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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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OPCON operational control

opn operation

opns scty operations security

ord ordnance

Ord C Ordnance Corps

orgn organization

OS operations support (branch)

OSA Office of the Secretary of the Army

OSB option selection button

OSD office of the Secretary of Defense

PA Public Affairs

PAC personnel and administration center

PAC-3 Patriot Advanced Capability-3

PACAF Pacific Air Forces

PACFLT Pacific Fleet

PACOM US Pacific Command

pantel panoramic telescope

PATRIOT Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept on Target

PBR river patrol craft

PC coastal patrol craft

pcht parachute

PD point-detonating

perm permanent

pers personnel

PFD primary flight display

PIBD point-initiating base-detonating

PGM precision guided munitions

PGRV precision-guided re-entry vehicle

PHIBGRU amphibious group

phibron amphibious squadron

plat platoon

plat ldr platoon leader

plat sgt platoon sergeant

plt pilot

PMFD primary multifunction display

PO petty officer

POC platoon operations center

POL petroleum, oil and lubricants

pos position

POSNAV inertial position navigation system

POST passive optical seeker technique

POW prisoner of war

PR personnel recovery

pri-fly primary flight control

prim primary

prim msn primary mission

prin principal

proj projectile

prop propeller

prox proximity
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