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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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RT radiotelephony

RTT Recapture Tactics Team

RV re-entry vehicle

RW rotary-wing

RWR radar warning receiver

S survivability

S1 (14) personnel officer

S2 (14) intelligence officer

S3 (14) operations and training officer

S4 (14) logistics officer; supply officer

S6 (14) signal officer; brigade communications officer

SA Secretary of the Army

SA situational awareness

SA small arms

SAC Strategic Air Command

SAF Secretary of the Air Force

SAG surface action group

SAM surface-to-air missile

SAP semiarmor piercing

SAR search and rescue

sat satellite

SatCom satellite communications

SATCOM satellite communications

SAW squad automatic weapon

SCATMINE scatterable mine

scd scheduled

sct scout

sct hel scout helicopter

sct plat scout platoon

scty security

SD situation display

SDDC US Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command

SEAD suppression of enemy air defense

sec second

sec section

secd secondary

SECAF Secretary of the Air Force

SECDEF Secretary of Defense

SECNAV Secretary of the Navy

secy secretary

SF Special Forces

SF sustained fire

SFW sensor fused weapon

SG smoke generator

sgt sergeant

SHORAD short-range air defense

shp shaft horse power

sig signal

SigC Signal Corps

SIGCEN, sigcen signal center
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