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The Mermaid's Prophecy

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Although she had heard her own death by her spaed,
For thus, for thus, her will she’d done.

The Queen gave command to the maids in her train:
(The mermaid dances the floor upon)
“Convey ye the mermaid hence down to the main,
For she my will has fairly done.”

Upon the blue billows the mermaid they place,
(The mermaid dances the floor upon)
The Queen fell to weeping, and sad was each face,
For she her will, alack! had done.

“O prythee don’t weep, and O prythee don’t grieve,
(The mermaid dances the floor upon)
Heaven’s portals stand open thy soul to receive,
Now I thy will have fairly done.

“In the mansions of Heaven thou aye shalt remain,
(The mermaid dances the floor upon)
And there perfect quiet and rest thou shalt gain —
Now all thy will, fair Queen, I’ve done!”


Buckshank bold, and Elfinstone,
And more than I can mention here.
They caused to be built so stout a ship,
And unto Iceland they will steer.

They launched the ship upon the sea,
Which bellowed like a wrathful bear;
Down to the bottom the vessel sank,
A laidly Trold has dragged it there.

Sank to the bottom the young Roland,
And round about he groped awhile.
Until he found the path which led
Unto the bower of Ellenlile.

Young Roland towards the mountain goes,
He saw the little sparkles fly:
“Betide whate’er the Lord God will
I here will house me verily.”

Young Roland into the mountain went,
Benumbed with cold his limbs they shook:
“What dost thou here, thou wretched man,
On whom the Lord with pity look?”

Then up and spoke Dame Ellenlile:
“Young swain why hither hast thou come?
What message hast thou brought to me?
Thou’dst better far have staid at home.

“Now hie thee to the chamber in,
So frozen and so wet withal;
But cometh Rosmer Giant home
He’ll tear thee into pieces small.

“Now sit thee down, thou wretched lad,
And at the fire thy body cheer;
If Rosmer Giant come striding in
He’ll stick thee on this spit, I fear.”

Then home came Rosmer Shank-stretcher,
And thus in anger he began:
“Full certainly there’s hither come
Some Christian woman, child, or man.”

Then forward stepped she, Ellenlile,
And swore so high and solemnly:
“A crow which bore a dead man’s leg
E’en now across the house did fly.

“A crow which bore a dead man’s leg
Just now across our house did fly;
He cast it in, I cast it out,
And that I trow full speedily.”

But Rosmer shrieked and sprang about:
“Some Christian wight thon dost conceal,
And I will spit and burn thee, Dame,
Unless the truth thou dost reveal.”

Then Ellenlile her mantle donned,
And went and stood by Rosmer’s knee:
“O here’s a swain from Iceland come,
And he’s of nearest kin to me.”

“If there’s a swain from Iceland come,
And if he be thy kinsman near,
Then I to him will safety pledge,
No harm from me he need to fear.”

When he two years in the sea had been,
Young Roland he would fain be gone;
For Ellenlile was now with child,
A deed of folly had been done.

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