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King Solomon's Goat

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Sen. Dea.: Lord of Darkness (who is about to kill the sun-christ in the west) you shall not have that.

Third Right: Damn thee take that, blow with gavel on forehead, (and the candidate or human sacrifice falls dead, in the play.)

Second Right: We have slain our Grand Master Hiram.

Third Right: What shall we do with the body?.. Let us carry it a due West course from the Temple (because the crucified sun is buried in the west) and bury it in a grave sunk due East and West.

Master: Brother Sen. War. What is the commotion?

Sen. War.: Our Grand Master Hiram is assassinated.

Master: How was he assassinated?

Sen. War.: By the Brothers at the door of the Temple.

Master: Our Grand Master Hiram may be ill. You will cause search to be made for him in the secret antichambers of the Temple and see if he can be found.

Sen. War.: Search has been made, Worshipful, and he cannot be found.

According to the Egyptian religion Souphis Khunfu Nefer Hept, Lord of the Underworld, murdered the Great Architect. The victim, whether he be called the Great Architect, or Hiram, or Adonis, or Horus, or Christ is always and ever the setting sun murdered by the darkness, or Prince of Darkness, called Sat in Egypt and Satan with us. The sacrifice of Hiram Abiff is one form of the Passion Play.

A Masonic society, established in China from the earliest times, is called Our Ladyship’s Society and the Queen of Heaven Society. In the Chinese society the candidate is made to pass through the arch of swords. He could not be born again or come forth into the light unless he passed through the door of life and came out of the cave. The Chinese god Fo was born of a virgin impregnated by a ray of the sun, as shown in Christian pictures of Mary. In the Indian Mysteries three hierophants sit in the East and the West and the South. After an invocation to the sun, the candidate is baptized, his shoes taken away from him, and he is made to circumnavigate the cavern three times with the sun. He is conducted through seven dark caverns and assailed by legions of hobgoblins. The victim slaughtered is called Siva, and the lamentations of Maya for the death of Siva correspond to the weeping of Mary at the tomb of Christ. The sword was aimed at the throat of the candidate by the Evil One, but he was brought forth at last into the light. The Eye was marked on his forehead and the Tau Cross on his breast. He was presented with the sacred girdle or apron, the magical stone and the talismanic jewel for the breast. – Isis Unveiled.

In the Mysteries of Aphrodite, a male emblem is handed to the initiate, and those initiated bring a piece of money to her as her hire. Demeter, of the Eleusinian Mysteries, is identical with Mary, and Clement says that he knows not whether she is the mother or wife of the god Zeus or Deus. This god is a serpent. The token of the Sabazian Mysteries is this serpent god gliding over the human breast. The offspring of the rape of Proserpine (Mary) by this god was christ, the bull. – Clement 1-29. If you wish to know what foul things were kept in the Ark of the Covenant, see Clement 1-31.

According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, in the judgment in Amenti, or the Lower World, the deceased or candidate for Heaven is given the name of Osiris, and he is tried before the supreme god Osiris and forty other deities or beasts. An altar stands before the supreme god on which is placed the bribes offered by the soul to god. The forty-two deities are the judges of the forty-two sins. One is called the Devourer of Shades, another the Cracker of Bones, and another the Eater of Hearts. If the soul denies that he has committed the forty-two sins, the judges must acquit him, but if he is convicted of being a land-grabber, he cannot get by, as the priests propose to attend to all that business themselves. In the Christian Judgment, the judges will be the confessors, monks and virgins. – The Elucidarium.

“The Buddhist novice, like the Freemasons, is forced to bare his shoulder and breast and give up his money and bare his feet, in fact to simulate the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience of the Buddhist.” – Buddha & Early Buddhism, 136.

In Lalita Vistara, Buddha is called the Great Physician, and at his appearance the sick are healed, the deaf are cured, the blind see. He cures by the laying on of hands or mesmerism. Akasa, the mesmeric fluid or the astral light, and the Spirit of God are one in the East. Buddha was born of a virgin, presented in the Temple, disputed with the doctors, was tempted in the wilderness, passed his life in preaching and working miracles, and descended into Hell and ascended into Heaven. – Idem, 80.

