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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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Miracle broth

But, she was not allowed to sleep. There was a knock on the door. A small letter was handed over to her. The letter was from Henry. He wrote: «that he seems to have become worse, and he is thrown into a fever, and it seems that he is dying at all. And his last wish is to see her. «She read the message and laughed heartily.

On death!

Oh my God!

You need at least a dozen boars for you!

My dear Henry.

She sang. Talking to herself and laughed heartily. She stood for a moment in thought. And I decided to go to his chambers. The messenger waited outside the door for an answer.

Tell His Highness that I cannot refuse the patient’s request and will certainly visit him.

She thought and said.

An hour later.

Yes, she added, I’ll be with His Highness in an hour.

The Messenger bowed and disappeared into the hallways of the palace. An hour later she was at the door of Heinrich’s chambers. Knocking lightly on the door. It was opened by the same servant who brought the letter. She went into the room. The servant disappeared through the door, leaving them alone. She went into the room, where she found Heinrich writing another letter. The paper lay next to him on the bed.

What are you writing? She asked.

He looked up.

I was going to write you the next message in case you don’t come.

What if I hadn’t come back then? Smiling, she asked.

Then, I would send you letters all night. He answered.

He put aside the paper on which he was writing the next message.

Well, this is no longer needed, you are already here.

She was standing next to his bed.

So you’re dying? She said smiling.

He smiled back at her.

I’m feeling better, Henry replied.

How is your leg? Diana continued.

Oh, no big deal, he started, it was.

Then I caught myself.

Oh terribly bad! And he began to moan feignedly.

Oh! Such a pain! He said. Theatrically widening his eyes and making a grimace. Pretending torment. Fixing a painful gaze at the ceiling and holding out his hands to her.

Well, sit down next to me, otherwise I will definitely die! He continued this farce.

She sat down next to him on the edge of his bed. She shook her head. She looked at him seriously and asked.

So, is your leg still?

Maybe you can answer?

He looked at her merrily, with his dark eyes, said.

I already said. And I wanted to repeat my theatrical monologue, which I said earlier.

But she stopped him. Throwing his eyebrows up. And waiting for an intelligible answer.

He looked at her. Realizing that his monologue is not accepted. And she expects seriousness from him. He just said.

It’s just nothing, my dear Diana.

You are right, there is nothing to worry about, and I assure you.

In less than a week. And I’ll be on my feet again. And he smiled. {{1 Week!

Oh my God!


You’ve got a wound all over your leg!

What are you talking about!

Right, madam. You will see for yourself. In a week, I will be on my feet, as if nothing had happened. Believe me. He answered laughing.

That damn boar just scratched me a little, that’s all.

In fact, the boar inflicted a severe wound on Henry. They ripped like a razor skin and meat all over the leg, up to the thigh, and only miraculously without touching the arteries, which could threaten Henry with inevitable death! Henry bore this scar, left on that day by the monster for the rest of his life. Poitiers said with a serious face.

I’ll bring you some broth tomorrow. He will put you on your feet and restore your strength. Not listening to his chatter about scratches and knowing that if she does not take care that Heinrich drinks the miracle broth, and then he himself will not do it for anything. Diana sincerely believed that a good broth is the best remedy for any ailment!

I will drink your broth on one condition.

If you yourself will spoon-feed me with it!

Raising his finger up, Heinrich spoke. Laughing and having fun.
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