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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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She had been expecting an attack from Poitiers from the very first day that Henry was crowned and he became king. But, to her surprise, Poitiers did not show any interest in her.

De Tamp was embarrassed by this strange phenomenon, but in the end decided that Poitiers, reveling in her sudden ascent, forgot about her. De Tamp, however, after the unexpected death of Francis, was immediately forgotten and abandoned by everyone and was left alone. She tried not to catch the eye of Poitiers. Hoping that Diana had completely forgotten about her. And she was already beginning to believe that the storm had passed. As unexpectedly, one sunny, beautiful morning there was a knock on her door. Her servant brought her a gift given by someone. She was very surprised. The painting turned out to be a gift. It was accompanied by a small, elegant letter. Taking it in her hands, de Tamp felt a delicate aroma emanating from him and recognized the small seal, at the house of de Brese, she immediately went cold. With shaking hands, she opened the letter.

It was written in beautiful, clear and graceful handwriting: «To my dearest friend, Mademoiselle de Tamp. With tender love, please accept this gift. In honor that your dearest friend remembers you. «Signed, Countess de Brese.

Unpleasant chills creped down de Tampa’s body. This did not bode well for her. She walked over to the painting and angrily ripped off the fabric in which it was wrapped. A boring and rather tasteless, even ugly still life appeared before her eyes. She grimaced in disgust, but before she knew it, Poitiers fluttered into her room without knocking. De Tamp was taken aback, staring stupidly at the hated Poitiers. But, Poitiers did not stop, quickly walked to her meeting, opening her arms and smiling cheerfully.

Oh my dear friend! Diana sang to her voices. And she came close to de Tamp, hugged her and kissed her on both cheeks, which became paler than the whitest wall.

Poitiers hugged de Tamp so tightly that she was afraid that Poitiers might come to strangle her. But, at some point, Diana still released her, from the steel embrace. With a cheerful cry, she rushed to the picture.

Oh my god! My dear! Poitiers spoke in her sweet voice, as if in a chant. Stretching out every word as if enjoying.

Do you like my gift?

Isn’t he wonderful?

She seemed to be looking at the ugly picture with pleasure.

You know. As soon as I saw this miracle. I immediately remembered about you. Poitiers continued with enthusiasm.

This beautiful painting reminded me of you, my dear!

Poitiers did not take her eyes off the nightmarish still life. Reverently bringing her hands together in front, as if praying, she said.

I thought it might not suit you and your taste.

Diana continued, turning sharply and looking at de Tamp. Her eyes rested on de Tamp, white as a wall. But Poitiers did not calm down, clearly enjoying herself. Quickly, like a cat toss, she walked over to de Tamp and grabbed her hand. From what she had a nervous tic.

Don’t you like it? Frightened and feigned, asked Poitiers.

Oh my god! Don’t blame me!

You know, I’m not as expert in painting as you are. Poitiers continued her torture without allowing de Tamp to answer. Diana continued cheerfully.

You know, I can’t wait. When it’s a miracle. She waved her hand lazily in the direction of the ugly picture. Without taking his eyes off his victim. Like a huge python. She continued.

She will add to your wonderful art gallery on your estate.

De Tamp thought she was about to faint. Diana smiled at her pretend to be naive, still not taking her eyes off her.De Tamp was dizzy. She felt uneasy. Poitiers’ dark brown eyes, in the rays of sunlight beating through the window, suddenly lit up for a moment with yellow lights and became like the eyes of a giant cat watching a mouse, which it holds by its tail. The next minute, going to bite off that head. De Tamp shuddered, trying to stagger away from Poitiers, but the next moment she grabbed her hand again, squeezing her wrist tightly. She smiled sweetly at her. De Tamp had no strength left to pull them out. She twisted her leg and tried not to fall at Poitiers’ feet. Diana smiled, staring at de Tamp with the almost predatory, carnivorous gaze of the hungry cat.

She continued in a chant.

You know what?!

You will leave tonight!

And tomorrow. My wonderful gift. And also, your paintings, which I ordered to be removed in the royal gallery. These were exactly the pictures that de Tamp painted when she was a favorite and adorned the royal gallery. Diana took them off a long time ago, out of sight. She continued.

They will decorate your gallery in your mansion along with my present!

It will be, perhaps, the most worthy and best decoration! She finished almost solemnly, still devouring her victim with her eyes and enjoying her agony. De Tamp weakly tried to escape with the last of her strength. In despair, realizing that Poitiers expels her. She blurted out.

What about His Majesty the King?!

I must inform the king of my departure! Weak, de Tamp said. Trying not to faint. Diana finally released her victim from her tenacious paws, interrupted her.

Ah, my dear. You have nothing to worry about.

I have already discussed everything with His Majesty the King.

He, believe me, is just delighted with my gift!

She blissfully turned her gaze to the ugly painting. She added slowly, in a chant, as if she were singing a song

Oh, how she suits you!

Then she started, as if remembering something.

Oh my god! Honey, it’s time for me to run! She hurried to add.

So tonight.

Don’t forget!

De Tamp tried to say something else, but Diana interrupted her.

And don’t argue, honey! All is decided! Fun, Diana added.

You are leaving tonight!

I, alas, will not come to see you off.

Business, you know.

And tomorrow you will have my present at your estate! She said, and after a pause, finished firmly in the affirmative.

Yes! As if to herself. Still looking in awe at his gift.

And without waiting for an answer, she swam to the exit, rustling her skirts. She had already left, but the edge of her skirt was still slowly creeping into the doorway after her.

Like the tail of a huge snake! A thought flashed across de Tampa’s mind. And she collapsed exhausted on the couch that was next to her. Screaming out hopelessly and trembling all over.


Damn snake!!! And she burst into tears.

De Tamp was expelled from Paris and removed from the court forever. What happened to Poet’s gift, a painting, is unknown to anyone except de Tamp herself.
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