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Valentine's Dream: Love Changes Everything / Sweet Sensation / Made in Heaven

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Without interruption, and with nothing else to keep her company but her own thoughts, Grace did chores. First, she did the laundry, and then she repaired a hole in one of Madison’s pants. All the while something was definitely happening inside her. It was a gradual recognition of her loneliness. It was a desire to live again, and to love.

“I guess I should have offered to help.”

Carter’s voice startled her, and she looked over her shoulder to find him standing in the doorway of her kitchen, hands in his pockets.

“You are helping. You’re keeping the kids from fighting and getting in my way. Where are they?”

“In the family room watching a DVD. Square Bob something.”

Grace couldn’t help laughing. “It’s SpongeBob SquarePants. Who won the chess match?”

“We didn’t actually play a game. I thought it wiser to just show Madison a few moves, see what he could do. Who taught him? I don’t remember Benson playing.”

“He didn’t. My father taught Madison.”

Carter was watching her fold small T-shirts belonging to her son. “I guess it’s true what my mom once said to me. A woman’s work really is never done. What do you do to relax?”

“Relax? What’s that?”

He nodded. “I get you. Look, I think I’m going to get on the road back to the city.”

She put a half-folded T-shirt on a pile and followed Carter into the front room, where he’d left his coat.

“Thanks for being so patient with the kids.”

“Thanks for letting me come to play with them.” He grinned.

Carter put on his leather coat but left it unbuttoned. “When can I see you again?” he asked.

The question struck a nerve in Grace. She knew he wasn’t talking about being with her kids. “The next few weeks are going to be busy.”

He grinned knowingly, well aware that she had deliberately misunderstood. “Tell you what. I have to go look at some apartments the next time I fly in from Chicago. Can you come with me?”

“Call me when you get back,” she said coyly.

“Great. I’d like your opinion.”

“You might be sorry you asked.”

With his hand on the doorknob, he looked at her for a long moment. “I seriously doubt it.”

“Do you have to go?” Madison asked, wandering into the front room in his stocking feet.

“I’m afraid so. I have plans tonight, and I have to go get ready.”

Grace folded her arms across her chest and fixed her attention on the middle of Carter’s chest.

“Can you come back to see us again?” Madison asked.

“I hope so,” Carter said comfortably, watching Becca as she soon joined them, sucking two fingers and leaning against her mother’s side. Coming from the family room were the screechy, frantic sounds and dialogue of cartoon characters on the TV.

“Have a good trip back home to Chicago,” Grace said.

“New York is going to be my home,” he replied. Then he playfully pinched Becca’s nose. “Be sweet.” He turned to Madison and asked solemnly, “Is it okay if I kiss your mother goodbye?”

“Carter—” Grace started to object, but her disapproval was lost in Madison’s response.

The boy shrugged. “Sure. I don’t mind.”

“Madison...” she complained anew.

She barely had time to prepare herself when Carter stepped in front of her. She’d imagined something highly inappropriate. Her wild imaginings had already worked it out. But Carter’s kiss, light and affectionate, caressed her lips briefly and was done.

“I’ll call you before I leave the city,” he said.

He was gone before she could react.

“I’m hungry,” Becca announced.

“I’m going to do dinner right now, hon. Madison, please put your chess pieces away. And if you’re not going to watch that movie, turn it off.”

Madison knelt on the floor and swept together all the chessmen, putting them in a box. “Carter’s fun. I like him,” he said simply.

Grace grimaced ruefully to herself as she moistened her lips with her tongue.

What’s not to like?

Chapter 3

“Hi, it’s Grace. Can I help you?”

“You got a minute?”

Grace sighed. “I have a little more time than that for you, Marjorie, but I’m going into a meeting soon. Is everything okay?”

“As well as can be expected. I was wondering what you’re going to do in May for Benson’s anniversary?”

Grace, who was multitasking as she talked to her mother-in-law, furrowed her brow. “Benson’s anniversary?”

“Of his passing.”

“I don’t have any plans to celebrate, Marjorie,” she said smoothly.

“Good. ’Cause it’s no occasion to celebrate. I’m talking about recognizing the day, all of us visiting his grave.”

Grace quickly bit back her immediate reaction to Marjorie’s suggestion. “By all of us, I take it you want to include Madison and Becca.”

“Yes, I do. I think they need to show their respect.”
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