The fragrance of sannyas
has to be spread around the world.
Religions, like gaols,
have imprisoned the flower of sannyas too
within their great walls.
Hence the sannyasin has to say now:
I belong to no religion – all religions are mine.
It was a terrible mistake
to tear sannyas away from the world.
It has become bloodless.
And the world without sannyas has lost its life.
A new bridge has to be built between the two.
Sannyas has to be given back its blood,
and the world, its soul.
Sannyas has to be returned to sansara,
fearless and unattached:
in the world yet not of it,
in the crowds, yet alone!
And the world has to be brought to sannyas too,
fearless and unattached.
Then sannyas will be a real sannyas
and not an escape from the world.
It will be sannyas and in the world.
Only then can that bridge of gold be built
joining the seen with the unseen,
the form with the formless.
Commit yourself to this great work,
join in the building of this great bridge!
100. Love.
Even the impossible is not impossible if resolution is there,
and even the possible becomes impossible
if one lacks will.
The world we live in is our own creation.
The time gap between sowing
and reaping creates confusion.
Because cause and effect are so separated the mind fails to understand
what would otherwise be obvious.
Nothing is fragmented or disconnected.
The missing links are always there if you look deeply.
Understanding the life process opens the door to peace.
The light lies close by, waiting for the seeker.
101. Love.
I am glad to receive your letter.
You have the strength within
but you don’t know about it.
To find it you need a catalyst.
The day you realize all this you will laugh,
but until then I am prepared to be your catalyst.
I am already laughing and just waiting
for the day you can join