Heaven was also calmly purloined from Buddhism. The Buddhist heaven is the city four square of John, with the gates of gold and silver, adorned with precious stones. The great throne of God stands in the centre thereof by the gem lake or crystal sea, by which stands the Tree of Life or Tree of Infamy. The Buddhist religion is wholly phallic. See Book of All Religions, 86.

If you read the life of Buddha in the Ency. Brit. you will find that it is almost identical with the life of Christ. In any Chinese store you can buy an idol of Buddha, who, like Christ, is the god of life, bringing us life and life yet more abundantly. He wears a fish skin for a miter, showing that he is the fish god, and on his divine and radiant forehead is the Eye, and on his stomach, between his clasped hands, is the sacred Tree of Life. These divine secrets should not be disclosed to the uninitiated, but, to tell the truth, I am convinced that this is the origin of the hermaphrodite abdominal Eye, worn and revered by all the great and good men from the time our religion found its birth in the foul sties of India down to the immortal Washington.



If you do not believe that all the beasts of the zodiac bear rule in Heaven, read Revelations with your eyes open. The Ram is the Grand Vizier. The Bull is also there, with eyes before and behind, and the Lion and the Man, the Waterman, in fact the four beasts of the four cardinal points of the zodiac.

Ch. 1, v 7, says: “Behold he cometh with clouds.” It is evident from Revelations that Christ is one of the seven Buddhas who came at the end of each cycle, and the seven were one, and that one was the sun in the heavens. Budhi means the Word, one of our beloved idols. “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last,” that is, he is the same God that came at first as Adam and last as the Lamb of God. It is claimed that the Revelations were stolen and the original was written before the Fish God came. In verse 12, John saw seven golden candle-sticks, typifying the seven christs or lights of the world, “and one of the seven was like unto the Son of Man.” The Persian fire god Agni is called the Son of Man, and it is claimed that John got the Revelations from the Persians. In the Clementines St. Clement says: “Christ, it is said, has changed his forms and names from the beginning of the world.” – Clement, cap. 51.

Verse 18 says: “I am he that liveth and was dead,” that is, the sun that was crucified annually at the winter solstice, when it stood still for three days, or remained in the tomb three days, and was reborn on the 25th of December. “And have the keys of death and Hell.” The christ that was crucified in the west, according to the Egyptian religion, was Judge of the Underworld and carried the keys and descended into Hell when the sun went down. They were the keys of Hell, not Heaven, that were transmitted to St. Peter.

Ch. 2, v 7 says: “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life,” which being interpreted means that the successful candidate or worthy brother will be permitted to eat the male emblem. Verse 17 says: “To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna,” which is a small round cake or wafer in the Mithraic Mysteries, representing the female emblem. In these Mysteries they killed a lamb or bull christ and sprinkled the candidate with its blood, as we drink the blood of Christ and eat his flesh in the depths of our beastial ignorance, superstition and depravity.

“And will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, the Word, which no man knoweth save him that receiveth it.” This stone is the symbol of Siva, and the new name is Ling, the secret, the Sanscrit name of the Word. St. Clemens says: “It is difficult to exhibit the pure and transparent Word to swinish hearers. (All are swine except the priests and ministers.) For nothing they could hear would be more ludicrous to the multitude. The truly sacred Word is deposited in the shrine (Monstrance). It is improper that these emblems should be exposed to those who have never been purified in soul. The Mysteries were established because it was wise that the holy and blessed contemplation of realities be concealed.”

In Ch. 4, v 3, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders, the angels and saints and all the other vermin in Heaven fall down and knock their foreheads on the ground, groveling in abject baseness, servility and degradation before the sardine stone or pillar that sits on the throne in the royal arch of the rainbow, and before the beast, (the bull). This lovely pillar is worshipped throughout India. You will find the above scene and this foul worship depicted in Inman’s A. P. & M. C. Symbolism, Plate XIX. John has set a foul pagan idol on the throne of Heaven.

Ch. 12, v 1. The woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, with a crown of twelve stars, is Mary, the moon goddess, the wife of the sun-god, and the crown of twelve stars are the twelve christs that she bore, or that crowned her labors in the twelve signs of the zodiac. The dragon that waited to devour the child is called Herod in the other story of Mary and Jesus. In the Hindu myth, from which this is copied, the woman fled to the wilderness, as Mary fled to Egypt. According to another astronomical legend, when the sun-god is born on the 25th of December, old King Sagittarius, the Archer or Herod, who lives in the next house (November), tries to kill the Son of God with the arrow of death.

