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King Solomon's Goat

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Stevens says: “A monk of St. Anthony, having been at Jerusalem, brought home with him a bit of the finger of the Holy Ghost, the snoot of a seraphim, one of the nails of a cherub, one of the ribs of the Word Made Flesh, some rays of the Star of the East, and a vial of St. Michael’s sweat. Henry III, of England, received from the Grand Master of the Templars a vial containing some of the blood that Christ shed upon the cross, attested by the seal of the Patriarch of Jerusalem.”

The hand of one of the innocents massacred by Herod, although Herod died four years B. C., was, in 1837, still preserved in the Convent at Bethlehem. There also is the pit in which the bodies of the infants were thrown, and also the manger which came down from the constellation of the Crab. Some depraved Christian copped the stone on which the cock crowed when Peter denied his Master, and, in 1837, it was said to be in a church in Rome. In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, among other wonders, is a monument erected over the grave of Adam, who never existed, and there is a polished marble bathtub or sarcophagus, which they claimed was the sepulchre hewn out of the rock. See Travels in Holy Land, 2-163.

The fight of the fools and fakirs over the location of the grave of a mythical sun-god is certainly ludicrous, but more amusing was the magic trick of the early Christians who stole the grave of Adam either from Hebron or Mecca and also swiped the grave of Christ from the Damascus Road, north of Jerusalem, and exhibited both, with other shell and three-card-monte games, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in the centre of Jerusalem, for the purpose of annexing the coin of the dupes, farmers and come-ons from all over the world.

According to Tichenor, over three hundred years after the crucifixion, St. Helena found the true cross, and also dug up the crosses of the two thieves, and this lumber was sold for centuries to millions of the faithful. Even a splinter will save you from Hell and cure you of what ails you. And the bones, hair and nails of the Apostles have been sold all over the world. You could formerly buy a gunnysack full of St. Peter’s fingers and toes if you had the necessary dough. The people not only worshipped the Mother of God, but worshipped St. Ann, the Grandmother of God. God came unto Mary in the form of Gabriel, and to prove it the monk Eiseling exhibited all over Europe a pin-feather from Gabriel’s wing, which he shed at the conference. Thorns, from the crown of thorns, the blood of Jesus, by the drop or the bottle, and the milk of the Holy Virgin were peddled out all over the world for centimes. – See Tichenor’s Roman Religion.


The Great King Solomon

Solomon’s Song is very choice reading and would be eminently appropriate to the foulest book on earth, the circulation of which would be a criminal offense under the law. The Christian compilers of the Bible have asserted in the headings of the Song that it represents the love of Christ and the Church. They were not only wilful liars, but foully besmirched their own church, for that was about 1200 years before their church existed. The whole context shows that it has nothing to do with the Christian Church, but is evidently the hymn book of the church of Ashtoreth, of which Solomon was a deacon. Any institution that foists upon the world such vile obscenity as the inspired word of God, is the Temple of the Devil, the antechamber of Hell, an annex of the Witches’ Sabbath. It should utterly perish from the face of the earth. In fact, the die is already cast, the handwriting is on the wall, the hand of death is on it now.

Solomon was Grand Master of the secret societies. Those things that were esoteric or secret or occult in magic and religion, claimed by the priests to be too sacred for the people, were either criminal or too vile to utter. That was the only reason for keeping them secret.

Solomon had cheated his brother Adonijah out of the throne to which the latter was entitled by birth, and Adonijah thought that he should at least be allowed to have Abishag, the sixteen-year-old beauty that they had put in bed with the dying King David to save his life. And he induced Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon, to make the request of the king. When Solomon had heard the petition of Bathsheba he said: “And why dost thou ask Abishag for Adonijah, ask for him the kingdom also.” Abishag is the only jewel in the Jewish crown, the most priceless legacy that King David left. A perfect beauty is more to be desired than the riches of a kingdom. I will not give her up. All the good things in Israel are reserved for the king. Then Solomon swore by the Lord saying: “God do so to me and more also if Adonijah hath not spoken this word against his own life. Now therefore as the Lord liveth Adonijah shall be put to death this day.” What ho! guards, summon Benaiah, Commander of the Knights of the Mystic Shrine of Asherah.

