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Rocky Mountain Hero

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Rocky Mountain Hero
Audra Harders

With a broken-down truck, miles to go and little money, single mother Melanie Hunter needs help.It comes in the handsome form of rancher Gabe Davidson. He'll pay for the three-week repair job and provide lodging for her and her boy - if she'll take coordinating the town barbecue off his busy hands. Melanie accepts, figuring she'll soon be on her way to her new life.But as she gets to know the kind townspeople - and the hardworking cowboy her son adores - she realizes she's found her home. Now if only her Rocky Mountain hero will ask her to stay.

“Having fun?”

“The best.” Melanie squinted into the sun.

“I’m glad.” Gabe was glad to see her smile. “This tree swing has quite the reputation around here.”

“Oh, really? What does it do?”

Gabe stared into the most incredibly blue eyes he’d ever seen. A blush from the sun settled on her cheeks and a smattering of light freckles dusted over her nose. He swallowed and tried to find his voice. “It makes people throw caution to the wind.”

A light sparked in her eye and he thought he saw her wink. “Me? Throw caution to the wind? Not in a million years.”

Gabe offered Melanie a hand up. Her fingers were warm in his palm. They locked gazes and couldn’t look away. His insides churned.

Then her son Jason ran up and wrapped his arms around her. “You were great!” He turned toward Gabe. “Will you push me, Gabe?”

Gabe nodded. Melanie looked away, breaking the spell between them. She ruffled Jason’s hair.

“Okay. Just once.” She glanced back again with a shy smile. “Then my turn.”

All Gabe could do was nod.


moved to Colorado when she was nine years old and sees no reason to leave the state she loves. Her parents held out as long as they could, but eventually bought a horse for her when she was in seventh grade. Didn’t matter that she was allergic to everything under the sun, especially horses. She’d feed, brush and ride that horse until the sneezing and itching drove her to the showers. Today you’ll find her undergoing allergy shots so she can enjoy all the wonders living in Colorado offers—including riding horses without sneezing.

In fourth grade, she met the most obnoxious little boy in Sunday school—he ended up becoming the love of her life. Talk about overcoming conflict! They’ve been married more than twenty years and she can’t imagine life without her best friend. They have two grown children, and share their Front Range home with three dogs, various sheep, goats, chickens, a fifteen-pound rabbit and a guard turkey.

Rocky Mountain Hero

Audra Harders

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

—Romans 8:28

To my mom and dad who encouraged me to read and write my entire life.

To my Grammy who always told me everything is possible when you put your faith in the Lord.

To my husband, Gary. Thanks for your faith in me, and for putting up with all the burned burgers on the grill and the unmatched socks in the basket.

I love you.

To my children, Kara and Martin. May you realize your dreams are within your grasp when you place your faith in the Lord.

Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ for listening to my prayers all these years. Without You, my dreams would have been nothing but ashes.


Leslie Ann Sartor, I would’ve given up a long time ago if not for you and your incredible enthusiasm. Theresa Rizzo, you made movie nights and writing retreats an adventure I’ll never forget. All the Seekers who have supported and advised me through the ups and downs of contests and rejections. The Lord knew what He was doing when he brought the 15 of us together.

Connie Rinehold, Narcy Hogan, and Janet Edgar. Each of you saw something in my writing that made you reach out and keep me on track. Thanks for stepping up and making a difference.

Extra special thanks to Melissa Endlich for scooping me off the Island and making my dreams come true.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen
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