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Tamburlaine the Great — Part 2

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To note me emperor of the three-fold world;
Like to an almond-tree 251 (#x7_x_7_i281) y-mounted 252 (#x7_x_7_i294) high
Upon the lofty and celestial mount
Of ever-green Selinus, 253 (#x7_x_7_i300) quaintly deck'd
With blooms more white than Erycina's 254 (#x7_x_7_i303) brows, 255 (#x7_x_7_i306)
Whose tender blossoms tremble every one
At every little breath that thorough heaven 256 (#x7_x_7_i309) is blown.
Then in my coach, like Saturn's royal son
Mounted his shining chariot 257 (#x7_x_7_i312) gilt with fire,
And drawn with princely eagles through the path
Pav'd with bright crystal and enchas'd with stars,
When all the gods stand gazing at his pomp,
So will I ride through Samarcanda-streets,
Until my soul, dissever'd from this flesh,
Shall mount the milk-white way, and meet him there.
To Babylon, my lords, to Babylon!




Enter the GOVERNOR OF BABYLON, MAXIMUS, and others, upon the walls.

GOVERNOR.  What saith Maximus?

MAXIMUS.  My lord, the breach the enemy hath made
Gives such assurance of our overthrow,
That little hope is left to save our lives,
Or hold our city from the conqueror's hands.
Then hang out 258 (#x7_x_7_i315) flags, my lord, of humble truce,
And satisfy the people's general prayers,
That Tamburlaine's intolerable wrath
May be suppress'd by our submission.

GOVERNOR.  Villain, respect'st thou 259 (#x7_x_7_i318) more thy slavish life
Than honour of thy country or thy name?
Is not my life and state as dear to me,
The city and my native country's weal,
As any thing of 260 (#x7_x_7_i321) price with thy conceit?
Have we not hope, for all our batter'd walls,
To live secure and keep his forces out,
When this our famous lake of Limnasphaltis
Makes walls a-fresh with every thing that falls
Into the liquid substance of his stream,
More strong than are the gates of death or hell?
What faintness should dismay our courages,
When we are thus defenc'd against our foe,
And have no terror but his threatening looks?

Enter, above, a CITIZEN, who kneels to the GOVERNOR.

CITIZEN.  My lord, if ever you did deed of ruth,
And now will work a refuge to our lives,
Offer submission, hang up flags of truce,
That Tamburlaine may pity our distress,
And use us like a loving conqueror.
Though this be held his last day's dreadful siege,
Wherein he spareth neither man nor child,
Yet are there Christians of Georgia here,
Whose state he 261 (#x7_x_7_i324) ever pitied and reliev'd,
Will get his pardon, if your grace would send.

GOVERNOR.  How 262 (#x7_x_7_i327) is my soul environed!
And this eterniz'd 263 (#x7_x_7_i330) city Babylon
Fill'd with a pack of faint-heart fugitives
That thus entreat their shame and servitude!

Enter, above, a SECOND CITIZEN.

SECOND CITIZEN.  My lord, if ever you will win our hearts,
Yield up the town, and 264 (#x7_x_7_i333) save our wives and children;
For I will cast myself from off these walls,
Or die some death of quickest violence,
Before I bide the wrath of Tamburlaine.

GOVERNOR.  Villains, cowards, traitors to our state!
Fall to the earth, and pierce the pit of hell,
That legions of tormenting spirits may vex
Your slavish bosoms with continual pains!
I care not, nor the town will never yield
As long as any life is in my breast.


THERIDAMAS.  Thou desperate governor of Babylon,
To save thy life, and us a little labour,
Yield speedily the city to our hands,
Or else be sure thou shalt be forc'd with pains
More exquisite than ever traitor felt.

GOVERNOR.  Tyrant, I turn the traitor in thy throat,
And will defend it in despite of thee.—
Call up the soldiers to defend these walls.

TECHELLES.  Yield, foolish governor; we offer more
Than ever yet we did to such proud slaves
As durst resist us till our third day's siege.
Thou seest us prest 265 (#x7_x_7_i336) to give the last assault,
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