When Benaiah appeared, he bowed low before the throne, and, raising his right hand, made the occult sign of the Witches’ Sabbath. Then Solomon said: “Rise, O beloved of the king, favorite of the gods of the groves and the gardens. The king hath weighty matters to communicate to thee. It is reported that Adonijah, our brother, hath taken refuge at the shrine of that second-rate God Jehovah and doth cling to the horns of the altar. And behold all of Adonijah’s followers are devotees of Jehovah, while all of our partisans and all of you whom the king hath deigned to grace with official rank are devotees of Baal and Asherah. Now the king commandeth that you seek out all of those Jehovah worshippers who have stood by Adonijah and eliminate them from the problem of life. Go in and out among them and slay each one your father and your mother, your sister and your brother, if so be that they be among the rebels. Relieve them of life’s burdens. Do not be harsh with them, show them our royal mercy, shove them gently through the gates of Hell, cutting them with saws and with harrows of iron and with axes, emulating the clemency of our royal father, the bandit chief. As for Adonijah, fall upon him and slay him as he clings to the horns of the altar. It is true that the altar of a god is sacred ground and a refuge as a general proposition, but general propositions do not apply to the king, the king is above the law. What do I care for these imaginary gods, they are all right to scare children with, but they cut no ice with your Solomon.”

Solomon sat in all his glory upon the great throne of ivory and gold, flanked by the twelve brazen lions of the zodiac, and the Knights of the Mystic Shrine of Asherah in dazzling regalia guarded the beloved of the Lord. Around the throne, with naked swords and the three hundred golden shields, stood the Princes of the Tribes of Israel, as the rays of the setting sun, reflected from the jeweled walls of cedar and gold, bathed in dazzling light the royal panoplies of blue and purple and crimson.

And King Solomon’s sacred, hermaphrodite Billygoat, in trappings of purple and gold, wearing ribbons on his horns and ribbons on his tail, stood beside the golden throne with his revered back to the audience in accordance with the law in such case made and provided. And he informed the King in no uncertain words that he did not propose to be the goat any longer, that the Knights of the Mystic Shrine of Asherah, that had been assigned as priests to serve him, one of the highest gods, drank up all the wine sacrificed to him, and thus prevented him from getting as full as a goat, as required by the tenets of his religion. And further, they did not give him exercise enough, they called him Baphomet and Devil and other hard names and took him up out of the pit for a walk around the town only once a month, at dead of night, in the dark of the moon, when Hell yawns, and the graves give up their dead. Upon the conclusion of this divine oration, the whole audience crawled on their hands and knees up the steps of the golden throne and devoutly kissed the back of Baphomet, as we kiss the male and female emblems on the Pax.

This pious ceremony being completed, the Great King, raising the royal sceptre, summoned to his exalted presence the Commander of the Knights of the Mystic Shrine of Asherah and said: “While you, Benaiah, my faithful servant, go and kill Adonijah, my well beloved brother, I will hie me to my devotions, for I can see that at the mystic shrine on yonder hilltop, the luscious Asherah is yearning for me. My adored, my most beautiful, my ravishing one stands in the open door of the pagoda, the beautiful gate ajar, stands there in all her pristine loveliness, a beauty unadorned, young and plump and enchanting. See that innocent radiant face beaming with loving kindness, perfect in every feature, see that form divine, of which the gods in Heaven do envy me. She is my favorite nun, the incarnation of the Divine Asherah, and she is calling me to prayer. See her beckoning me over with that sweet hand, that angel hand that holds me, the King of the Earth and Sea, a willing slave in its gentle grasp. She says the door is open wide, and all who will may enter in, and no one is denied.”

Then while Benaiah slew Adonijah as he clung to the horns of the altar, Solomon and his court in gorgeous array, decked in purple and fine linen and blazing with jewels rare and gold to burn, marched in one grand pageant from the house of cedar and gold, out through the Golden Gate, to the high place of Asherah. When they reached the oval, foliated door between the two great pillars of Baal, beneath the blazing, golden dome of Asher, supported by the circle of monoliths or twelve zodiacal redeemers, they bowed low before the open portal and crossed themselves, and by thus drawing upon their bodies the male symbol, they became themselves male emblems and worthy to enter in, and a worthy offering to a female divinity.

