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Eternally Yours

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Going into her bedroom to wake her had been a big mistake. He had found her sprawled atop the covers wearing a loose cotton nightshirt. Evidently sometime during her sleep, the sexy garment had risen to her hips revealing a pair of luscious thighs. And if that hadn't been bad enough, the first few buttons had been undone and had shown a hefty view of the slopes of her breasts.

Lunch with her had been even worse. He had sat across from her in a booth at a sandwich shop eating a submarine sandwich when he happened to notice the peaks of those same breasts poking through the front of her thin blouse. He had almost choked on the bite he'd just taken out of his sandwich. Desire, hot and rampant, had consumed him, had hardened him, and had made him fully aware of how much he wanted her.

Clayton sighed deeply. He would no longer fight the inevitable. He wondered how Syneda would handle the fact that he had every intention of getting close to her. Very close. He was a man who believed in going after what he wanted.

And he wanted her.

Chapter 4

“I'm ready, Clayton.”

Clayton turned his attention away from the television to cast his gaze upon Syneda as she entered the room. He was utterly spellbound as he stood to his feet. She looked absolutely radiant.

While waiting for her he had begun watching a sitcom that he had found rather enjoyable. However, all thoughts of the television program left his mind when he saw her. He could only stare at the stunning woman standing across the room.

She was dressed in a fuchsia-colored dress that fit like a glove.

A knot formed deep in Clayton's throat. He was totally captivated, and before he could stop his mouth from saying aloud his innermost thoughts, the words flowed from his lips in a voice rich with masculine magnetism and sensual appeal. “You look great, Syneda.”

The dark intensity in Clayton's eyes touched Syneda to the core. The dress she had chosen to wear was one she had bought earlier that year to attend the law firm's annual get-together. The style of the dress showed off her figure to alluring advantage. She had made quite a hit in it at the party.

“Thanks, and you look pretty good yourself.” She thought he looked particularly handsome dressed in a charcoal-gray suit, white shirt and printed tie.

Anxious to get away from Clayton, if only for a minute to get her bearings and to stop her senses from spinning, she said, “I think I lied earlier.”

“About what?”

“About being ready. I left my purse in the bedroom. I'll be right back.”

Clayton drew in a deep breath when Syneda turned to leave the room. His gaze traveled over her from behind. Her dress had a daring deep V-back that seemed to end at her waist. His skin felt flushed, his tongue felt thick in his mouth and his eyes felt swollen from expanding. He stared at her bare back, small waist, soft curves and long shapely legs. He could feel the hammering of his heartbeat in his chest and was no longer stunned at the rush of pleasure that surged through him.

Syneda hurried off into her bedroom. Pausing just inside the door, she took a long, deep breath. What was happening to her? Clayton wasn't a man she had just met. Why was being around him affecting her this way? Why was every sensory nerve in her body sharpened with maddening awareness of him? With no answers but a determination to enjoy herself during the evening, she took another deep breath before snatching her purse off the bed. Moments later she returned to the living room where Clayton was waiting.

“I'm really ready this time.”

“No more than I am,” Clayton replied softly. Taking her hand he led her out of the condo.

“What a beautiful ship,” Syneda said to Clayton as they boarded the Rivership Romance. It was a 110-foot triple-deck catamaran that was positively elegant. On board was an interior of Tiffany lamps and plushly carpeted dining salons and a lounge.

The exterior contained promenade decks with seating that provided a stunning view of the ocean.

“Welcome aboard. I'm Captain Johnstone,” a tall man dressed in a starched white captain's uniform greeted. “Tonight we're featuring live entertainment and a full cocktail service. Dinner will be served promptly at eight and will include a selection of several mouthwatering dishes. Our crabmeat-stuffed whitefish baked in parchment is usually a favorite.”

“That sounds delectable,” Syneda replied, flashing the captain a warm smile.

“It is and we're here to please. We want you to enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you and I'm sure we will,” Clayton replied, ushering Syneda on board. He hadn't liked the smile the good captain had given Syneda.

“Just as I thought,” Syneda said moments later after grabbing a treat off the table of tantalizing hors d'oeuvres.

“What?” Clayton asked, also grabbing a plump chilled shrimp off the table.

“All the people here are paired off. And from the looks of things they're just as I predicted, either married or lovers. Just look at them.”

