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Tamburlaine the Great — Part 2

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To bridle their contemptuous cursing tongues,
That, like unruly never-broken jades,
Break through the hedges of their hateful mouths,
And pass their fixed bounds exceedingly.

TECHELLES.  Nay, we will break the hedges of their mouths,
And pull their kicking colts 237 (#x7_x_7_i239) out of their pastures.

USUMCASANE.  Your majesty already hath devis'd
A mean, as fit as may be, to restrain
These coltish coach-horse tongues from blasphemy.

CELEBINUS.  How like you that, sir king? why speak you not?

KING OF JERUSALEM.  Ah, cruel brat, sprung from a tyrant's loins!
How like his cursed father he begins
To practice taunts and bitter tyrannies!

TAMBURLAINE.  Ay, Turk, I tell thee, this same 238 (#x7_x_7_i242) boy is he
That must (advanc'd in higher pomp than this)
Rifle the kingdoms I shall leave unsack'd,
If Jove, esteeming me too good for earth,
Raise me, to match 239 (#x7_x_7_i245) the fair Aldeboran,
Above 240 (#x7_x_7_i248) the threefold astracism of heaven,
Before I conquer all the triple world.—
Now fetch me out the Turkish concubines:
I will prefer them for the funeral
They have bestow'd on my abortive son.

[The CONCUBINES are brought in.]

Where are my common soldiers now, that fought
So lion-like upon Asphaltis' plains?

SOLDIERS.  Here, my lord.

Hold ye, tall 241 (#x7_x_7_i251) soldiers, take ye queens a-piece,—
I mean such queens as were kings' concubines;
Take them; divide them, and their 242 (#x7_x_7_i254) jewels too,
And let them equally serve all your turns.

SOLDIERS.  We thank your majesty.

TAMBURLAINE.  Brawl not, I warn you, for your lechery;
For every man that so offends shall die.

ORCANES.  Injurious tyrant, wilt thou so defame
The hateful fortunes of thy victory,
To exercise upon such guiltless dames
The violence of thy common soldiers' lust?

Live continent, 243 (#x7_x_7_i257) then, ye slaves, and meet not me
With troops of harlots at your slothful heels.

CONCUBINES.  O, pity us, my lord, and save our honours!

TAMBURLAINE.  Are ye not gone, ye villains, with your spoils?

[The SOLDIERS run away with the CONCUBINES.]

KING OF JERUSALEM.  O, merciless, infernal cruelty!

TAMBURLAINE.  Save your honours! 'twere but time indeed,
Lost long before ye knew what honour meant.

THERIDAMAS.  It seems they meant to conquer us, my lord,
And make us jesting pageants for their trulls.

TAMBURLAINE.  And now themselves shall make our pageant,
And common soldiers jest 244 (#x7_x_7_i260) with all their trulls.
Let them take pleasure soundly in their spoils,
Till we prepare our march to Babylon,
Whither we next make expedition.

TECHELLES.  Let us not be idle, then, my lord,
But presently be prest 245 (#x7_x_7_i263) to conquer it.

TAMBURLAINE.  We will, Techelles.—Forward, then, ye jades!
Now crouch, ye kings of greatest Asia,
And tremble, when ye hear this scourge will come
That whips down cities and controlleth crowns,
Adding their wealth and treasure to my store.
The Euxine sea, north to Natolia;
The Terrene, 246 (#x7_x_7_i266) west; the Caspian, north northeast;
And on the south, Sinus Arabicus;
Shall all 247 (#x7_x_7_i269) be loaden with the martial spoils
We will convey with us to Persia.
Then shall my native city Samarcanda,
And crystal waves of fresh Jaertis' 248 (#x7_x_7_i272) stream,
The pride and beauty of her princely seat,
Be famous through the furthest 249 (#x7_x_7_i275) continents;
For there my palace royal shall be plac'd,
Whose shining turrets shall dismay the heavens,
And cast the fame of Ilion's tower to hell:
Thorough 250 (#x7_x_7_i278) the streets, with troops of conquer'd kings,
I'll ride in golden armour like the sun;
And in my helm a triple plume shall spring,
Spangled with diamonds, dancing in the air,
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