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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. 2-е издание. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии

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tng training

TNT trinitrotoluene

TO theater of operations

TOC tactical operations center

TOE table of organization and equipment

TOM target object map

torp torpedo

TOW tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided

TOW msl tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missile

TPU Troop Program Unit

TR tail rotor

TRADOC US Army Training and Doctrine Command

traj trajectory

trans transport; transportation

TRANSCOM US Transportation Command

trans hel transportation helicopter

trk truck

trp troop

trp hq troop headquarters

TT teletypewriter

TU task unit

TV television

TVM track-via-missile

TYCOM type command

UAS unmanned aerial system

UAV unmanned aerial vehicle

UCC unified combatant command

UFD up-front display

UHF ultra high frequency

UMCP unit maintenance collection point

UNREP underway replenishment

USA United States Army

USACAPOC US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command

USACE US Army Corps of Engineers

USACIDC US Army Criminal Investigation Command

USAF United States Air Force

USAFA United States Air Force Academy

USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe

USAFMCOM US Army Financial Management Command

USAFRICOM US Africa Command

USAR US Army Reserve

USARAF US Army, Africa

USARCENT US Army, Central

USAREC US Army Recruiting Command

USAREUR US Army, Europe

USARPAC US Army, Pacific

USARC US Army Reserve Command

USARSO US Army, South

USASC US Army Acquisition Support Center

USASMDC US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
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