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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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God! Diana!

You want to kill me with laughter?!

Of course I won’t give you my seal! He laughed.

What good, you start spanking it, right and left indiscriminately.

And what good, make a commotion and confusion in the state! He laughed.

She pouted. As if she really thought that the king would give her his seal, and now she was offended by him for not doing so. Why he had a fit of laughter again.

Come on madam, are you going? He said, having fun, Heinrich.

Yes, I’m coming! You’re Majesty!

Harmful, she added, making a face at him and showing a sharp little tongue. Like a little girl with bad manners. The king pointed to the door as if speaking.

Come on, go madam!

Throwing her chin up, she turned and walked confidently out of the room. He called after her.

Tell me I sent you.

He was still laughing.

See you in 5 minutes! He added.

Poitiers entered the meeting room. The men were quietly talking to each other, when they saw her; they stared at her in surprise. She took a deep breath like a swimmer before diving into the abyss and heading towards the place of honor for the king. The looks of those present became even more surprised. She sat down gravely in the king’s place. Those present fell silent, watching her in surprise. She whispered to the advisor that she was sitting next to her. That today, by order of the king. The meeting will be chaired by her. He shook his head, professionally maintaining composure and announced this to everyone present in the hall. There was a booming whisper like a swarm of flies. Showing how they could not agree with this. Realizing that she must do something. Poitiers rose resolutely and importantly from her seat, or rather from the seat of the king. She raised her hand sharply, attracting their attention and spoke loudly and clearly.

Gentlemen, let’s start the meeting! Thus suppressing their hum.

And sat down in her seat again. The meeting began. It went on for two long hours! Fortunately, there was an adviser nearby who knew his business. She didn’t really understand what they were talking about and what exactly they were talking about. At the same time, pretending to be important, as if she understood every word. But the essence is still, she caught. They provided tax reporting on the use of royal lands.

It was about tax payments to the state treasury. The meeting was about this. In the reports, everything was described in detail, providing the final amount. At first, orally in reports, a detailed report was attached to this, on papers. Signature and seal, which the king should have put. Some of the noblest and richest nobles from all over France took part in the reports. In general, the Minister of Finance followed this all. It was more paper for bookkeepers, bookkeeping. By the end of the meeting, a large pile of papers had gathered, which Diana did not understand at all. After everyone finished reading their reports. The meeting was over. What the same advisor announced. A pile of papers lay in front of her. She stood up saying. That all the papers will be handed over to the king. Having said goodbye to those present with a bow of her head, she left the hall, heading to where she had left Henry. Carrying under his arm, an impressive pile of papers. Refusing the help of the adviser and the secretary, who wanted to bring the papers to the king? She found Henry bored.

What have you been doing there for so long?! He was surprised.

Seeing a pile of papers in her hands, he said.

Get it over here, I’ll put my seal.

And he added indignantly.

And why are you carrying them yourself?!

Why are there, I wonder, the councilor and the secretary! He muttered angrily.

But she withdrew her hand with the papers.

What?! She was surprised.

Are you going to approve all this?!

Well, of course I’m going to approve that. Heinrich answered.

Let’s get it over with, Diana. He added, reaching out his hand again for the papers.

But you haven’t even checked them! She said, surprised.

He sighed and said.

My dear Diana. Do you know how many of these papers I have to stamp?

I can’t check them all.

I have ministers for this.

Sometimes, yes. The royal lands are fully tested, audited.

But as I told you, my ministers are in charge.

She was surprised and answered.

But if they rob you?!

How do you know?

Heinrich smiled, grinning.

My dear. Yes, I’m even sure of that!

But I can’t keep track of everyone, unfortunately.

Plus, I don’t think they are writing off large amounts.

It is simply impossible to check everyone all the time.

Poitier responded to this.

Heinrich let me see it through to the end, since you let me start.

He looked at her in surprise.

So what are you going to do? He asked.

Check them out! She answered seriously.

He smiled.
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