If you refer to an astronomical chart, you will see depicted there all the gods that ever existed. In the first sign, Leo, is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the christ that came in the Golden Age, 12,934 years ago, a Jew god, that would not do a thing to you but rend you and steal your shirt.

In the sign of Gemini you see the Twins, or Castor and Pollux, or Cain and Abel, or Romulus and Remus, or Solomon and Adonijah, or Jacob and Esau. Cain has a club in his hand, with which he kills his brother god, as Romulus killed Remus and Solomon killed Adonijah. In the sign of Taurus, you will see Auriga, a Mystic of high degree kissing the goat, and Orion, the Lord of Darkness, killing the bull christ. And there is the triangle of seven stars that Christ held in his hand. This is the solar system of the Pleiades, of which the great star Alcyone is the sun, and around which the whole universe revolves. It is the Kingdom of Heaven and the home of god and his sons Jesus and the Devil.

In the sign of Aries, you see the Lamb of God and the christ Perseus, who has just amputated the Medusa’s head and destroyed the serpents of which the hair was composed. In the next sign of Pisces is the beautiful Andromeda (mother of men), or Mary, bearing the fish-god, the Son of Man, under her arm, as Isis bears it on her head. In the sign of Scorpio, you will see Christ or Orpheus overcoming the Great Serpent. And another christ, Hercules by name, holds a club in one hand and two serpents in the other, to whom, as representing the Devil or the infernal god Cerberus, he is about to administer, in the classic language of modern ministers, a good wallop.

“When the sun shall have passed through the sign of Virgo, the Great Cycle of 25,868 years will be ended. The sun then enters the sign of Leo, and this junction of Virgo and Leo, this secret of the Great Cycle, is expressed in the Sphinx of Egypt, the woman and the lion conjoined. This is the mystery of the ages, the pillar on the border of Egypt, which shall be for a sign and a testimony.” – Daughter of the Druids, 276. It is said that in that great Day Draconis will again be the pole star, and the great pyramid is so constructed that at the end of the Great Year the light from Draconis will again shine through the passage in the pyramid that leads to the Bottomless Pit, or the dragon will be cast into the Bottomless Pit.

In the sign of Virgo is the Virgin Mary, the mother of all the gods, and the Great Serpent will be seen waiting there for her to deliver another god for his consumption. Ch. 5, v 1, says that the book was sealed with seven seals, corresponding with the seven comings or avatars of Christ, when the book was opened or the word was preached. When the first seal was opened, Christ appeared as Sagittarius, the Archer. “And behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow.” When he had opened the third seal, behold a black horse, and he that sat thereon had a pair of balances in his hand. This is the Christ that came in the sign of Libra or the Scales, who weighed them in the balance and found them wanting.

Ch. 4, v 6. The four beasts referred to are the four hieroglyphic beasts of the priests and magicians, which they placed on the playing cards of Egypt, the lion, the bull, the man and the eagle. They are zodiacal gods and sit in the North, the East, the South and the West respectively. The churches declare truly that a pack of cards is the Devil’s book. Cards were invented by the priests, and they are reeking with sacred, occult and religious emblems. The pack is composed of four sets of ten. Ten is a Kabalistic sacred number, for there are ten persons in the Hebrew Godhead, and 10 or IO is the name of God. Then there are the four beasts or aces, and the Trinity is represented by the king, queen, and jack. The clubs, or the three sacred balls of the Jews, are the symbol of the male god and the Trinity. Any deeper meaning can only be disclosed to the initiated. The heart is the cup or chalice or Eye of Isis, the symbol of love. The queen of hearts is clothed with the sun and moon, and she is Mary, the Queen of Heaven. The Queen of spades holds in her left hand the sacred candle, and she is adorned with another male emblem, the fleur de lys, and in her right hand is the flower of Isis, a female emblem, the same as the circles and rosaries with which she is also decorated. The seven circles are the emblems of the seven joys that Mary had. The twelve precious stones in the jewel on her breast correspond with the twelve christs she bore and the twelve jewels in the Ephod of the high priest.