The dazzling beauty who stood in the door of the pagoda then ran and threw herself into the arms of the king. He folded her pink and white form to his royal breast and impressed upon her ruby lips a long and loving caress, saying: “My divine one, my goddess, my life, my all, God is love, I know, I feel. Thou art the only angel e’er worshipped by Solomon the Magnificent. Thy lips are like the roses, like the sweet-scented, dew-bediamond roses in the royal gardens of Judea. Thine eyes are fathomless wells of priceless love, at which I drink till my soul is drunk and reels in its maddened delirium. Thy flesh is like the lilies of the valley, pure and white, meet vessel for a soul so true, white as the lilies of Asherah, white as the column of Baal, indeed so tempting and plump and luscious, that in thy divine and radiant neck I fain would bite the name of the King of the Earth and the Sea.

“Solomon offered one thousand burnt offerings in the great high place of Gibeon,” a brothel, where they worshipped the pillar and the grove. – 1 Kings: 3-4. “And they set them up pillars and Asherim upon every high hill and under every green tree.” – 2 Kings, 17-10. “Solomon loved the Lord, and the Lord loved Solomon.” They formed a mutual admiration society, and in Gibeon the Lord said to Solomon: “Ask what I shall give thee.” And “Solomon built a high place before Jerusalem at the Mount of Corruption (Mount of Olives) dedicated to Ashtoreth,” now replaced by the Church of the Ascension, erected over the footprint made by Christ in the rock when he jumped from the earth to Alcyone. The Bible says that Ashtoreth was the abomination of the Sidonians, but it happens that Asher, one of the aliases of the Hebrew god, was the husband of Ashtoreth.

The secret and mysterious name of the supreme God of the Hebrews, the Ancient of Ancients, was Eh Ei Eh, pronounced in three breaths, with hand to ear and the name at low breath. This is the name that was engraved on the great seal of Solomon, wherewith he conjured up demons from the abyss, for he was a potent wizard. By virtue of this great name and by rubbing the seal, Solomon became Lord of the Demons, and Beelzebub, at the mighty summons, would bob up serenely and obey the behests of the king. Solomon soared into the celestial altitudes and mastered the Divine secrets and learned the omnipotent words which constitute all the power of God over the demons. He penetrated into the remotest haunts of the spirits, whom he bound and forced them to obey him by the power of his clavicle (Key). He tells in the Key of Solomon the true composition of, with directions for making the dreadful blasting rod which causes the spirits to tremble, and which was used by God in driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden, and which he also used in casting the devils out of Heaven. – Book of Black Magic, 83.

Ashmedai, King of the Demons, and a great mason, collaborated with Solomon, Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff in building the Temple. He was the one who fashioned the stones without the sound of hammer by means of an insect he had, called the Shameer, the same that Moses used in cutting the precious stones of the Ephod. The spirits evoked by Solomon said that Ashmedai had the Shameer, and they gave him the location of Ashmedai’s water-hole in the mountains, where he went to drink. Benaiah then went out and filled the water-hole with liquor and laid in wait near by. The demon came and drank the liquor, and when he was drunk, Benaiah bound him with a ring and a chain, on which was the name of God, so that he could not break it. Thus Solomon captured the demon and compelled him to call up Shameer, the insect stone-cutter, and prepare all the stones of the Temple. – Talmud Gittin, fol. 68, col. 1.

This jolly quartette of pagan and infernal pals, assisted by the masonic bug, in laying the foundation of the Temple, seized upon a hewer of wood and cut his throat and caught the blood in a vessel. After sprinkling the corner stone with the blood, they placed the vessel of human gore inside the stone and buried the body of the human sacrifice beneath it, that his spirit might guard the Temple and preserve it as long as grass grows and water runs. Then they danced around the stone the Dance of Death, or the dance of the Maccabees.

King Solomon’s Signal of Distress

One day King Solomon, being bored about to death, and finding that all was vanity and vexation of spirit, wrote to his friend Manus, high priest of Baal, something as follows:

    Jerusalem, 20th Nisan. A. M. 3000.

To His Eminence the High Priest of Baal, beloved of the Lord and the Devil, Grand High Potentate of the Knights of Kadish, Beloved Minister of the Holy of Holies, the sacred Grove of Asherah.

Behold the Great King Solomon, Lord of the Earth and the Sea, Patron of God Almighty, Imperial Potentate of the Imperial Divan of Ashtoreth, Grand High Mucky-Muck and Past Grand Master of the Phallic Cult.