Clayton did look. Most of the people were hugging and kissing, walking along the deck holding hands, or on the dance floor moving to slow music.

“Don't let it bother you, Syneda,” Clayton said quietly, his eyes holding hers as he casually leaned against the ship's railing. “If you feel uncomfortable, you should consider the old cliché, when in Rome do as the Romans do.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning this.”

Syneda didn't know what she expected, but it wasn't Clayton suddenly taking her into his arms, cupping her chin in one firm hand, tilting her head back and lowering his mouth to hers. Her heart began pounding wildly as Clayton's tongue began an erotic exploration of her mouth. His hands massaged the center of her back, touching her bare skin.

Her body began to vibrate with liquid fire. She surrendered completely to his masterful seduction. A deep ache that began in her abdomen radiated downward, to the very core of her. The kiss was like nothing she had ever experienced, and she was shocked to discover she wanted more.

Clayton lifted his mouth from hers and looked into wide, amazed eyes. What he saw in them almost took his breath away. He was too experienced not to recognize total desire in a woman. And he was inwardly elated to discover Syneda wanted him just as much as he wanted her. The burning question of the hour was where to go from here?

“Clayton, I—I…”

He silenced her by placing his finger against her slightly swollen and undeniably moist lips. “Don't say anything, Syneda. Not yet. We'll talk later. I think we have a lot to discuss.” His body ached with the sweetness of taut sexual awareness. Then maybe we shouldn't talk at all, he thought, seeing signs of apprehension in her eyes.

After dinner the live band continued to provide the music. Clayton and Syneda walked along the promenade deck holding hands, not saying anything but very much aware of each other.

“Would you like to dance, Syneda?”

“Not if it's going to end like it did the last time we danced together a few nights ago,” she replied teasingly.

“It won't. I promise.” With deft fingers he led her onto the dance floor where couples were already moving slowly to the instrumental version of Billy Ocean's classic, “Suddenly.” The music wrapped them and every other couple on the dance floor in a romantic web where everything else, except the person you were with, faded into oblivion.

It was quite obvious most of the people there were in love, Syneda thought. She and Clayton began to slow dance. She felt his hand tighten around her, gathering her closer to him. A gust of desire shook her. She never dreamed his hands would feel so warm, so gentle, so hypnotic. In response, she moved her hips against his rock-hard thighs and heard his sharp intake of breath.

“You feel good,” Clayton whispered, his warm breath hot against her neck. She felt so right in his arms, so perfect. It was as if she had been made just for him. “I can't believe we've never—” He cut off his words and began chuckling to himself. “The music they're playing is very appropriate for our situation.”

Syneda lifted her gaze to his. “How so?”

“We felt pretty comfortable about coming on vacation together because there was nothing romantic or sexual between us. Then whammo, suddenly, after two years, I discover you're the sexiest woman alive. What do you think of that?”

Syneda gave her head a wry shake, feeling totally off balance. Passion was flowing through her entire body. “I really don't want to think anything about it, Clayton,” she replied in a husky voice. To think about it would make her see reason and remind her that nothing had changed. She and Clayton were still not compatible. At the moment she didn't want to dwell on that. All she wanted was to share this special moment with him. But then again, maybe she should think about it. Their not being compatible just might be a plus. Clayton could very well be the type of man she needed to become involved with. Especially after Marcus.

She had explained to Marcus Capers when they'd first begun dating that she wasn't in the market for a serious relationship. But as far as he'd been concerned, she was the perfect woman to settle down and begin a family with. He just couldn't get it through his head that she wanted no part of love and marriage.

After dating each other for a little over six months, he had proposed to her. She had turned him down. Syneda doubted she would have that kind of trouble with Clayton. Like her, he wanted no part of a commitment with anyone. He was a man who knew the rules and would play by them.

The band began playing another slow number, and Clayton pulled her back into his arms and held her close. He rubbed his hand, slowly, sensually over her bare back, tracing erotic patterns with his fingertips. Again she felt passion rising in her like the hottest fire, clouding her brain.

Syneda was so close to him she could hardly move without her body moving both seductively and suggestively against his. She couldn't help but feel his virile response to her movements. For the first time in her life, she felt an aching emptiness in her that demanded fulfillment. Clayton's face was so very near that all she needed to do was turn her head just a little to touch her lips to his.
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