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Eternally Yours

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Knowing the only way she would be able to stay above water and stop looking at him was to move from her present spot, she walked over to stretch out on the lounger to take a nap.

Syneda had nearly dozed off to sleep when she heard Clayton return. She opened her eyes to find him standing next to the lounger. She couldn't help but let her gaze settle on the line of body hair that tapered from his navel into the waistband of his swim trunks.

“Did I wake you?” he asked, stretching down in the lounger opposite hers.

She pulled herself into a sitting position. “Not really. How was your swim?”

“Super. It relaxed me tremendously,” he replied.

And it unsettled me, Syneda thought.

“What's on the agenda for tomorrow?” he asked.

Biting her lower lip, she looked away. “I thought I would give you a break and make it a do-your-own-thing day. That way you can be free of me for a while.” And I can be free of you to sort through all these strange feelings I'm beginning to have, she thought.

“I like having you around.”

“Oh,” she replied. Her eyes were again drawn to the thick mat of hair on his chest. Awkwardly, she cleared her throat. Her eyes met his. “Well, then, let's not make any plans. We'll let it be a whatever-happens sort of day.”

“All right.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing on the terrace enjoying the ocean view and trying not to let it be obvious that they were also enjoying the view of each other.

Later that evening after enjoying a superb lobster dinner, they sat around on the floor drinking the remainder of the wine.

“You have butter on your nose.”

Syneda twitched her nose. “I do?”

Clayton laughed. “Yes, you do.”

When Clayton reached over to wipe it off, their gazes locked and held for several seconds. A mite too long to be at ease.

“Thanks, Clayton,” Syneda said awkwardly, taking another sip of wine. Her mind was clouded with uneasiness. For crying out loud, Syneda Tremain Walters, pull yourself together. You're acting like a bimbo. The man is Clayton, for Pete's sake. You know, Lorren's brother-in-law, the one who changes women as often as he changes socks, the one who has a case of condoms in his closet, and the one who is definitely not your type.

“Here's something we can do tomorrow night.”

Syneda glanced up to find Clayton looking in the entertainment brochure. “What?”

“Take a cruise around Anastasia Island aboard the Rivership Romance.”

Syneda almost choked on her drink. “A romance ship?”


“Why would you want to do something like that?” she asked. A shadow of caution touched her.

Clayton shrugged. “Because it sounds like fun, and we are here to have fun, aren't we?” he asked, his voice carefully colored in neutral shades.

“Yes, but we'll be out of place aboard that ship.”


“Because most of the people there will either be married or lovers.”

“And you'll feel out of place because we're not either of those things?” he asked, regarding her quizzically for a moment.

“Won't you?”

“Nope. It wouldn't bother me at all. But since it evidently will bother you, forget I suggested it.”

Although her misgivings were increasing by the minute, Syneda felt like a complete heel. The last thing she wanted was to be a bore, especially after he had been nice enough to invite her on this trip with him. “We'll go.”

Clayton shook his head. “We can do something else.”

“No, I'm fine with going.”

“Are you sure?”

“I'm positive.”

“All right. I'll make reservations.”

Syneda stood quickly, collecting her empty wineglass. She smiled down at him, although inwardly she struggled with uncertainty. “Well, I guess I'll retire early. It was a tiring day.”

Clayton couldn't help but look up at her. His eyes scanned her, beginning with the polished toes of her bare feet to the golden-bronze hair atop her head. He met her eyes. He could almost drown in them and wondered why he had never felt like doing so before. Then there was that cute little dimple that appeared in her cheek each time she smiled. Why did he suddenly find it totally alluring? His senses began spinning. The scent of her perfume seemed to float around him. It was as sensuous as he found her to be. He inhaled deeply as a need as primitive as mankind touched him. “All right, Syneda. I'll see you in the morning,” he replied huskily.

Syneda took a deep breath and feigned a yawn. “Not too early though. I can barely keep my eyes open so I may sleep in late tomorrow. If I'm not up by the time you want breakfast just go on without me. I'll grab something later. Good night.” She hurried off to her bedroom.

As soon as she was in the privacy of her bedroom, Syneda rushed into the connecting bathroom. The reflection staring back almost startled her. Her features were basically the same, except she had gotten a little browner from the time she had spent in the sun. But that wasn't the only noticeable difference. Her eyes were glazed with a look that definitely spelled trouble. What bothered her was the fact Clayton Madaris was the one responsible for that look being there. And to make matters worse, she would be spending tomorrow night with him on board a romance cruise ship.

Good grief! What am I going to do? I'm becoming attracted to Clayton Madaris!

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Syneda heard the deep masculine sound in her ear at the same moment she felt the warm breath on her neck. She opened one eye slowly, then the other. Her eyes met the sparkling brown ones that held a flicker of mischief in their dark depth. She became instantly wide-awake.

“Clayton! What are you doing in here?”

Clayton was lying down beside her, facing her. “I came to make sure you were still alive.”

Syneda became aware of her state of dress and tugged her nightshirt down. “Of course I'm alive. I told you last night that I'd probably sleep through breakfast. Did you forget?”

He gave her a lopsided grin. “No, I didn't forget. I just didn't think you meant you would also sleep through lunch.”

“Lunch! What time is it?”

“Around one-thirty.”
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