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Immortal Songs of Camp and Field

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And, guarding, calls not thee to guard —
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy mercy on thy people, Lord.”

Mr Edward Bok, the brilliant editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal, secured the service of the celebrated composer Reginald de Koven to compose suitable music for this poem, and it was published in that magazine in the issue for May, 1898. De Koven’s music promises to be a great success. On last Memorial Sunday, May 29, the Recessional was sung to De Koven’s music by church choirs in every large town and city in the United States. Surely nothing could be more appropriate for Americans to sing at the present time than the Recessional. It is a time when it is important that the citizens of our proud Republic shall remember that not in her vast territory, or inexhaustible wealth, or in mighty navy or splendid army, but in the blessing of Almighty God lies the real strength of a nation. Kipling’s august prayer and refrain is as appropriate for us as for Great Britain: —

“Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget!”


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