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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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See you tomorrow, my dear, Diana.

Quickly, he walked away without changing his mind.

Early the next morning. The courtiers gathered to hunt. The men were in a state of some kind of nervous excitement, the women were full of their magnificent riding costumes, adorned with jewelry and gilded embroidery.

Diana sat on her ginger mare. She was dressed in a riding suit, the color of a gorgeous dark green pool or a deep lake in the woods. The riding suit was made of fine velvet.

The top of the suit was embroidered with fine emeralds and gold thread. The image was complemented by a wonderful headdress with magnificent feathers to match the suit and gloves of the same color. In the ears sparkled beautiful earrings with the purest emeralds, complementing the whole image. The hair was beautifully collected in a hairdo and only a few black curls fell on the sides, from which the emeralds on Poitiers’ earrings sparkled even more. Poitiers, like a fabulous forest nymph, sparkled in the sun, the color of green forest lakes. She was still sulking at Heinrich for the stupid horse that he slipped into her. The mare had a really calm disposition, as Heinrich put it. So Poitiers is a horse that always reached for the juicy leaves of every bush they passed by, definitely resembled a cow. Diana saw Heinrich. It was as if he had been replaced! He radiated nervous energy. I could not at all resist in one place. He spoke loudly and joked with other men. Tossing like a whirlwind between them on his magnificent stallion from side to side and swinging in different directions with his arms, like wings, and swinging his legs, as if he was going to run somewhere. His stallion was just as excited. He whinnied nervously, flaring his nostrils, and with impatience now and then, rearing up. Both of them, as if they could not wait for the wild pursuit of the unfortunate prey. The ladies now and then threw their meaningful glances at him. He was dressed in a magnificent hunting suit that was hardly embroidered in gold, which was strange for his rank as a prince. Heinrich preferred to dress more like a soldier than like a prince, and he hated all these ruffles and embroidery. His hunting boots gleamed with purity and gilded spurs. And his whole appearance was rather formidable. His stallion was adorned with an elegant blanket and sparkled in the sun, not yielding to the owner. But, the eyes sparkled most of all in both!

Heinrich was just great! And more like a corsair on his handsome, smoky horse breathing fire. Poitiers was amazed at such a striking change in him! After all, Henry was usually a rather calm young man. And he was so strikingly different now! He looked like some incredibly charming robber who thundered with his, as it turned out, a rather loud voice. Since he usually spoke calmly and quietly. Diana could not even imagine that his voice could thunder like thunder, shaking everything around! And flashing eyes like lightning. He saw her in the crowd and smiled at her, greeting her and blowing a kiss to her, ignoring the surrounding crowd, embarrassing her with this. Arousing the envious glances of many ladies. Diana lifted her chin arrogantly up, pretending not to notice the women looking at her enviously. Delano snorted as if an annoying fly were flying over her. The sound of a bugle rang out. The dogs howled happily when they recognized the hunt signal! Heinrich jerked off first, as if there was a miracle spring in his stallion. All the others rushed after him. Horses, people and dogs all mixed up in a noisy crowd, hounds and people urging their horses on. Diana was in the last ranks, among the laggards. Her calm, as Heinrich put it, a mare. It seemed that she did not know at all what a gallop was and was not going to learn it even now. Finally, she lagged behind and completely from the whole crowd, chipping all her legs on the sides of the stubborn animal. Poitiers, at the end, exhausted, urging her red horse on, gave up completely. She finally realized that this case was useless. The horse was not going to run! Behind some kind of crowd. She lowered the reins, realizing that she would no longer catch up with anyone. She gave the mare freedom, and she wasted no time in vain, reached for the first bush that came, began to lazily chew the leaves. Poitiers sighed.

You are not a horse! She spoke.

You’re just a cow!

What a fool put you in the stable!

You really belong in the barn! She scolded her redhead.

But, the animal seemed completely indifferent to such accusations.

Horses are running! If you didn’t know. Diana continued.

But, redhead, as if accepting that she is a cow. She reached for a portion of the leaves again, lazily chewing on the treat.

Ah, Diana sighed. Hearing the sound of the hunt receding. The noise of the bugle, the barking of dogs and the neighing of horses became quieter and quieter. She realized that she could not catch up with them, sighed again, looking around. Everywhere there was the scent of the forest, the buzzing of all kinds of bugs and bumblebees, the chirping of forest birds in different ways. A squirrel flashed in the branches of a tree, sitting on a trunk and with curiosity began to examine the uninvited guests. She lowered the reins, giving free rein to her mare to go wherever she pleases, and delighting admiring the surrounding beauty, enjoying the fresh air. Her redhead walked forward, feeling freedom.

Poitiers didn’t care to guide her.

She wandered this way through the forest for a while. Her horse went out into a small meadow covered with greenery and flowers. The mare stopped and began gnawing at the nearest bush.