The jack of hearts carries the male emblem in his hand and the three links are on his belt to show that he is an Oddfellow in good standing. The jack of spades holds up the three links, and the spade itself is a patent, combination, hermaphrodite, religious emblem of sufficient magic potency to save from the pains of Tophet all who gaze upon its sacred and occult form. The king of hearts performs the occult and saving rite of putting the sword or cross through the crown. This crown is adorned with shamrocks, and on his coat he wears the seven hearts or chalices. He belongs to the zodiacal sign of the Lion, and this is the heart sign, and in it is found the constellation of the Chalice. And he holds his hand on his breast like Buddha to show that he is a Mason in due form.

Rev. 7-4. The angel seals in their foreheads 144,000 Jews with the Signa Tau or Word, the signet of the Living God. The devotees of Siva also wear this Tree of Infamy on their foreheads. John says that it is the Father’s name written in the forehead. Only those sealed with this Baum Bosheth can sit with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the other beasts around the Throne. All but the 144,000 Jews can go to Hell. The priests draw the cross or Signa Tau in ashes on the foreheads of their devotees every Ash Wednesday.

Rev. 16-12. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the earth, and I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, come out of the mouth of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the beast. For they are the spirits of devils which go forth unto the kings of the earth to gather them to the great day of God Almighty. The sixth angel is the angel of the sixth sign of the zodiac, our present sign, the Waterman, and the nations of the earth are now fighting the battles of Armageddon. We are now at the end of a Great Cycle. The end of the world has come according to the astrological and theological fakirs, and the inhabitants of the earth are again being destroyed, this time by fire and sword. Christ now comes to bring a sword upon the earth.

According to the Christians, all the nations engaged in the war, save two, march forth under the banner and protection of Jehovah, the God of Battles, and he divides himself into two persons and, perched upon two clouds, commands the two contending hosts, urging them on to kill each other. After this holocaust of blood and carnage, there will be found no fool so utter as to assert that God rules the destinies of mankind.


The Clergy

The Presbyterian clergy or sorcerers of Scotland, of old times, claimed that they could consign their deluded victims to Heaven or Hell by a word, and could by their magic power strike with death any enemy of God, that is, the clergy. They would not allow anyone to remain in town who failed to go and hear their sermons. Buckle says the clergy kept the people in a worse than Egyptian bondage, inasmuch as they enslaved mind as well as body.

“John Knox sanctioned the murder of the Roman Archbishop Beaton of Scotland in 1548, and shut himself up with the assassins in the palace of the Archbishop. When the Catholic power was destroyed in Scotland by the nobles in 1560 and the church property confiscated by them, the Protestant clergy claimed that it was impious to secularize ecclesiastical property, and that they should be endowed with the spoils of the war, that it was right for the Lords to plunder the Church of Rome, but the loot should be turned over to them. They said that what rightly belonged to them was devoured by idle bellies. The Presbyterian clergy said that King James was a traitor and had seven devils inside of him, and he ought to be seized. And their associate in crime, the Earl of Gourie, entrapped the King into his castle in order to murder him.” – Buckle’s Hist. Civ. 2-201.

The Presbyterian clergy said that cheerfulness was to be guarded against. Smiling, provided it stopped short of laughter, might occasionally be allowed, still being a carnal pastime, it was a sin to smile on Sunday. A Christian has no business with love or sympathy. He has his own soul to attend to, that is enough for him. On Sunday in particular he must never think of benefitting others and thus break the Sabbath. On no occasion must food or shelter be given to a starving man unless he is a Presbyterian.

“In priest-ridden Spain, Charles V, the tool of religion, in his will provided that all heretics should be put to death and that the Inquisition should be upheld. Under his orders, according to Grotius, 100,000 persons were beheaded, buried alive and burnt at the stake in the Netherlands. Phillip II, of Spain, said it was better not to reign at all than to reign over heretics. The Duke of Alva, in this reign, boasted that in five or six years he had put to death in cold blood more than 18,000 heretics, beside a still greater number of infidels he had slain on the battlefield.” – Idem 2-14.

