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The Mermaid's Prophecy

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From tables they should rise,
Sir Strange must the princess bed,
Sir Strange bold and wise.

Then they the Damsel attend to bed
To the valiant cavalier,
Sir Strange with respectful grace
Arose when she drew near.

“Now on your honour and knightly truth,
Sir Strange tell to me:
Whether the King of your Danish land
Be handsome or not to see?”

Then answer made Sir Strange good,
Looked up to the star-lit sky:
“By the Saints above, the King of our love
Is handsomer twice than I.”

They spread the silk upon the earth,
And the princess led to the strand,
To her parents dear, she bade good-night,
And away they bore from land.

It was the good Bohemian King
To advising his daughter fell:
“Think, think my child, on honor and fame
When thou in Denmark dwell.

“Pious and virtuous, kind and good,
To prove thyself essay
To thy subjects all, for thus wilt thou
Become their hope and stay.”

The nobles steered their ship from the land,
No cares their hearts oppress,
And they the land of Denmark made
In two months tide and less.

It was the beauteous Dagmar Queen
Before Mando neared the land,
And lo! the bold King of Denmark rode
His courser on the sand.

“Tell me, Sir Strange Ebbesen,
Ere we come nearer land,
What squinting fellow ’tis who rides
So brisk on the yellow sand?”

“Be welcome, beauteous Dagmar Queen,
Speak thereabout no word;
For know ’tis Valdemar of Denmark,
Of kingdoms three the lord.

“My gracious liege, lady Dagmar fair,
Of princes he’s the flower,
He castles has, and fortresses,
Three kingdoms own his power.”

“Shame, shame befall thee, Strange dog,
How loudly thou canst lie;
Methinks your boasted Danish King
Has only got one eye.”

“My lovely Dame, a warrior he,
And the best beneath the sun;
He back to Denmark all the land
Benorth Ebb’s stream has won.

“A man is he, and a prince full wise,
In the face dares look his foes;
They fly before him both East and West,
When he with fury glows.

“Who others life and land will risk
And prove war’s pastime fell,
If a prince of blood and courageous mood
Will risk himself as well?

“And do thou hear, my lovely maid,
Be cheerful and content,
For ne’er so long as thou shalt live
This step thou shalt repent.

“And all the time that thou shalt live
Your servant I will be,
And Denmark’s gallant nobles all
Shall bow to thee their knee.”

So they their bridal solemnized
Beneath a lucky star;
So heartily one another loved
Soon Valdemar and Dagmar.

There was rejoicing with great and small,
With rich men and with poor,
But boors and burgers most of all
Rejoiced from their heart’s core.

She came not to burden, she came in peace,
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