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Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Second Series

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Crellas, the ruins of ancient bee-hive huts; an excavation in a bank, roofed over to serve for an out-house, &c.

Croggan, a limpet shell.

Cronack, a toad.

Croud, the rind of a sieve covered with sheepskin, used for taking up corn, &c.; also an old fiddle.

Crum, crooked.

Croust, afternoons' refreshment of bread and beer in harvest time.

Crow, a small out-house.

Didjan, a little bit.

Dijey, a very small homestead.

Dower, water.

Druckshar, a small solid wheel.

Duffan, a nickname for one much given to self laudation; usually bestowed on a bouncing religionist who is powerful in speech, and strong in faith, but no better than ordinary mortals in works.

Duffy, a forthright, blunt happy-go-lucky person.

Dumbledore, large black-beetle.

'E, ye or you.

Faix! faith.

Flushet, a flood-gate.

Fuggan, a small unleavened cake.

Fuggo, an artificial cave.

Gadge-vraws, the ox-eye daisy.

Gard, soil used for scouring.

Garrack, a rock.

Glows, dried cow-dung used for fuel.

Grambler, a stony place.

Griglans, heath.

Gruit, fine soil.

Guare, play, called out by boys when they throw quoits cast a ball, &c.

Guise-dance, Christmas mummery.

Gulthise (in Scilly niclethies), harvest-home feast.

Gurgoes, the ruins of ancient fences found on waste land.

Gweean, a periwinkle.

Hilla, the night-mare.

Hoggan, a "fuggan" with meat baked on it; the fruit of hawthorns.

Keggas, rank wild plants, such as water-hemlock, elecampane, &c.

Kibbal, a bucket used at a draw-well or mine shaft.

Kiskeys, the dried-up stalks of "keggas."

Knackers (knockers), spirits in the mines.

Keuney, moss, lichen, &c.

Laister, the yellow water-iris.

Lew, sheltered from wind.

Lewth, shelter.

Mabyer, a young hen.

Miryon, an ant.

Moar, the root; to produce roots.

Moor-work, tin-streaming.

Morabs, land near the sea.

Nackan, a kerchief.

Oar-weed, sea-weed.

Organ, pennyroyal.

Padzepaw, a newt.

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