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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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She might pass for a ghost! He said.

He was already having fun and laughing heartily. Hearing about the prospect of de Tamp living in a green swamp. Diana could not resist and laughed merrily with Heinrich. This idea was very to her liking.

Heinrich, really, how cute you are. She said laughing and kissing him on the cheek. He stopped laughing. He looked at her silently, with eyes full of adoration and added.

Well, since you like deer, I invite you to hunt. He said.


Hunting?! Diana was surprised.

She was not a fan of the kind of hunting that was done at court. When an unfortunate animal is driven into a trap from all sides and simply deprived of its opportunity to escape. She thought it was a disgusting, unfair murder!

Whether it was, when she went hunting with her father a long time ago. Nobody drove the beast. The hunter and the beast were equal. And the one who turns out to be better was decided only by who turns out to be more cunning, more agile, well, or faster. If the beast, then he will not be caught, if the hunter, then the prey will be his. This is the only hunt she respected.

Such a hunter earned her respect. And Heinrich was just such a hunter. He did not recognize any other hunt. He needed a fair fight! In such a hunt, the beast and the hunter were on equal terms. The hunters themselves could be injured by the beast, or they could even die.

Diana remembered that she did not have a suitable horse for hunting and told Henry about it.

Sheer trifle, said Heinrich, taking her hand.

Come on, honey.

He walked, with his brisk step, dragging her along and heading towards the stables.

Approaching the royal stables, he paused and waved his hand theatrically to indicate the horses in the stalls.

Choose whichever one you like, he said.

Hunt tomorrow morning. I leave you while you make your choice.

Take your time, he added.

And kissing her hand, he departed, with the same quick, confident gait.

She entered the stable accompanied by the old groom. And her heart sank with delight. Never before had she seen so many magnificent, purebred beauties of various stripes and breeds. Her heart was beating with joy so that she heard his pounding in her ears. She walked along the stall. But, the horses were one better than the other. She walked around, as if spellbound and could not make a choice. Suddenly she stopped, seeing a smoky handsome man. The stallion was with thin, long legs and a thin, outlined graceful head, with a powerful and at the same time graceful chest. He pricked up his pointed ears at the sight of Diana and widened his nostrils, frowning unkindly. Arrogantly, as if looking down at her, snorting disdainfully. Like telling her to get away. She gasped at his beauty. She turned, like a small child, at the sight of the desired toy to the old groom.

Saddle this one! She exclaimed, almost clapping her hands in delight.

The old man served in the royal stable as a groom for many years, almost all his life. And as often happens with old faithful servants, he could afford what other servants could not even imagine. For example, protest this lady. He furrowed his brows in displeasure.

No way. The old man answered not quite.

Poitier furrowed her eyebrows. Trying to make her look as strict as possible and giving herself a special menacingness, she stamped her foot.

Didn’t you hear what you were ordered?! Or are you deaf?!

His Highness the Prince has ordered you to saddle any horse I please!

I tell you saddle this one! And don’t argue with me! Diana was indignant.

But it seems that the old servant of the royal stable did not want to surrender without a fight.

I tell you madam, you can’t saddle this. He sighed, trying to get rid of her like an annoying fly.

This time, her eyebrows moved even more on the bridge of her nose. The old man, seeing that the lady was not going to retreat, sighed.

It is impossible, madam, because this is a stallion of His Highness Prince Henry. He only hunts on it and drives. The old man tried the last try.

Okay, I understand. Irritated, Poitiers added. Trying to pretend not to lose this battle to the malevolent old groom.

Okay, then I’ll pick another horse to hunt, she didn’t quit.

Now saddle this one. I want to ride it now

But the old man was clearly not going to surrender.

Not as bad as it gets, madam.

He is not accustomed to the female saddle.

With malice and undisguised malice, he added as if he had already won this difficult battle. She shot him with narrowed eyes like arrows and added with even greater malice in her voice.

And you saddle man! Gloomy, she sang.

What are you talking about, madam! The old man was taken aback.

This is how!

Would you like to ride like a man?!

Not decent, after all, God have mercy on you, madam! As if he didn’t believe her, the unfortunate groom cried out.

Yes, and you will die, you madam, by God! It’s a gray devil, not a stallion! Only his Highness the Prince is dealing with him! After all, this devil does not admit anyone else.

You will die, and then I will answer. The old man lamented. Trying with the last bit of strength to reason with Poitiers.

Saddle up! Told you! Poitiers screamed, losing her temper and making a formidable face.

Rejoicing in my soul that such a difficult battle with the groom will end in her favor. The old man finally gave up and went to get the saddle.

And where did you come from on my head. The old man muttered under his breath, putting the saddle on the handsome gray man.

Kill you!

Oh, kill yourself!

Answer me.
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