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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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She told everything to one of her close ladies.

She said.

Alas! I regretted seeing what I shouldn’t have!

And, it hurt me.

Catherine realized that Henry was lost to her forever. Never again did she use the hole in the ceiling of the hated Poitiers’ chambers.

Later, she wrote to her daughter: «I welcomed you, Madame de Poitiers, for the king forced me to do this. And at the same time, I always made her feel that I was doing this, to my greatest regret, because never a wife who loves her husband loved his whore! Otherwise, I cannot name it. As if, the persons of our position, it was not painful to pronounce such words. «The Queen even made plans. In order to poison the hated favorite, but the anger of the king in this case. And he would be such that Catherine was even scared to imagine. Stopped her. In general, the Medici’s hatred of Poitiers was overwhelming.

Meanwhile, Poitiers was talked about at court and beyond.

She is more than a queen!

Henry soon learned that the Medici was watching him and Diana. He did nothing against it and did not even punish the lady who accompanied the Medici. Although he knew that the Duchess de Montpensier acted as the queen’s confidant in this episode, and she blabbed about the incident to other maids of honor. Such a contemptuous inaction was perceived at court as a very cruel revenge on the queen.

But, one enemy for Poitiers at court was not enough. Returned after a long absence, one of the king’s close relatives. The person is influential and very rich. He disliked Poitiers at first sight. When Heinrich introduced Poitiers to him, he burned her with an arrogant look, looking down at her and considering her unworthy, neither of his origin, much less of a king. He accepted this acquaintance rather dryly and coldly. Heinrich did not have sympathy for his relative, but was kind to him. Because, otherwise I simply could not. The royal blood that flowed in both veins tightly bound them with invisible ties of kinship. Making him an inviolable person in the state. Which he undoubtedly knew. Allowing yourself liberties that no one else could. Once, at a feast in a drunken stupor. He called Poitiers, an upstart! Not particularly high-born. What was completely wrong.

Diane de Poitiers was from a very ancient, noble family and was always proud and remembered about it. But this rascal was not interested. He wanted to humiliate her. Diana learned about his statements about her later. And as always, it happens in such cases. It is worth saying something once, in one place of the state, as it will be heard on the other side of the country, passing it on from mouth to mouth. So, oh, his unflattering statements about her, everyone learned. The same feeling of hatred that she felt for her late husband, she now felt in relation to him. He also spoke about her in a humiliating manner. Hatred flared up in her again, directed at a relative of Heinrich. He reminded her that the time of her marriage, full of humiliation, for her allegedly not high position. It was believed by people like her husband and this hated, arrogant, scoundrel. Which, she hated, even more, because he reminded her of this. A relative of the king seems to have been imbued with the same hatred for her. Do not forget to pour mud on it wherever I have been. Poitiers, told Henry about it. Oh, the vile speeches that his relative conducts in relation to her. Heinrich sighed. Shaking his head. Knowing your relative.

Diana dear.

Never mind his drunken chatter.

He always had a dirty tongue.

I’ll talk to him and let him know that he doesn’t dare to speak out about you in a similar tone.

He has always been obnoxious.

But, and after the conversation of Henry, the king himself! It seemed to this scoundrel that everything was overwhelming. He did not stop slandering. Henry, seeing that Diana, nevertheless, takes everything to heart. He spoke.


Maybe I should pierce him with my sword!

Believe me, I would, with pleasure!

But, damn it, we are kin!

It would be great, Heinrich! Diana answered.

And you know, my dear, let’s make you a duchess! He chuckled.

Let’s see what then, he says!

She roused herself happily.

Heinrich, will you grant me the title of Duchess?! Poitiers was delighted.

He shrugged.

Who, if not kings, bestow titles? My dear, Diana. He smiled at her.

Ah, me, king! If, you have not forgotten.

She laughed.

No, I haven’t forgotten!

You, my beloved king!

So the king continued.


You will be the Duchess!

Then, my precious relative, there will be no reason to spoil your mood!

Jumping up for joy, Poitiers literally fluttered into his lap, hugging Heinrich by the neck.


Will you do it?!

He smiled.

Of course, my dear.

See, you are smiling again!

Your smile is worth a kingdom!

She blissfully narrowed her eyes, imagining a face, a bastard! When, he learns that the king, raised her to a higher level! She burst out laughing!

Why are you laughing? My dear. The king asked her, smiling.

She exhaled with even greater bliss.

I see the twisted face of your relative!

When he finds out the news.

Heinrich raised an eyebrow and grinned.

Yes, I think he’ll be furious, now Henry himself laughed.
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