Sends Greeting. And doth herein represent that he hasn’t a thing in the way of nice girls, only but just a thousand old hens that were passé in three days after their respective inauspicious arrivals, and the heart of the Great King doth yearn for a vision of youth and beauty from the corn fields of Bethlehem. If thou wouldst save the King’s life, get a move on and corral a fair virgin, with golden hair and eyes of blue, for verily a brunette doth make the King tired. The King recommendeth thee to bring the fair one to the back door of the palace, at the entering-in of the woodshed, for behold the thousand old hens have two thousand eyes, and each eye is jealous of your unhappy Solomon. Verily, they are determined that we shall not have a thing that is fresh and fair to look upon. They are a lot of old cats, and we pray thee to promulgate a feast to Moloch and Baal, and announce to the multitude that seven hundred back-number princesses and three hundred fat old concubines have been devoted, and will be passed through the fire to Moloch and Baal, and will be basted and roasted to a turn and served to the people with the gravy oozing out. May the blessings of the Great Gods Ashtoreth, Chemoth and Baal be with thee and thine.

    Yours fraternally, SOLOMON.

One night King Solomon, together with his two old cronies, Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff, went a-hunting in Jerusalem, which at that period was a noted sporting resort, abounding in all kinds of game. At length they caught a coon near the North Gate, at the high place of Asher, where were worshipped the images of the male, and took her to the king’s palace. She says (Sol. Song, 1-4): “The King hath brought me into his chambers.” Having reached the King’s apartments, Solomon said to Hiram of Tyre: “Wouldst thy Majesty kindly rush the duck? Thou wilt find the can behind the throne. And thou Abiff, wilt thou be so good as to go out in the woodshed and play tag with thyself for a season and half a season, while I pass the salve to this colored lady?”

Having got rid of the crowd, Solomon says: “Behold thou art fair my love, thou hast dove’s eyes. Thy nose is like unto the Tower of Lebanon that looketh toward Damascus, and the beautiful hump in the centre thereof is like unto that of a camel, that wabbleth ever this way and that.” And the buxom nigger wench, pouting her ruby, liver lips, replies: “Kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth, for thy love is better than wine. Because of the savor of thy good ointments, which counteract the Jewish odor diligently collected since thy last annual bath, therefore do the virgins love thee. I am black, but comely. I am not a nigger, but only tanned. They made me the keeper of vineyards, (deleted by the censor). Place thy left hand beneath my head, and thy right hand shall embrace me, (deleted by the censor). My beloved is mine, and I am his, a bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me.”

During the tête-à-tête, the captivating beauty was absent-mindedly picking the Tower of Lebanon, when Solomon said: “Knowest thou not that our laws prohibit the touching of the unwashed fingers to the nose, mouth or eyes. The Talmud says: ‘The evil spirit Bath Chorin rests upon the hands at night and will not depart until water is poured upon him three times over.’ That fairy tale is for the ignorant rabble. You and I have the gnosis. Some of the prophets say that the worship of Asherah, in which we indulge, is reprehensible, but who fashioned the first Grove among us? Ask them that.” In Jasher, 27-27, it is said that Abraham formed at Beersheba a Grove, and that he practiced all kinds of abominations. He gave to his seventeen children by Katurah charms by which they could exorcise spirits and perform all sorts of miracles in the black art.

When King Hiram returned with the booze, anticipating a jolly orgy with the wise one, he pounded loudly on the door of the King’s chamber. Solomon, being busy, petulantly said: “Get thee hence Hiram, or I will have the cop run thee in.” Then King Hiram was exceeding wroth, and threatened to make war on Solomon and come up to Jerusalem with one hundred thousand warriors and take the fair colored charmer away from the seductive Jewish King. Then Solomon replied: “Chase thyself back, Hiram, to besotted Tyre and make love to that great pillar, which, with much pomp and ceremony, thou hast recently erected there, and which thou dost salute with the holy kiss every morning at sunrise.”


The Mystic Societies

Pope Pius IX was accused of saying: “Damn the clandestine societies.” Oh, My! such shocking language, and so unjust too, for these quasi-religious societies, even like certain churches, were anciently faithful devotees of, and expert manipulators of the mystic symbols.

Dr. Dalcho, a Masonic writer, asserts: “God was the first Grand Master and Adam the second.” And Adam initiated Eve into the profound and archaic mystery of the square and the eye.

