That's how animal rights activists never manage to protect animals, poor people advocates and their "progressive" laws only hurt poor people in the long run and so forth. All they do is giving handoouts to beggars, therefore creating more and more beggars and more power grabs for the government. Remember how full of noble intentions Ontario government passed the law mandates "stupid sheep" to wear the helmet while riding a bike. Such a noble idea to use coercion by the ruling enlightened elite FOR THE GREATER GOOD of these stupid people that are unable to grasp such wonderful ideas themselves. Well, not so fast. Turned out that the biggest saving lives is not the helmets but the amount of the bikers on the road. It works through the multiple mechanisms: more bikers=less motorists; more bikers– the drivers are more aware of them and are prepared to co-inhabit the roads; more bikers– the roads are built and marked for the "bikers only" lanes. The list goes on and on, but the important thing is that after forcing unwilling people to wear helmets 50% of them decided to quit and amount of bikers on the road dropped in half. If you expect that the bikers' mortality dropped in half too, then you are wrong: the MVA, trauma and fatalities have actually INCREASED!! despite the smaller numbers of the bikers. In short– the government thing has never worked, it is not worling now and it will never ever work in the future because it is against the laws of nature. There are many reasons why the government never works, and even one of them should be enough to never put a trust in the government "solving" the problems.
The Summary
To me the most frustrating part is that solving majority of the world's problems does not require a rocket science. Moreover, it is extremely easy with no need for high tec gadgets or for a bunch of tipping over the electrical cords absentminded PhDs in the government. All it takes is to recognize that the freedom is the most potent economical power in the world, that the free will, the decision making power to the people, the free market is all you need to fix the problems. Give power to the people– and they will take care of themselves, no need for a government to interfere. Another thing the people need to know that the definition of freedom is "freedom from the government", that the government is our enemy number one.Too much government kills the nation– just look at Europe, Japan or Canada 's demographics. If a government is small, limited in size, powers and budget, then it is a necessary evil. If the government gets too powerful-then it is an unnecessary evil. Keep your government on a short leash and in fear of you. Here are some rules of thumb: If a government collects 5% of your money then you are 95% free and the economy is 95% efficient. If the goverment robs 70% of what you make, then it is 70% slavery and the economy is only 30% efficient, the national pie gets 2/3 smaller and everyone gets poorer. The only problem in the world that you need some government for is the totalitarianism, especially islamofascism, but even here don't let your totalitarian enemy government get too strong, because then it will join your other totalitarian enemies. All the totalitarians are united in their greed for power, for your freedoms and your money. Just look at the Euro-Zoo where the government as a totalitarian entity basically helps other totalitarians (statists, socialists, communist with their military "antifascist" wings, labor unions with their military anarchist wing and islamofascist) to suppress and to push to the barns the freedom loving people.