Suddenly Diana heard a dull thud and the crunch of breaking branches on the other side of the forest. A moment later, a huge boar suddenly jumped out from there. The monster was huge with bloodshot eyes and large yellow fangs. A piece of a broken dart was stuck in his side, the beast was wounded. Poitiers, as if hypnotized, could not take her eyes off the monster, frozen in place. Her horse stopped chewing, staring blankly at the boar. Perhaps, if Diana had gotten a more agile animal, and not this red mare, then most likely she would have given dry. But, unfortunately, her mare turned out to be thinking for a long time. Diana herself froze in place, doing nothing. So they stood her and her horse. Foolishly staring at the huge boar opposite, and not the one, not the other, did not think to run. The boar froze only for a moment, seeing them, but in the next instant, with a belligerent wheeze and pressing his fangs closer to the ground, he was about to rush at both. But, he was prevented by a terrible crash and crash in the bushes nearby. The boar turned sharply at the noise. The noise finally brought Diana out of her mortal stupor. Heinrich flew out to the edge of the forest all the way, on his smoky one. Smoky was covered in foam and leaves. Smokey’s eyes burned with red fire, his nostrils widened, he snorted menacingly. Heinrich, like his stallion, was also covered in leaves. His eyes, like those of his horse, burned with the same fire.

It all happened so quickly that she didn’t have time to recover. Heinrich jumped out of the saddle at full gallop, jumping straight onto the back of the monster. A dagger blade flashed in the sunlight. And both of them, Heinrich and the boar, rolled head over heels over the leaves and the ground in a deadly ball. The boar roared terribly, and a moment later, issuing a monstrous howl, the monster trembled and froze. Heinrich was not visible, he was under the boar. They both did not move. Diana finally woke up completely. Her heart sank and beat so desperately that it became difficult to breathe.

God! He is dead! A nightmarish thought flashed through.

She quickly jumped from the saddle down to the ground.

Her redhead also woke up, and smelling the smell of blood in horror, she whinnied, rearing up and rushing as fast as she could. Poitiers ran to the boar trying to make out Heinrich. Her heart was pounding wildly, tap dancing in her chest. Heinrich was crushed by the carcass of a wild boar. But, here he began to stir and, throwing aside the carcass of the boar, which he was crushed by, lay down next to the boar, leaning his elbows on its carcass, as if on the back of a chair. She watched his actions, dumbfounded.

And he!

He was smiling!

All stained with the blood of a defeated animal, mixed with foliage and earth. He smiled at her. Anger seized her.

Are you crazy?! She cried out, unable to contain herself.

Do you always attack wild animals with your bare hands?!

You really hoped to strangle him?!

The monster almost killed you! She finished, annoyed.

He laughed loudly and abruptly, catching a breath that still hadn’t come back to normal after a deadly hug with a boar.

Are you madam? He parried, cheerfully.

Always stay in place like a statue? And do not try to escape when you see a wounded, and I want to note, an extremely dangerous wild boar.

Or did you intend to greet him kindly? He finished, clearly enjoying their conversation.

And continuing to smile contentedly, he looked at her confused look. He continued almost seriously, but with the same note of sarcasm.

I guess I should have waited for him to charge you?

She was taken aback. Not finding what to answer him. Indeed, it was true; it was incredibly stupid that she did not rush away from this monster as soon as she noticed him. And if Heinrich had not appeared so on time. The boar would no doubt rush at her. Not finding anything to say to him, she just flapped her eyelashes. She looked so confused that he could not resist and laughed heartily. And then she noticed that his leg was bleeding.

Oh my God! She screamed.

You are injured!

She sat down beside him to help and, trying to examine his wound, eyes full of sympathy, compassion and fear.

Nonsense, he waved it off.

Scratch. Diana, you shouldn’t be so worried. He smiled sweetly at her.

Everything heals very quickly on me.

You need to be bandaged! You will lose a lot of blood! Poitiers did not agree with him.

She already wanted to put her words into action. Suddenly there was a noise and crackling nearby in the bush. And in the next instant, riders of a man and a woman, as well as their dogs, flew into the clearing. Seeing the defeated boar, and next to him the wounded Henry, the men rushed to the prince in a hurry to help. In the next instant, they tightened and bandaged his wound. Women sitting side by side on their horses and groaned. Continuing to cast loving glances towards the prince.

Ah! Poor thing!

He looks badly injured! They whispered.

The whole crowd pushed Poitiers aside. She watched in silence. The men made something like a stretcher for Henry. They lamented about how close they were to the boar, and a little more and the prey would be in their hands. Talking about how Heinrich beat everyone up again and took the loot. Heinrich reassured them. Saying that they might be lucky next time they hunt. But, clearly not going to give in to anyone next time. And suddenly, he said loudly, looking for Diana with his eyes among the crowd.

No gentlemen!

I wouldn’t have been able to catch him myself if it weren’t for Madame de Poitiers!

She’s a great hunter!

The beast runs towards it!
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