It may be interesting to know what they did at the Witches’ Sabbath and the meetings of the ancient mystic societies. They murdered their christ, that is what they did, and the Christians have always charged that they offered up human sacrifices. I should judge from the ritual of the Masons that it originated in the sacrifice of a human being, that in ancient times human beings were sacrificed in the mystic societies, from some of which, perhaps, Masonry descended. Here are extracts from an old ritual as near as the author can decipher them, not guaranteeing that they are correct:

Opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentices

Sen. War.: “Brother, the lambskin in all ages has been considered an emblem of purity.” This lambskin is the skin of the Lamb of God. It is worn on the stomach for occult reasons. The female emblem, the Eye, is stamped upon it for the same occult reasons. The mystic societies, sun-worshippers and Jews were anciently devotees of the lamb as well as the cow. They sacrificed him and adorned themselves with his skin as a saving rite. The Ram is identical with the god Priapus. You remember that Saul sent David out to gather one hundred Philistine mementos to put in the Ark of the Covenant. These mementos and the lambskin are of equal efficacy, both being relics of the crucifixion.

When christ came in the sign of Capricorn, he came as the goat. At the celebration of Lupercalia in Rome, they sacrificed the goat christ. Two young men are chosen, and the dagger, or Signa Tau, or the Mark of the Living God, is drawn in blood in their foreheads. Then they cut the goatskin into thongs and run about lashing all they meet. “The young wives like to be lashed, fancying that it will make them fruitful.” “The Jews in Jereboam’s time had priests for the service of their divinities, the sacred billy-goats.” – Plutarch, 1-78. The religious sorcerers, who sought to invoke demons, formed their magic circle with strips of goatskin nailed to the ground with four nails from the coffin of a dead child. As the circle was made of the skin of christ, the demons dare not pass it to attack the sorcerer. This is the circle of the Kabalists, of which King Solomon was the Most Worshipful, Sublime and Exalted Phalatz.

In the ritual ascribed to Pope Honorius, the method of raising the Devil was by sacrificing a black cock, which is an emblem of Christ. The eyes, tongue and heart are torn out and burnt to ashes. These are religious symbols and objects of adoration. The sorcerer also sacrifices a lamb, and places the ashes of the eye, the tongue and the heart on the lambskin. He prays to Jesus that the lambskin, with the signs thereon, may save him from the wiles of the demons, that they may be terrified by the sight of these figures. This, I think, is the origin of the figures on the Mason’s lambskin. This ritual provided that the eye, the cross and the moon should be drawn on the lambskin.

In the Fellowcraft degree of the ritual, when the candidate has stuck the heel of his right foot in the hollow of the left, which is a sacred mystic rite that will save your immortal soul from Hell, the Sen. War. says: “You will now show the Worshipful Master the Degree Gag (?) and sign of an Entered Apprentice, and when you step forward, place the heel of your left foot in the hollow of the right. You will now advance with me to the altar. You are now to be made a Fellowcraft in due form. You will now bare your left foot and side and your breast expose. You now receive the mark of the square on the breast.” The Tau Cross, a symbol of identical significance with the square, was used in the Bacchic and Eleusinian Mysteries. It was laid upon the breast of the initiate to cause him to be born again. The square is the Egyptian Ka, the idol worshipped by the savages in the temples of darkest Africa, and which is also worshipped in the Kaaba at Mecca. Ka, Kaaba, abba, father, papa and pope all have the same meaning. See “Kaaba” Stand. Dic.

In the initiation the candidate was allowed to play that he was Hiram Abiff. He was conducted around the circle of the zodiac from one door of the Temple to another and encountered three of the beasts of the four cardinal points, that is, the gentlemen who played the parts of the beasts in the heavenly drama.

First Right. Master: Hiram, give me the sign of a Master Mason.

Sen. Dea.: Candidate, the sign cannot be given except in the presence of three, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, &c.

Master: For the second time I demand of you the sign of a Master Mason.

Sen. Dea.: You cannot have that.

Master: Hiram, for the third and last time I demand of you the sign of a Master Mason. Give it to me, or I will take your life.

Sen. Dea.: You shall not have that (but the candidate can have this, and he hits him on the head with the 24-inch gauge, in the play, as near as I can make out.)

At the Second Right, the Master makes the same demands.

Sen. Dea.: You shall not have that. Blow with the square (on the head of the candidate, I presume, but as he is still alive, he is conducted to the beast at the third door.)

Third Right: The Master repeats the same demands.
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