When it was proposed to expel from Spain the remnant of Moors remaining, who had turned Christians and were baptized by force, Bleda, the Dominican, said that every Moor in Spain should have his throat cut, because it was impossible to tell which of them were Christians at heart, but God knew his own and he could sort them out. About one million of the most industrious inhabitants of Spain were hunted out like wild beasts. Many were slain as they approached the coast, others were beaten and plundered, and the majority in the most wretched plight sailed for Africa. During the passage the crew in many of the ships butchered the men, ravished the women and threw the children into the sea. From this time Spain began to degenerate. The tyranny of religion was supreme. While every other country was advancing, Spain, numbed into a death-like torpor, spell-bound and entranced by the accursed superstition, presented to Europe a solitary instance of constant decay.“ – Idem, 2-53.

“The French Revolution freed the world from ecclesiastical tyranny and opened an unobstructed path to Napoleon, who had given the death blow to the Inquisition, the great slaughter house, where they butchered in the name of the Lamb.” – Isis Unveiled, 2-22.

The Brahmins, the clergy of India, were quite as disreputable as the others. The Institutes of Manu provided that if a common person molested a Brahmin, he was to be put to death. If he sat on the same carpet with a Brahmin, he was to be maimed for life. If he listened to the reading of the sacred books, burning oil was to be poured into his ears, and if he committed them to memory, he was to be killed. If he spoke disrespectfully of a Brahmin, an iron stile ten fingers long was to be thrust red-hot into his mouth. To give to the Brahmins or will them your property was an act of the highest piety.

The laws of the clergy in certain provinces of France, ruled by them in old times, provided that every man that died without bequeathing part of his estate to the church, should be deprived of the Sacrament (and would consequently go to Hell). If he died without making a will, his relatives were obliged to prevail upon the Bishop to appoint arbitrators to determine what sum the deceased should have given to the church in case he had made a will. At one time in France, “married couples could not sleep together the first three nights without purchasing leave of the church.” – Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws, 665.

“Pope John XII was assassinated in the arms of his mistress. Crecentious, the illegitimate son of John X, caused Benedict VI to be murdered. His faction elected Boniface VII, and a third faction elected John XV, who was put to death by Boniface. We find shortly after 1044 Benedict IX, a boy of twelve, and Rholeme and Sylvester III all reigning at the same time, and all leading the most profligate and scandalous lives.” – Doubts of Infidels, 95. Bishop Hopkins says that “the great body of the clergy before the seventh century were steeped in licentiousness, avarice, simony, cruelty, violence and blood. They consecrated every vice in the interest of so-called religion, they graduated sins by pecuniary amercement, they commissioned assassins, having pardoned them before the commission of the murder.”

The priests or Magi of Persia, as ecclesiastical bandits, were unexcelled. The people had to give up one tenth of their income to these magical fakirs. Every woman in Babylon was obliged to offer her person for sale one day in the year at the temple of Astarte, and the money went to the priests. The pirates of Babylon ransacked the world and bought or stole the most beautiful women on earth for the use of the priests, who made a pretence of offering them up as human sacrifices to Baal. The god held in his hand the appropriate symbol of the traffic, the circle and the pillar, that may still be seen in nearly all churches. The beautiful sacrifice was placed on the lap of the god in the presence of the audience, to be devoured by the lions that surrounded the god. But after the meeting the priests drove the lions out and stole the sacrifice, as priests always did steal the offerings from god.

The Egyptian priests were the rulers of the whole, and owned one third the land of Egypt. Besides the princely revenue from this immense landed estate, they received, in addition to their salaries, all the offerings and sacrifices that the fools gave up as an atonement for sin. A very large part of their income was derived from the Bethel or Brothel maintained around the temple of the goddess Hathor, the cow, the wife of the god Ammon, which is another name for the Ram god or the lamb of god. Every woman in Egypt was obliged to sell herself for one month at this temple. And then, besides, there were the regular sacred ladies who lived constantly in the temple. The priests chose the most beautiful, then the remainder were turned over to the mob of pious dupes and devotees. The young lady who earned the most money for the priests was, in the after life, assigned by Osiris, alias Yahvah, to a seat beside the Golden Throne. This rotten pagan church subsequently changed its name to Christian.
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