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Tamburlaine the Great — Part 2

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Tamburlaine the Greate.  With his impassionate furie,

for the death of his Lady and Loue fair Zenocrate:  his

forme of exhortation and discipline to his three Sonnes,

and the manner of his owne death.  The second part.

London Printed by E. A. for Ed. White, and are to be

solde at his Shop neere the little North doore of Saint

Paules Church at the Signe of the Gun.  1606.  4to.

The text of the present edition is given from the 8vo of 1592, collated with the 4tos of 1605-6.]


1 (return (#x1_x_1_i26))

[ the] So the 4to.—The 8vo "our."]

2 (return (#x1_x_1_i29))

[ triumphs] So the 8vo.—The 4to "triumph."]

3 (return (#x1_x_1_i32))

[ sad] Old eds. "said."]

4 (return (#x1_x_1_i99))

[ Uribassa] In this scene, but only here, the old eds. have "Upibassa."]

5 (return (#x1_x_1_i121))

[ Almains, Rutters] RUTTERS are properly—German troopers, (REITER, REUTER). In the third speech after the present one this line is repeated VERBATIM: but in the first scene of our author's FAUSTUS we have,—

"Like ALMAIN RUTTERS with their horsemen's staves."]

6 (return (#x1_x_1_i124))

[ ORCANES.] Omitted in the old eds.]

7 (return (#x1_x_1_i127))

[ hugy] i.e. huge.]

8 (return (#x1_x_1_i128))

[ cut the] So the 8vo.—The 4to "out of."]

9 (return (#x1_x_1_i131))

[ champion] i.e. champaign.]

10 (return (#x1_x_1_i136))

[ Terrene] i.e. Mediterranean (but the Danube falls into the Black Sea.)]

11 (return (#x1_x_1_i146))

[ Cairo] Old eds. "Cairon:" but they are not consistent in the spelling of this name; afterwards (p. 45, sec. col.) [See note 29.] they have "Cario."]

12 (return (#x1_x_1_i158))

[ Fear] i.e. frighten.]

13 (return (#x1_x_1_i162))

[ Sorians] So the 4to.—Here the 8vo has "Syrians"; but elsewhere in this SEC. PART of the play it agrees with the 4to in having "Sorians," and "Soria" (which occurs repeatedly,—the King of SORIA being one of the characters).—Compare Jonson's FOX, act iv. sc. 1;

"whether a ship,
Newly arriv'd from SORIA, or from
Any suspected part of all the Levant,
Be guilty of the plague," &c.

On which passage Whalley remarks; "The city Tyre, from whence the whole country had its name, was anciently called ZUR or ZOR; since the Arabs erected their empire in the East, it has been again called SOR, and is at this day known by no other name in those parts. Hence the Italians formed their SORIA."]

14 (return (#x1_x_1_i162))

[ black] So the 8vo.—The 4to "AND black."]

15 (return (#x1_x_1_i163))

[ Egyptians, Illyrians, Thracians, and Bithynians] So the 8vo (except that by a misprint it gives "Illicians").— The 4to has,—

FREDERICK.  And we from Europe to the same intent
Illirians, Thracians, and Bithynians";

a line which belongs to a later part of the scene (see next col.) being unaccountably inserted here. (See note 21.)]

16 (return (#x1_x_1_i166))

[ plage] i.e. region. So the 8vo.—The 4to "Place."]

17 (return (#x1_x_1_i174))

[ viceroy] So the 8vo.—The 4to "Vice-royes."]
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